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f rank Change Comms Case Builder. How to Make the Case for Human Transformation During Business Transformation. Contents. Let Your Numbers Do the Talking: Business Transformation Stats & Sources Why Change Communications: Key Benefits for Key Team Members
frank Change Comms Case Builder How to Make the Case for Human Transformation During Business Transformation
Contents • Let Your Numbers Do the Talking: Business Transformation Stats & Sources • Why Change Communications: Key Benefits for Key Team Members • An Integrated Implementation Approach: How All Partners Fit Together • A Powerful People Perspective: PowerPoint Deck Starter Copy • Lead With Change Comms Business Benefits: Email Invitation Copy • Change Comms Thought Leadership: Additional Business Case Materials
1. Let the Numbers Do the Talking:Business TransformationStats & Sources
Challenge • As a change-communications champion, you’ll likely be pitching to a lot financial and technical people. • While they may intuitively appreciate the need for employee communications, their business side will often need the hard data to seal the deal. • How to Use This Tool • Match the stat to the resistance. Some are more positive – projecting future value. Many represent sub-optimized scenarios in which basic communications and collaboration did not occur during enterprise IT implementations. • The following page gives you a starter list to bolster your case. Add them for emphasis throughout your business case for change comms!
Stats and Sources • The need to lead change is growing, but our ability to do it is shrinking: 70% of organizational changes fail.- McKinsey & Company • 66% of organizations receive less than 50% or less of the expected ERP benefits • 63% of projects have exceeded their planned budgets; 72% have exceeded their planned durations • Organizational change management issues are #1 reason for implementation success or failure • - Panorama Consulting Solutions, “2014 ERP Report” • Companies with effective change management & communications are 3.5 times more likely to outperform industry peers. • - Towers Watson 2014 "Change and Communication ROI Study" • The biggest ERP challenges turn out to be not difficulties with hardware or software, but rather with the people involved in the process.- CIO.com, 2011; “How to Achieve Global ERP” • One of the causes of ERP implementation failure is poor project communications, which are a vital part of managing change in a corporate environment.- Rockford Consulting, “The 12 Cardinal Sins of ERP Implementation”An empowered, engaged workforce can realize 26% higher revenue per person.”- Bersin & Associates
2. Why Change Communications: Key Benefits for Key Team Members
Challenge • Enterprise IT implementations disrupt everyone’s regular routine. Anything to help keep the extra balls in the air is sure to be appreciated. Breaking down the change communications benefits by title can pay big dividends and … help you even make new friends. • How to Use This Tool • Use the next page as reference: a topline summary of how the value of change communications can flow to your colleagues in three key areas – CIO / Project Leads, Internal Communications Leaders and Organizational Change Management Professionals + your external implementation partners. • The summary is skewed toward frank change comms deliverables: but that’s intentional. • They’re based on our best-practice approach which should be your proposed model. However you ultimately choose to produce the communications, execute against our approach to deliver the highest value to each stakeholder. • You know the personalities in your organization best, so use these benefits as a place to begin … something to inspire a unique, customized list that’s as personal as possible for each decision-maker.
Change comms unique business value to: Change Communication Experts Internal Team External Team
3. An IntegratedImplementation Approach: How All Partners Fit Together
Challenge • Truth is, it takes a village to successfully transition organizations of all shapes, sizes and industries from one ERP, HCM or other enterprise tech platform to another. • The traditional model of tech vendor, systems integrator (SI) and client needs to be expanded to optimize the human transformation during the tech transformation. Thing is, most business leaders “Don’t know what they don’t know” about the value of this expanded team. • How to Use This Tool • Use the next three pages as a way to introduce how change management and change communication experts can join yor implementation team to deliver a deeper, more lasting transformation throughout the business. • First, begin with a view of “Traditional” vs. “Transformational” change approaches. • Next, explain how “change activation” experts are essential to accelerating engagement and adoption – not only of the technology, but of the larger business transformation in play. • Third, knock ‘em dead with a graphic that depicts the roles, responsibilities and added value of your broader, proposed team! This is the new, blended model the most innovative organizations in the world are using to optimize their business transformations.
Implementation Approaches Transformational FOCUS
Blended Approach for Real Change Activation • In partnership with a chosen Enterprise IT platform, System Integration & Change Management partners, we need branded communications, eventsand experiences that are: • Based in principles of external advertisingand marketing… • Able to educate and encourage employees to change their behavior… • Able to accelerate engagement & adoption – aka, project success… • This is Change Activation! • Tech • Culture • (Platform) • (SI / OCM Partners) • Brand New change comms partner
4. A Powerful People Perspective:PowerPoint Deck Starter Copy
Challenge • Business leaders understand technology investments. Many realize the need to re-align internal processes and practices to match the new tech. But the value of change communications? That can be new to a lot of senior-level decision-makers. And it’s not just the “soft stuff.” It can be a savior when the going gets really hard! • How to Use This Tool • Create credibility by delivering investment perspective and proactively marrying the benefits of your company’s transformation goals with those of your proposed change communications. The tighter and quicker the links are to understand, the easier it is to get approvals among those who are responsible for creating a successful enterprise IT implementation team. The next few pages provide a content outline and key messages for you to customize.
PowerPoint Outline • PowerPoint Title:Optimizing our Tech Transformation by Empowering Our People • Slide 1 • Our Business Transformation Goals: • Critical step in our growth strategy • Create one connected company to make us faster, smarter, more successful – inside and out • Multi-year business transformation • Change our culture and mindset to help us play productive roles in our future success • New technology is the enabler • Slide 2 • Our Tech Investment = $XX million: • Merge our legacy systems into one world-class business operation via (ERP, HCM, CRM, FSM, etc.) • Streamline, simplify and modernize our business processes and systems into one information flow • Give us deeper visibility across business units • Equip us to offer better customer service by keeping us more closely connected
PowerPoint Outline… continued • Slide 3 • Communication is the missing piece to our transformation success. A perspective: • Physical: Consider our technical platform as the physical software transformation that our organization will be implementing • Intellectual: Our Organizational Change strategy represents intellectual, process-centric changes our employees will be experiencing • Emotional: Change communications will represent the emotional connection that will help all managers and team members feel a personal investment to the project • Slide 4 • Benefits we can realize by investing .01% of our Tech Investment: • Fuse our new (ERP, HCM, CRM, FSM, etc.) tech with new processes and workflows • Accelerate technology understanding and adoption among employees • Make change tangible: create a communication framework across the entire tech lifecycle and keep the plot fresh & exciting over time • Generate engagement by meeting employees where they’re at during key phases of our implementation – at all levels, in all locations
PowerPoint Outline… continued • Slide 5: • What are the hidden costs of not having ERP Communications? • “The need to lead change is growing, but our ability to do it is shrinking: 70% of organizational changes fail.” • - McKinsey & Company • “66% of organizations receive less than 50% or less of the expected ERP benefits.” • - Panorama Consulting Solutions, “2014 ERP Report” • “One of the causes of enterprise IT-implementation failure is poor project communications, which are a vital part of managing change in a corporate environment.” • - Rockford Consulting, “The 12 Cardinal Sins of Enterprise IT Implementation” • Slide 6: • Proposed next step: Partner with Change Communication experts, Frank! • Deep experience and success with enterprise IT implementations • Their process maps onto our tech implementation and change management process • Delivers highly-engaging creative that employees will notice • Offers cost efficiencies based on being enterprise IT, change communication experts • Check out areyoufrank.com to learn more!
5. Lead With Change Comms Business Benefits:Email InvitationSample Copy
Challenge • Change communications is the missing link to successful enterprise IT implementations. • While the media is often giving senior execs nightmares about implementation-cost over-runs, extended durations, sub-optimized business value and even massive litigation expenses, it’s time to combat that with the positive success stories that aligned teams, organizational clarity and individual accountability can bring. Best-practice change communications can help foster that connectivity. • How to Use This Tool • Invite decision-makers to your presentation by acknowledging technology as the business priority. Then transition to how change communications can optimize that investment. In addition to including your meeting time and location of course, following is a first draft for you to customize to fit your needs, culture and project.
Email Invitation Copy • SUBJECT LINE: Let’s optimize our Tech Transformation by Empowering Our People! • Dear Team Member, • We know it: Enterprise software doesn’t deliver business benefits, our people do. • So while we’re making a significant investment in our technology platform, I’d like to present the business case for making a comparatively small investment in our human transformation. • Let’s meet to discuss the value of building an emotional connection among our project-team members, managers and the very people who represent the success or failure of our implementation: our employees. • With a change communication campaign in place, I’ll show how we can achieve these key business benefits: • Accelerate understanding and adoption among employees • Make change tangible: create a communication framework across the entire implementation lifecycle • Generate engagement by meeting employees where they’re at during key phases of our implementation – at all levels, in all locations • Our new business systems will deliver clear, integrated, accessible data to make us better, faster, smarter. Let’s launch a compelling, change communication campaign that empowers our employees in the same ways!
Good Luck! • To see our client case studies and learn about our change-activation toolkits an fixed-fee pricing, contact: • John Nielson | john@areyoufrank.com | +1-612-209-7230 • More free change comms resources and frankTOOLS: • areyoufrank.com/resources