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Where did you go to College?. Teachers of Memorial Pathway Academy. Jerry Agtarap. What College or University did you attend? St . Mary's University & Dela Salle University What degree(s) did you get? Bachelor of Secondary Education, Master of Education Major in Physics
Where did you go to College? Teachers of Memorial Pathway Academy
Jerry Agtarap • What College or University did you attend? St. Mary's University & Dela Salle University • What degree(s) did you get? Bachelor of Secondary Education, Master of Education Major in Physics • Why did you pick your University/College? It was the best in the Region. Dela Salle is one of the best catholic Schoold in the Philippines • What is unique about your University/College? St. Mary's University It was the only Catholic University in the Region • What did you enjoy about your school? The Extra Curricular Activities like Arts Fest. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would but it won't be feasible because it is in the Philippines. But for those students who are Filipinos who are planning to go home and have their college Education there for some reasons, yes definitely!
Samantha Ziane Barnes • What College or University did you attend? University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB Golden Lions) • What degree(s) did you get? B.S. in HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY STUDIES • Why did you pick your University/College? It fit my learning style with smaller classrooms and more one-on-one instructional opportunities. • What is unique about your University/College? It is a Historically Black college/University (HBCU) and the experience is surreal and like no other. • What did you enjoy about your school? The closeness of our campus! • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would recommend my school because it is similar to our school; smaller, one-on-one, and genuine. The professors genuinely care about your future!
Monica Black • What College or University did you attend? Attended the University of North Texas. Currently enrolling in Sam Houston State Univ. distance courses. • What degree(s) did you receive? Received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Pursuing a Master's in Library Sciences. • Why did you pick your University/College? I chose UNT because it was close to home. Choosing SHSU because they are one of the few universities offering Library Sciences classes cohort style (online classes plus weekly, face to face meetings). • What is unique about your University/College? What's unique about UNT is it seems to be always growing and getting better. I don't know what unique about SHSU except what I mentioned before. • What did you enjoy about your school? What I enjoyed about UNT is that it was close to everything, home, shopping, entertainment, etc. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would definitely recommend UNT to students primarily because it is always listed as one of the top values in universities, and saving money will be important in college. I'm sure SHSU is probably a great school, but thus far, I don't have enough personal experience to recommend it.
Chantel Chiu • What College or University did you attend?I attended Baylor University for undergrad and University of North Texas for graduate work. • What degree(s) did you get? B.S. in Biology with a minor in environmental science M.S. in Biology and Education • Why did you pick your University/College? I picked Baylor after I visited the campus in 9th grade. I loved the beauty of the campus, and I just felt at home there. I really liked that it had both an outstanding orchestra program and a great science program. I chose UNT because again I felt at home there when I visited the campus. UNT has another great science program with exceptional classes in any science discipline. They also have one of the best environmental programs in Texas. UNT also offered online education classes that helped me to get my teaching certificate. • What is unique about your University/College? Baylor is a private school associated with the Baptists. I liked this about the school as well because I was able to take religion classes. Both of my religion classes were some of my favorite courses that I took. Baylor also has two live bears on campus that you can see. Sometimes they even walk them around campus. • What did you enjoy about your school? I liked that my professors were very student centered. Professors taught every class that I took except for labs which were run by Teaching Assistants. The professors usually knew my name and were available to help with any questions that I had. I also like that Baylor has a rich history dating back to the 1800s. It was interesting learning how the school had changed and grew over the years. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes, I would recommend the school to anyone. I think Baylor offers a very nurturing environment in which to learn. The course work is rigorous and does teach you a lot of information. I would also recommend the honors college as it allows you to delve into literature and books that you do not normally see in a typical English classroom. However, the fees are quite high so you definitely want to look into financial aid.
Dani Conroy • What College or University did you attend? University of North Texas Texas Women's University • What degree(s) did you get? Bachelors in English Masters in Library Science • Why did you pick your University/College? Honestly, I picked UNT because that was where my sister was going and it made housing easier. I chose TWU because it has a respected MLS program and the majority of the courses are offered online. • What did you enjoy about your school? I liked how flexible I could make my schedule. Also, the faculty was very helpful. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes, because both schools are excellent and diverse places. They offer a variety of courses and are respected universities in Texas.
Jessica Cox, RN-BSN • What College or University did you attend? Texas Woman's University University of North Texas • What degree(s) did you get? Bachelor's of Science in Nursing • Why did you pick your University/College? Best Nursing School around!!! • What is unique about your University/College? It's called Texas Woman's but both women and men attend. • What did you enjoy about your school? Living on campus • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Absolutely!!! Both TWU and UNT are close enough to commute and get a 4 year degree!
Rebecca Foster • What College or University did you attend? I’ve attended six different colleges/ universities during the pursuit of my dreams. Midwestern State University—freshman year Abilene Christian College—sophomore-senior years North Texas University—for second teaching field in English Drury College, Springfield, MO.—additional literature/writing courses Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO—started a master’s program in Counseling. Middle Tenn. State University, Murfreesboro, Tenn.—Changed to a master’s program in Education with emphasis in School Library Science • What degree(s) did you get? I have a two degrees: BS in HE, and an MEd. • Why did you pick your University/College? Most of the time, for convenience—The locations of the schools were close to where I lived. • What is unique about your University/College? With the exception of Abilene Christian and Drury College (both private, religious schools), the schools were universities rather than colleges and were state supported schools. • What did you enjoy about your school? I have had some very interesting, creative professors over the years (One even went to sleep during his own lecture.), and I love the learning environment and sponsored activities such as guest lecturers, musical performances, art exhibits, etc. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would recommend any of the schools I attended to most any student; however, it is very important to check out the caliber of program offered in your chosen field when you select a school of higher learning. Also, if you choose a private school, unless it is School of the Ozarks, the cost for tuition is usually very expensive. School of the Ozarks is a work-study school; you work your way through school on the campus to pay for your education. You pay no additional fees, etc.
Larry Garner • What College or Universities did you attend? Dallas Christian College-Bachelor in Ministry, Education, and Leadership. I picked this for the degree and the small class size. I enjoyed the small classes and all the Professors were currently involved in ministry. I would recommend this college for their quality education and small class sizes. Being local and offering night classes is a plus for working adults. Texas A&M at Commerce-Masters in Training and Development. I went here to obtain my teacher's certification. I liked the night classes. This is good for anyone wanting to go into public education. Dallas Theological Seminary-Masters in Christian Education and Theology. This is the best Seminary in the United States and offered a world class education. I liked that it was located in Dallas and that most of the Professors had multiple books published in their field. I would recommend DTS for anyone wanting to pursue a masters level degree in ministry. DTS also offered practical experience in whatever field you are pursing. The campus has only about 1800 students so you get to know the professors very well. They also tell all their students to have lunch with them to get to know them better. This is very unique and not found at larger schools.
Patricia "Patti" Hebert • What College or University did you attend? Undergraduate: Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Ohio University, Athens, Ohio North Texas State University, Denton, Texas Eastfield College, Mesquite, Texas Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Graduate: Currently enrolled at University of Texas at Arlington in pursuit of Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics (four more classes - YEAH!) • What degree(s) did you get? Finally graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Miami University. • Why did you pick your University/College?Location and ability to get there. • What is unique about your University/College?Miami University is nicknamed the "Cradle of Coaches” because the University has produced numerous outstanding sports coaches throughout the years. • What did you enjoy about your school? Small campus that was close to a bigger city. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would recommend all the schools I attended because they all have positive characteristics to offer depending on what attributes a student is looking for in a college
Rene’ McKnight • What College or University did you attend? Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas Woman’s University, University of North Texas and community colleges • What degree(s) did you get? Master of Science in Secondary Education • Why did you pick your University/College? The setting and the variety of programs they offered. • What is unique about your University/College? My first school, SFASU, was located in the Piney Woods of Nacogdoches – BEAUTIFUL. • What did you enjoy about your school? I made a lot of good friends, I became more independent and learned a lot about life. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes. The professors were great, the school is secure, and has easy-to-find classes
Nelda Reid • What College or University did you attend? East Texas State University (now Texas A&M-College) • What degree(s) did you get? Business Education • Why did you pick your University/College? 10 miles from home. I lived at home and worked during college. It was very affordable. • What is unique about your University/College? For the first 50+ years, it was primarily known as a teachers' college. Besides education and certification courses, it is known for its computer science and agricultural sciences programs. Also, for being in a small rural town, it has a large number of international students. • What did you enjoy about your school? It was close to home, affordable, and it gave me the business education I wanted. My goal at the time was to be a secretary in Dallas and someday travel to Europe. My first job after graduation was as a secretary/accounting clerk, and within 2 years, I had gained experience as a financial analyst and software trainer and was assigned to Nice, France and then Munich, Germany for 2 years. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes, it is a small campus. It is affordable and has lots of exciting programs. I would especially recommend their political science program, and I would especially recommend it for foreign-born students.
Juan Rodriguez • What College or University did you attend? Oklahoma Panhandle State University • What degree(s) did you get? Bachelor of Science • Why did you pick your University/College? I picked this University for it gave me the opportunity to play football and receive a scholarship for my education. • What is unique about your University/College? The university's student-body population was less than 1500 students, making it one of the smallest universities in Oklahoma. • What did you enjoy about your school? I enjoyed receiving course work assistance from my professors when I needed it. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes, I would recommend Oklahoma Panhandle State University to anyone wanting to enroll in smaller-size classes needing extra attention from their professors.
Daniel Thatcher • What College or University did you attend? Wharton County Junior College, Texas A&M University, Tarleton State University • What degree(s) did you get? Bachelor of Arts in Spanish • Why did you pick your University/College? I started studying Biology, but I changed majors while I was there. • What is unique about your University/College? We bleed MAROON! There is a great sense of loyalty and tradition. • What did you enjoy about your school? I enjoyed being in an environment where the professors really expected your best. I liked how everyone said "Howdy!" all the time. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? I would recommend this school. There is a great sense of tradition and comradery. There are many areas of study you can explore. The campus is huge, but it has a small town feel to it because people are friendly.
Pat Treadway • What College or University did you attend? West Texas State University Fall, 1962--December, 1963 EastfieldCollege--Dallas 1994-1995 University of Texas--Dallas 1995-1997 • What degree(s) did you get? Associates degree from Eastfield Bachelor of History from UT-D • Why did you pick your University/College? Because of living near the particular school and because I had respect for each one of the institutions • What is unique about your University/College? UT-D is famous for being difficult; that is, the course work is very rigorous. • What did you enjoy about your school? Theprofessors, the books I read, and the papers I was required to write. (There were many, many papers.) As I said before, UT-D was a school that made you proud to be able to finish. • Would you recommend this school to our students? Why or why not? Yes, all three of them. West Texas State is in the Panhandle of Texas and is a well kept secret from most Texans--but that is their loss. It is a terrific place to go to school--come talk to me about it. I loved Eastfield also--some of the teachers there are just the best. UT-D is in the University of Texas system and it has excellent programs; among the ones that they are really good at are technology related.