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Skill with people

Understanding people simply involves recognizing people for what they are; not what you think they are, nor what you want them to be People are 10,000 times more interested in themselves than you!!

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Skill with people

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  2. 83% through SIGHT Human Insight #1 11% through HEARING 3.5% through SMELL How We Learn and buy 1.5% through TOUCH 1% through TASTE

  3. 10% of what we READ 20% of what we HEAR Human Insight #2 30% of what we SEE How 50% of what we SEE and HEAR WeRetain Information 70% of what we SAY AS WE TALK 90% of what we SAY AS WE DO A THING

  4. Human Insight #3 Method of Instruction Recall 3 Hours Later Recall DAYS Later 70% 10% Telling Alone 72% 29% Showing Alone 85% 65% Blend of Show and Tell

  5. Step 1: Human Nature Step 1: Human Nature Understanding people simply involves recognizing people for what they are; not what you think they are, nor what you want them to be People are 10,000 times more interested in themselves than you!! The dominate thought in charity is the satisfaction or pleasure the giver gets from giving, not the good the gift will do

  6. Step 2: Talk to People Give up the satisfaction YOU get from talking about YOURSELF, and that You get from the use of the words, “I, Me, My, Mine”, Remove these 4 words from your vocabulary: Substitute with “You” • “I, Me, My, Mine” Your personality efficiency and Your influence and power will be greatly increased! People love to talk about themselves-so ask them about themselves!

  7. The most universal trait of mankind, a trait you and everybody else has-(a trait so strong that it makes people do the things that they do), good and bad-is the desire to be important, the desire to be recognized No one wants to be treated as a nobody, and when they are ignored or talked down to, they are being treated as just that / Step 3: Make Others Feel Important Make Others Feel Important

  8. Step 3: How to People Feel Important Listen Applaud and compliment Use their name Pause before you answer (see skill 5) Pay attention to everyone in the group Use “You” and “Your” Acknowledge people

  9. Step 4: Skillfully Agreeing 1 2 The single most important step you can take to be skillful in human relations is to master the Art of Being Agreeable Anyone can disagree, it takes a wise person to agree-even if the other person is wrong!

  10. Step 4: Skillfully Agreeing Do not tell them you disagree, unless absolutely necessary Learn to be agreeable, to agree with people Tell people you agree with them Admit when you are wrong Refrain from arguing Handle fighters properly

  11. Step 5: Listening The more listening you do, the smarter you will become, the better you will be liked, and the better conversationalist you will be A Good Listener ALWAYS winds up far ahead of a good talker

  12. 5 Rules to be a good listener 1. Look at the person who is talking 2. Lean toward the speaker and listen intently 3. Ask questions 4. Stick to the person’s subject and don’t interrupt 5. Use the words – “You” and “Your” Courtesy pays

  13. The first BIG step to getting people to do what you want them to do is to find out what will make them do it (what they want) If you know WHAT moves people-You’ll know HOW to move them Step 6: Influence Don’t assume others want what you want

  14. Show them how they can get what they want by doing what you want them to do Tell them about what they want Step 6: Influence A want is safety and security- IUL fills that need

  15. People are skeptical of you and what you say • Are you Capable of Leading me at NLFA? • “The team is growing every day and people are making money.” So let someone else make a statement for you Step 7: Be Convincing “Speak quietly through third persons Quote people, relate success stories, use facts numbers and statistics

  16. Step 8: Help People Make Up Their Mind 4 Ways to get there 1. Give people reasons to say yes to you 2. Ask “Yes” questions 3. Give people a choice between 2 “yes” answers 4. Expect people to say “Yes” and like to say “Yes”

  17. Step 9: Set Moods in Others You can get Nine out of Ten people like you immediately Here’s How: ◦The first few seconds sets the tone of any relationship ◦People strongly tend to respond in kind to the behavior of other people ◦So Smile! Yes, smile first and most people will smile back!

  18. Step 10: Praising People A kind word or compliment can change a person’s whole day Say at least one kind thing to three people every day People do not live on bread alone! Be generous with your praise Praise the act, not the person Must be sincere

  19. Step 11: Skillfully Critique Others 7 Musts for success A successful critique lies in the spirit of the critique ◦ Absolute privacy and never in anger ◦ Always start with kind words and compliments ◦ Criticize the act, not the person ◦ Supply the answer ◦ Ask for cooperation, don’t demand it ◦ One criticism per offense ◦ Always end on a friendly note…this is the most important rule of the 7

  20. Step 12: Thanking People Show gratitude and appreciation to the parties that deserve it, they respond by giving even more The art of saying “thank you” Work at thanking people…this will be a great asset all through your life Mean it when you say it Say it clearly and distinctly Look at the people you thank Thank them by name

  21. Step 13: Make a Good Impression Be proud of who you are and your station in life, not conceited To a great extent, we control others opinions of us. If you want people to think well of you, admire you and respect you, you must give them the impression that you deserve that rating • “I’m just another insurance peddler” vs. • “I’m blessed enough to be associated with one of the finest companies in the country- New Life Financial Alliance

  22. Step 13: Make a Good Impression More ways to make a good impression ◦Be sincere ◦Show enthusiasm ◦Don’t be overanxious ◦Don’t build yourself up by running down others ◦Don’t knock anybody or anything

  23. Step 14: 5 Rules that will make you an interesting speaker ◦Know what you want to say ◦Say it and sit down ◦Look at the audience while you talk ◦Talk about what the audience is interested in ◦Don’t try and make a speech

  24. Step 15: Action 01 02 03 Knowledge itself is of no value Life does not pay off on what you can do Master the art of becoming • The use of knowledge is valuable interested vs interesting • Life pays off for you on what YOU do

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