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Estimated users of internet are 1.966B as of June 2010. interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computer. Internet started in 1961 Need ISP to connect to Internet – such TMnet, Maxis or Celcom Key Technology Concepts :-
Estimated users of internet are 1.966B as of June 2010. • interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions • of computer. • Internet started in 1961 • Need ISP to connect to Internet – such TMnet, Maxis or Celcom • Key Technology Concepts :- • URL (uniform resource locator) - address of the webpage • DNS (Domain Name Server) - database server contain URL • and related IP address • HTTP and TCP/IP – standard protocol adopted for the Internet • IP Addresses – Internet Protocol addresses • Registering a domain – InterNIC / MyNIC • Client/server computing • LAN, MAN, WAN ? • ASP (Application Service Provider) • Internet , Intranet, and Extranet, VPN ? E-commerce Unit 2
Key Concept: The generic noun internet is a short form for the word internetwork, while the proper noun Internet refers to the global internetwork of TCP/IP networks we all know and use. The term intranet refers to an internal network that uses TCP/IP technologies like the Internet does. An extranet is like an intranet that is extended to individuals or organizations outside the company. All these terms can be used ambiguously, so care must be taken in determining exactly what they mean in any given context. E-commerce
WWW or WWW2 or even WWW3? • You must noticed www1 or www2 once in a while when you are visiting a website. WWW1, WWW2 or even WWW3 is nothing but a mirror of the original web server which is typical WWW. Many websites like government, banks even major search engines like Google(www1.google.com or www2.google.com) and Yahoo(www1.yahoo.com or www2.yahoo.com)! uses www1 and www2. The main purpose of this techniques is to reduce server load. Sometimes the original server need to be updated or modified but major websites like .gov, .edu, google.com, yahoo.com cannot just shut their main server down for hours to update their system. Therefore, they need to use www1 or www2 duplication of their mainframe server. E-commerce
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and XML • aspx, jsp, php • Web Browser • CGI – common Gateway interface • JSP – Java Server Pages • ASP – Active Server Pages • web 2.0 Features – pg 34 • RSS – Really Simple Syndication • Internet Telephony – VOIP E-commerce Unit 2