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Imperialism in Asia. Ms. Rebecca SS9 2010. Do Now:. Why did Europeans want to take over land in Africa?. Why did Europeans want to take over land in Africa?. 3 main reasons Gain resources Gain power Social Darwinism. Same reasons!.
Imperialism in Asia Ms. Rebecca SS9 2010
Do Now: • Why did Europeans want to take over land in Africa?
Why did Europeans want to take over land in Africa? • 3 main reasons • Gain resources • Gain power • Social Darwinism
Same reasons! • Many of these reasons were also reasons that Europeans wanted to gain colonies in Asia. http://www.travelblog.org/pix/maps/asia.jpg
Natural Resources • Europeans wanted Asian natural resources to support their growing industries.
Trade • Europeans also wanted to have land in Asia because that would make it less expensive/easier for them to trade with other Asian countries like China and India.
Glory • Europeans, once again, believed that having more land in places like Asia would make them look more powerful.
Imperialism in India • Started with the British East India Company. In the 1600s, the company gained control over much of India.
Great Britain • ALSO unified India. It used to be many different states instead of one large country.
Changes the British made to India: • 1. Made English the official language • 2. Built roads, dams and hospitals • 3. Built more schools • Are these good things?
Changes the British made to India: • 1. Made English the official language • 2. Built roads, dams and hospitals • 3. Built more schools • How could these things be bad?
Hospitals • Caused people to live longer. The Indian population grew, as a result of more hospitals and made it so that there wasn’t enough food to feed the growing population. • Massive poverty
Cloth Industry • Indians used to make cloth by hand.
Cloth Industry • The English made cloth by using machines.
Cloth Industry • It was cheaper and easier for the British to make cloth so they could see their cloth in India for a lower price.
Cloth Industry • More people in India bought cheap British cloth and Indian cloth businesses suffered.
How did the British treat Indians? • British imperial leaders could be very mean to the Indian people.
Indians in the British army • Background: Indian men were part of a British colony. As a result, they were expected to fight for the British army.
Indians in the British army • BUT the British didn’t really respect Indian soldiers. They just wanted them to help the British win wars.
Example • Some Indians were Muslim • They don’t eat pork • Some British weapons required men to bite off parts of ammunition with their teeth to get it ready to fire. • This ammunition was held together with pork fat. • That means that Muslim Indians would be forced to bite pork (against their religious beliefs)
Example continued • Some Indian soldiers refused to use the ammunition with pork fat on it. • The British soldiers punished them (beat them) • The Indian solders were very upset about this total lack of respect for the Muslim religious beliefs so…….
Indian Revolt on 1857! • The Indian solders attacked the British soldiers who they had once fought for. • Sepoy Mutiny
Costly to both sides • Many British and Indian soldiers died in the fight. http://www.1857mutiny.com/wp-content/uploads/battle-betwa-mutiny-sepoy-1857-1858.jpg
Results • The British gave Indian officials more power to rule with respect for Indian culture. http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/thumbnail/226759/1/British-Officers-Indian-Army.jpg
Indians wanted more • They wanted self-rule like the British gave to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. http://www.bbinfocanada.com/cimages/canada_eng2.jpg
They also wanted independence • From British rule. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tWtGNWVDlTE/SoWvm8mkYHI/AAAAAAAADQg/tKt6XiGY3z4/s400/india-independence-day-picture-snap.jpg
Indians formed groups to push for independence • 1885- Hindu leaders formed the Indian National Congress (INC) • 1906- Muslim leaders formed the Muslim League
Imperialism in China • During the 1700s, British people LOVED Chinese tea and they bought a lot of Chinese things. China made a lot of money from this. http://www.visitourchina.com/images/guide/culture/tea.jpg
China didn’t want British stuff • The Chinese didn’t really have a demand from British goods. • The British were upset about this. They wanted to make money from the Chinese so, they decided to sell them something that wasn’t from Great Britain: opium.
Opium • Addictive drug grown especially in places like Afghanistan. • It was easy for the British to get from the middle east and sell to the Chinese for a huge profit.
Why did the Chinese want it? • The British only had to get Chinese people to try opium a few times before they got addicted and needed to buy more and more. http://breathewithme.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/drug-addiction.jpg
It worked! • The Chinese became addicted to opium and the British got rich selling it to them. http://sacu.org/OpiumAddicts.png
Chinese leaders were very upset • One official asked Queen Victoria from Great Britain to stop the opium trade. http://darlingofourage.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/queen_victoria_-_aged_66.jpg
The Queen didn’t stop the opium trade so….. • In 1839, war broke out between China and Great Britain. It was called the Opium War.
The Opium War • The British won the war because they had better weapons. http://www.japanfocus.org/data/opiumwar.jpg
The Treaty of Nanking • The war ended with the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. http://www.lessignets.com/signetsdiane/calendrier/images/aout/29/Treaty-of-nanking1617.jpg
Results of the Opium War: • The British forced the Chinese to open more port cities. • The Chinese gave the British control of Hong Kong. http://tech.mit.edu/V117/N29/hongkong.29.gif
Many Europeans came into China • European nations and Japan came into China. • They DIDN’T set up colonies or protectorates but they set up spheres of influence where they still had some impact of the people in the region. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9d/Spheres_of_influence.png
Sphere of Influence • Each foreign nation that came into China had some special trading rights.
What did this mean for China? • Many foreign powers controlled the Chinese economy.
Chinese people didn’t like this. • They wanted reform (change)
The Qing Dynasty • was in power in China during the time of the Opium War. But it had grown weak. http://www.nanpi.gov.cn/UploadFiles/200741591332917.jpg
Hong Xi Uquan • Was a man who led a rebellion to get rid of the Qing dynasty. • This rebellion was called: The Taiping Rebellion http://www.nanpi.gov.cn/UploadFiles/200741591332917.jpg
The Taiping Rebellion • Deadliest war of the 1800s. • Millions killed • Foreign powers helped end the rebellion in 1864 but the Qing Dynasty was weakened.
Imperialism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific • In Southeast Asia: • The French took over Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. All of these combined were called: French Indochina. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Indochine_fran%C3%A7aise_(1913).jpg
The British • Took over Burma (Myanmar today). http://www.travel-myanmar-all.com/pics/The%20British%20annexed%20Burma.jpg
The United States • Took over the Philippines. • The Philippines used to be ruled by the Spanish until the U.S. defeated the Spanish in 1898 during the Spanish American War. http://bakitwhy.com/bw-assets/images/philippines_american_flags.jpg
The United States • Also took over Hawaii and Guam.
The New Japan • In the early 1800s, the Japanese were unhappy with their government and wanted a change.