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Boosting Office Wellness: Benefits of Allowing Dogs in the Workplace

Discover why having dogs in the office can lower stress levels, enhance productivity, foster teamwork, and improve client relations. Learn how dogs act as icebreakers, promote mental well-being, and positively impact overall office atmosphere. Find out which dog breeds may not be suitable for a workplace setting.

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Boosting Office Wellness: Benefits of Allowing Dogs in the Workplace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dogs in Office

  2. Why Let The Dogs In? • Dogs send stress levels plummeting • Dogs in office bring better productivity and encourage teamwork.

  3. Why Let Dogs In? • Having a dog sit at the door and greet arrivals,helps to set a harmonious tone. • Discussion go generally smoother.

  4. Effect on Client Relations • Dogs can work wonder as Icebreaker. • Individuals are more willing to open up

  5. Mental Therapists say…. • Petting a dog releases endorphins(腦內啡) • Blood pressure drops, frayed nerves are made whole again.

  6. Some breeds are inappropriate.. • Hyperactive yappy dogs • Those too aggressive

  7. Thank You

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