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How to Make the Best Pizza

Pizza is a delicious food comes with many topping such as tomato, onion, capsicum etc with tomato sauce. Go through this presentation and know how to make the best pizza.<br>

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How to Make the Best Pizza

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How To Make The Best Pizza

  2. Firstly, start with dough. Make the quality dough with fine flour, milk, water and yeast, salt and olive oil with just a bit of sugar.

  3. When the yeast begins to grow, add more flour, salt, olive oil and, if necessary, water. The dough should be well packed and left in the warm place until its volume is doubled.

  4. Make the dough in a circular shape or keep thin in middle and thicker on the edges. Then it should be coated with tomato sauce.

  5. Sprinkle the dry oregano, add the cheese and other ingredients to your taste. Olive oil must be fragrant and virgin or the ratio of ingredients is perfectly aligned on the Pizza.

  6. How to Select The Right Pizza Oven

  7. Firstly, consider your requirements what you want. It depends on your needs portable or permanent oven.

  8. Portable ovens are perfect for backyards, on the other hand, the wood-burning oven is usually installed for indoor cooking.

  9. Next, you need to consider which type of chamber you require. Oven comes with two chambers, single or dual.

  10. Last is check the oven material. The common material used to make ovens are cast iron and stainless steel.

  11. Thank You!!!

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