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10 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=B09MF76T5D | [READ DOWNLOAD] One Person, One Vote: A Surprising History of Gerrymandering in America | A redistricting crisis is now upon us. This surprising, compelling book tells the history of how we got to this moment8212from the Founding Fathers to today8217s high-tech manipulation of election districts8212and shows us as well how to protect our most sacred, hard-fought principle of one person, one vote. Here is THE book on gerrymandering for citizens, politicians, journalists, activists, and voters.8220Seabrook8217s lucid account of the origins and evolution of gerrymandering8212the deliberate and partisan doctoring of district borders for electoral advantage8212makes a potentially dry, wonky subject accessible and engaging for a broad audience.8221 8212The New York TimesGerrymandering is the manipulation of election districts for partisan and political gain. Instead of voters picking the politicians they want, politicians pick the voters they need to get the election results they8217re after. Surprisingly, gerrymandering has been around since before our nation8217s founding. And with technology, those drawing the redistricting lines have, now more than ever, been able to microtarget their electoral manipulations with unprecedented levels of precision. Nick Seabrook, an authority on constitutional and election law and an expert on gerrymandering (pronounced with a hard G!), has written an illuminating, urgently needed book on how our elections have been rigged through redistricting, beginning with the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and Reconstruction, and extending to the twentieth century8217s gerrymandering battles at the Supreme Court and today8217s high-tech manipulations of election districts. Seabrook writes of Patrick Henry, who used redistricting to settle an old score with political foe and fellow Founding Father James Madison (almost preventing the Bill of Rights from happening). He writes of Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry, and corrects the mistaken notion of the derivation of the term 8220gerrymander.8221 He writes of Abraham Lincoln and how his desire to preserve the Union led him to manipulate the admission of new states in order to maintain his majority in the Senate. And we come to understand the place of the Supreme Court in its fierce battles regarding gerrymandering throughout the twentieth century. First was Felix Frankfurter, who fought for decades to prevent the judiciary from involving itself in disputes concerning the drawing of districts. Then came the Warren Court and its series of civil rights cases culminating in the landmark decision (Reynolds v. Sims), written by Chief Justice Earl Warren, which says that state legislatures, unlike the United States Congress, must have representation in both houses based on districts containing equal populations8212with redistricting as needed following each census. The result has been ever-increasing, hard-fought wrangling between the two political parties after each census. Seabrook explores the rise of the most partisan gerrymanders in American history, put into place by the Republican Party after the 2010 census, and how the battle has shifted to the states via REDMAP8212the GOP8217s successful strategy of the last decade to control state governments and rig the results of state legislative and congressional elections.<br>
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