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RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN OUR REGION. GVN Jindřichův Hradec. Hi , I’m eco elf „Slunečník“ and I’ m going to guide you through the whole presentation about renewable resources in our region . The Czech R epublic is located in Central Europe and our city Jindřichův Hradec is situated

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  2. Hi, I’m eco elf „Slunečník“ and I’m going to guide youthrough the whole presentation about renewableresources in our region.

  3. The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe and our city Jindřichův Hradec issituated insouth Bohemia.

  4. Somephotos of country side. The area is called CzechCanada.

  5. There are lots offorestsand pondshere. Also the biggest pond in the country– Rožmberk.

  6. Through Jindřichův Hradec drives a historicalsteamtrain.

  7. Thereareseveral power plantsforrenewableresourceshydroelectricandsolar,andpowerplantsofcombustionbiomass. JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC ŠEVĚTÍN BIOMASS LIPNO SOLAR HYDROELECTRIC

  8. Whichcompanyownsthe majority ofpowerplants in theCzechrepublic? ČEZ • = České energetické závody • Wasfounded in 1992 • Isthe most dominant producerelectricity in theCzechRepublic • Simpleeffortsthatmakessmallimpacts on environment produceselectricityalso fromrenewableresource

  9. Firstrenewableresourceisbiomass. BIOMASS • There is lots of energy in biomass • It has minimalecologicaldamage

  10. Whatisthebiomassmadefrom? BIOMASS • Basic source: plants • In theCzechrepublic • Wood • Straw • Agriculturalwaste • Animal’s excrements

  11. Biomass energy center in Jindřichův Hradec • Basic fuel: • Straw bales • Hay bales • Fast-growingplants • Fueliscollectedfrom70 km radius of the town Biomass incineratorisdirectly in ourtown.

  12. Biomass energy center in Jindřichův Hradec • April2009 it wasbought by CEZ Group • It covers 35% heat consumption

  13. Biomass energy center in Jindřichův Hradec • Yearlyitproduceshere more than 30 thousand MWh • Whichistheannualconsumption in 8,500 households

  14. HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS • Ourwatersheds aren’tadvatageous for hydroelectric power plants • Hydroelectric power is used as supplementary energy • Advantage is immediate use Second reneawableresource iswater.

  15. HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS • Most of them are situated on the Vltava river → theVltava cascade • 21 water cannons make 83 % renewableenergy ČEZ

  16. HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS • Long-time practice of tradition • In earlier times waterwas powerfor mills, sawmills, and hammer mills water mechanical power • The oldest hydroelectric power plant: built 1888 inPísek Historyofhydroelectricpowerplants

  17. Hydroelectricpower plant in Lipno • Lipno’s reservoir isour biggest man-madelake • In Šumava (South Bohemia) • Use: • Summer recreation • Cruise on lake • Fishing In our region is also located Lipenské lake, in which is power plant.

  18. Hydroelectric power plant in Lipno • Built in 1959 • Hight of dam is 26 m • Two parts: • Lipno I • Lipno II (the two parts are used for stable water flow)

  19. CEZ Group in Turkey • CEZ Groupowns business shares in companies, which run 8 hydroelectricpowerplants in Turkey • E.g. Bulam in southeastTurkey CEZ suppliesnatureconservativealso in otherstates – forexample in Turkey.

  20. SOLAR POWER PLANTS • Environment: theclearestandthe most environmentallyfriendlyway • Highpotential in future The last renewableresourceis sun enegy.

  21. SOLAR POWER PLANTS • Solarcells • Firstsolarpowerplant isfrom 1997 Photovoltaic powerplant Dukovany

  22. SOLAR POWER PLANTS • Solar boom • Extremellylowpurchaseprices • Government’s plan: solar cells on roofsandfields • The same price was also for big power plants in country • Expensive energy→ high priceofenergy for comsumers Abuse oflowpurchaseprice!

  23. Whypeople destroyourlandscape???

  24. Photovoltaic plant in Ševětín • Wasfounded in 2010 • 60 ha • Isthe most advatageous locality In our region islocatedthethirdbiggestsolarpowerplant.

  25. Photovoltaic plant in Ševětín • Power 29,9 MW • Annual: consumptionfor 8 000 households

  26. Weshowedyou basic typesofrenewableresourcesused in our region, theirpossitiveeffects on environmentandalsosome negative effects. Theresrestill many environmentalproblemsaroundus.


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