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Shapes Galore: A Fun Book for Learning Shapes!

Explore various shapes in this colorful book by Sarah Hung. From circles to stars, find shapes everywhere. Create your own pictures using triangles, squares, stars, and more. Learn while having fun!

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Shapes Galore: A Fun Book for Learning Shapes!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What shape is it? By Sarah Hung

  2. I see circles.

  3. I see rectangles.

  4. I see triangles.

  5. What shape do you see? I see a triangle. I see a rectangle. I see a square.

  6. What shape do you see? I see a circle. I see a star. I see a diamond.

  7. What shapes do you see? I see circles. I see stars. I see diamonds.

  8. What shapes do you see? What shape do you see?

  9. What shape do you see? I see a star.

  10. What shapes do you see? I see triangles.

  11. What shapes do you see? I see one square, one star, and two triangles.

  12. boat I can make a _____ with one _______ and three__________. retangle triangles

  13. bus I can make a _____ with four _______ and four__________. retangles circles

  14. pencil I can make a _____ with three _______ and one __________. retangles triangle

  15. castle I can make a _____ with two _______, four _________ and five __________. triangles rectangles squares

  16. Everything comes in different shapes. the shape of pencils the shape of boats the shape of stars

  17. Now, it’s your turn. Try to make a picture with shapes. 試試看, 也用各種形狀組成一個可愛的圖形吧!

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