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Supporting Volunteer Teachers Training in North Darfur: Facts, Figures, and Experiences

Learn about the volunteer teacher training program in North Darfur, challenges faced, positive results achieved, and strategies for a way forward.

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Supporting Volunteer Teachers Training in North Darfur: Facts, Figures, and Experiences

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  2. Some Facts and Figures Estimated school age children: 347,988 (MoE Aug 07) Total no. of schools: 928 Schools not functioning: 213 Total children in school: 299,978 Girls in school: 138,554 (46%) Boys in school: 161,424 (54%) Total no. of teachers: 6,914 (4,009 female (59%) Trained teachers: 5,031 Untrained teachers: 1,883 Volunteer teachers on in-service training: 800

  3. Teacher requirements for 2007/2008

  4. The Context for volunteer teachers: • In 2004, MoE with support from UNICEF established an IDP school in Zam Zam camp to ensure the right of children to education was realized. • Initial available teachers were mostly volunteers recruited by PTC and usually not paid salaries. • Qualified teachers were not available in the camp, therefore MoE provided some teachers from El Fasher town commuting daily from/to work in Zam Zam.

  5. The Context • Since MoE did not initially recognize the volunteer teachers as it was contrary to MoE policy, volunteer teachers were not being paid therefore went on strike and schools closed for over a month. • UNICEF realized the need for teachers to ensure the right to education for children and that teachers needed to be compensated. • UNICEF also recognized the importance of Government ownership therefore a Government owned in-service teacher training programme would solve the problem.

  6. The in-service volunteer teacher training • MoE in collaboration with PTC identify the volunteer teachers with the requisite qualifications that require training. • MoE and UNICEF work out details of the training including budget requirements. • MoE groups the teachers in training clusters closer to where they are teaching and residing. • Training is conducted once a week after classes for two to three hours depending on weather and road conditions.

  7. The trainers are regular MoE trainers who have undergone an initial master trainers’ course and follow regular MoE training modules. • Cluster training centres’ coordinators make arrangements for the training as well as training materials. • During training, tea/coffee is provided as refreshments.

  8. Cost of the training • The teachers are given a stipend (SD3,000 ($15) per day for participating in training and SD12,000 ($60) for 4 days in a month. • The trainers and cluster coordinators receive honorarium as per MoE rates. • Transportation costs for teachers are provided for at least 200 of the 800 who might be coming from distant places. • Stationery, tea/coffee and costs for cleaners are also provided. • Total cost for training one volunteer teacher per month is $71 (at the current exchange rate). It used to be $60.

  9. Cost of volunteer teacher training

  10. Some Positive Results 18 Volunteer teachers (6 with University degrees & 12 with high secondary school certificates) have so far been recruited as regular MoE teachers and deployed to rural schools

  11. Challenges/Constraints • The absorption of volunteer teachers within the MoE payroll • Government certification of volunteer teachers • Sustainability of the in-service training programme • Incentives and lunches for volunteer teachers that have no salaries • Criteria for selection of volunteer teachers (on what basis?)

  12. Way-forward Strategies • The need to increase resources for teacher training • The need to provide incentives for volunteer teachers • The need for certification and recruitment of volunteer teachers • The need to collaborate with WFP and partners to provide lunches for teachers • The need to support transportation for teachers

  13. ?

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