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Ed.S . Internship in School Psychology. What We Do? Need for Doing It? Requirements? Results. Documents That Provide Basis for Professional Standards and NASP Approval and Practices in ISU SCPY Internship*. Ed.S . Internship Handbook Internship/Practicum Handbook for Field Supervisors
Ed.S. Internship in School Psychology What We Do? Need for Doing It? Requirements? Results
Documents That Provide Basis for Professional Standards and NASP Approval and Practices in ISU SCPY Internship* • Ed.S. Internship Handbook • Internship/Practicum Handbook for Field Supervisors • Internship Agreement for Field Supervisors • NASP Approved Nationally Recognized Graduate Training Programs in School Psychology • NASP Standards for Training and and Field Placement • NASP Standards of Professional Conduct • Becoming a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) *A PDF Portfolio of these documents was e-mailed to you.
Ed.S. Internship: What is It? • According to NASP, an “Internship” is a supervised, culminating, comprehensive, pre-degree field experience through which school psychology candidates have the opportunity to integrate and apply professional knowledge and skills acquired in prior courses and practica, as well as to acquire new competencies consistent with training program goals. • NASP Approved 1200 contact hour school-based experience, normally completed within an academic year following course completion. • Candidates enroll in 3 hours of Graduate credit for each semester of Internship (600 hours x semester). • A Culminating & Integrative experience for Candidates who are expected to be near a Level 5 Competency rating by our criteria (documented 4 x’s during the Internship year). • Success is Supported by 1) Candidate; 2) Field Supervisor; 2) University Supervisor who work together for a quality experience. • Within a 69 Graduate Credit Program of Study.
Ed.S. Internship: Whats its purpose? • Culminating experience to integrate previous program knowledge, skills, and dispositions in an authentic School Psychology setting. • Viewed as a point of transition between a candidate an a professional school psychologist. • Validation of the Quality of the Program in producing a high level of competencies preparing School Psychologists for professional roles. • Ethically an imperative that the Candidate, Field Experience, and Program have sufficiently prepared and demonstrated competency before independent practice as a School Psychologist.
Ed.S. Internship: What is Required? Requirements Fall Upon: • The Candidate • The Field Supervisor • The University Faculty
Ed.S. Candidate: Basics Requirements… • Complete 1200 hours of Contact in School(s) • Meet the expectations and needs of the school detailed in Agreement. • Log all activities and how they align with NASP Standards for Training and Field Placement, this should be sent to supervisor montly for review. • Keep an ongoing daily narrative of reflection and learning, and send to Faculty each month. • Develop and provide to Faculty your personal Internship Plan. • Communicate, by e-mail, minimum of 1 x per month to Faculty on status, concerns, achievements. • Meet in person or via phone, internet with Faculty 3 times a semester. • Meet at least 2 hours x week with Field Supervisor. • Provide comprehensive evaluation of Standards by Field Supevisor at Mid-Term and End of Semester. • Complete all requirements for the Ed.S. Portfolio, contact Faculty to go over the Portfolio prior to Examination. • Arrange a meeting in person or via internet for preparing yourself for the Oral Examination and to review contents of Portfolio of evidence. • Update your Ed.S. Program of Study, contact your University Faculty and the Graduate School for its completeness.
Field Supervisor: Basic Requirements • At your first meeting with the Candidate: • Orient her/him to the school, faculty, administration, policies, and schedule of school(s) they are assigned to. • Go over the Internship Agreement, Internship Plan, Activity Log, and Narrative Summary with the Candidate. • Set up a tentative schedule of school visits, meetings during the semester, school calendar, and other school related activities. • At your second meeting with the Candidate: • Check to see if there are any concerns or problems. • Go back over the Internship Agreement, and other documents to see if they need modification. • Plan a regular schedule between you and the Candidate for a minimum of 2 hours per week of supervison activities. • Review the Supervisor Evaluation and Self-Evaluation of the Candidate, note that they are due at the mid-point of the semester and at the last week of the semester from both you and the Candidate.
Requirements of University Supervisor • The University Faculty serves as a coordinator of the Internship experience to support both the Candidate and the Field Supervisor in clearly understanding roles and responsibilities, and in reviewing and evaluating the evidence provided supporting the Candidates successful completion the Internship experience continuously throughout the Ed.S. Internship Year.
University Faculty Requirements General Requirements… • Provide a level of contact and coordination sufficient to support the Intern and Field Supervisor Internship Experience. • Provide Intern and Field Supervisor with forms, procedures, requirements, timelines, review of documents such as logs, plans, reports, portfolio’s, agreements, supervisor evaluation and intern evaluation of competencies—to provide an ongoing, consistent, and clear view of results of the experience.
Faculty Requirements (General, Continued) • Maintain a sufficient level of contact and coordination to effectively prevent problems, conflicts, or misunderstandings at the Intern Site, as well as to point out the strengths and positives of the experience.
Faculty Requirements: Specific • Review Student Internship Plan for completeness and suggest changes as needed. • Review Internship Site Agreement for completeness and suggest changes as needed. • Review Activity Logs for completeness and suggest changes as needed. • Review Narrative Logs for completeness and suggest changes as needed. • Review Supervisor Competency Evaluations for completeness and evaluate the degree to which competencies are demonstrated with the Intern (see slide showing Competencies) • Review Intern Self-Evaluation Competency Evaluations for completeness and evaluate the degree to which competencies are perceived to be demonstrated by the Intern (see slide showing Competencies) • Analyze Competency Evaluations data using our Filemaker database for formative and summative evaluation of competencies for NASP standards. • Provide contact via phone, e-mail and/or internet with the Candidate in the development of the Ed.S. Portfolio document which is evidence of the culminating and integrative Internship experience. The portfolio is an extensive document with multiple parts and includes: (See Portfolio Example)
Faculty Requirements: Specific • Schedule internet meetings with Interns to review their electronic database portfolio of RTI Intervention Cases within our RTI-PSI database that is on-line and available for review by Faculty Coordinator. Each Case Study includes the following Core Elements: • Request for Problem Solving • ICEL-RIOT Multi-Method & Multi-source Assessment • Intervention Plan • Data Entry and Progress Monitoring • Additional Procedures as needed by Case