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National JSNA Data Set Project

National JSNA Data Set Project. Surrey Anupama Shrestha, NHS Surrey Jenny Smith, Surrey County Council. Surrey JSNA. Background Aims Methodology Outputs Future plans. Surrey JSNA. Background Political and demographic environment Priority places & ‘heat maps’ JSNA 2008 Aims

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National JSNA Data Set Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. National JSNA Data Set Project Surrey Anupama Shrestha, NHS Surrey Jenny Smith, Surrey County Council DRAFT

  2. Surrey JSNA • Background • Aims • Methodology • Outputs • Future plans

  3. Surrey JSNA Background Political and demographic environment Priority places & ‘heat maps’ JSNA 2008 Aims Methodology Outputs Future plans

  4. Political and demographic environment The Surrey Strategic Partnership serves an estimated population of 1.1 million

  5. Priority Places & Heat Maps

  6. Priority Places & Heat Maps

  7. JSNA 2008 A good start: • Gathered lots of relevant data • Generated joint priorities • Raised awareness But still a long way to go: • “Morass of data”, no information • Not enough district, borough or VCFS involvement • Data not granular enough • Static document • Assessment not joint enough • Need better engagement with communities • Lack of shared vision to develop JSNA • Lack of common ICT systems limits potential of JSNA

  8. Surrey JSNA Background Aims Methodology Outputs Future plans

  9. Surrey Fieldwork: Project aims Secure high level buy in to vision for JSNA Commit resource to develop JSNA JSNA at the heart of single LIS for SSP Gain wide partnership buy in Agree project plan

  10. Surrey JSNA Background Aims Methodology Market research Consultation Working together Outputs Future plans

  11. Surrey Fieldwork: Method Market research: What can we learn from other LIS? Requirements gathering: What do we need from LIS? Working together: We can achieve more...

  12. Surrey JSNA Background Aims Methodology Outputs Options analysis Business case template Project plan Future plans

  13. Surrey Fieldwork: Outputs • Market research & options analysis • Business case template • Project plan • Outputs attached

  14. Surrey JSNA Background Aims Methodology Outputs Future plans Consult Engage Communicate

  15. Surrey Fieldwork: Future plans Promote JSNA 2009 Greater district, borough & VCFS involvement in JSNA Increase granularity of JSNA to get more local JSNA on LIS platform enables Less time processing, more time analysing & joint assessment Engage community and hard to reach groups in JSNA Communicate key messages clearly

  16. Conclusions • More to LIS than meets the eye – visits and demos are essential • JSNA a fundamental driver for LIS • Sell the benefits of LIS, make it real and get the buy in • Stay focussed

  17. Q&A anupama.Shrestha@surreypct.nhs.uk jenny.smith@surreycc.gov.uk

  18. Appendix: Options Analysis

  19. Appendix: Business Case

  20. Appendix: Project Plan Excel spreadsheet also available

  21. Appendix: Useful Links Wealth of information out there about LIS, here are a few of the best: • http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/communities/pdf/324177.pdf • http://www.esd.org.uk/EsdToolkit/News/NewsDetail.aspx?Item=382 • http://www.data4nr.net/local-information-systems/ • Cambridge/Surrey research (IDEA ‘Healthy Communities’ community of practice)

  22. Appendix: Useful Links cont… Some of the best examples of LIS: • http://www.norfolkinsight.org.uk/ - good example of partnership branding and design • http://www.nomadplus.org.uk/ - good example of how GIS can be used to enhance LIS • http://www.eastsussexinfigures.org.uk/webview/ - powerful database and data analysis tools • http://www.mkiobservatory.org.uk/ - very flexible web content management

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