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Land and Water Conservation Fund

Land and Water Conservation Fund. Land and Water Conservation Fund Supporting Community Recreation. Land and Water Conservation Fund Goals How it Works Funding Key Supporters.

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Land and Water Conservation Fund

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Land and Water Conservation Fund

  2. Land and Water Conservation Fund Supporting Community Recreation

  3. Land and Water Conservation FundGoalsHow it WorksFundingKey Supporters

  4. …local parks and open spaces are as significant to communities as national parks to the nationFran MainellaNPS Director

  5. LWCF Program GoalsState and local: -park development -recreation facility development -open space acquisitionStatewide recreation planning

  6. “to strengthen the health and vitality of the citizens of the United States…”- Public Law 88-578

  7. How it Works…1 fund, 2 programsFederal Side: land acquisition for BLM, NPS, USFS, and USFWSState Side: matching grants to statesfor statewide recreation planning, acquisition and development

  8. State Matching Grant ProgramAcquire land for parks and recreationBuild or improve recreation facilities Promote statewide recreation planning

  9. Funds allocated to States proportionally States select projects based on SCORP Protection in perpetuity —Section 6(f)(3) LWCF: 3 Key Provisions

  10. SCORP: achieving statewide goals …one project at a time Statewide goals for outdoor recreation Criteria for project selection Select individual projects

  11. Land and Water is Everywhere40 years…40,000 Projects1400 parks since 20002.5 million acres totalAlmost every county in the US $3.4 billion granted/$3.4 billion matched$6.8 billion total investment

  12. Supporting Local Recreation“I got my first hit at a park supported by the Land and Water Conservation Fund.”

  13. Supporting Local RecreationFund UsesSports and PlayfieldsTrails and BikepathsFishing and Hunting Boating / Swimming facilitiesCamping facilities …and more!

  14. Supporting Local Recreation…More Uses Community GardensAccessibility Improvements Winter Sports facilitiesPark Support facilitiesMany other eligible uses

  15. Supporting Local RecreationIneligible Fund Uses Primarily tourist or specator-oriented Professional sports facilities Indoor recreation facilitiesCommercial entertainment

  16. Accessing FundingContact State Liaison OfficerArrange for funding matchCreate local awareness

  17. Accessing Fundingwww.nps.gov/lwcf

  18. Key National SupportersAmericans for Our Heritage and Recreation (www.ahrinfo.org) National Recreation and Park Association (www.nrpa.org)

  19. Land and Water Conservation FundRecent Funding History$40 million 2000$89 million 2001$140 million 2002$94 million 2003$91 million 2004…strongly supported by President Bush.

  20. Questions?Contact:

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