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Welcome to APF!

Welcome to APF!. Chapter 1. Since the 1900’s Life Expectancy has increased. In 2010 it was 78.7 years. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lifexpec.htm. Focus is now on wellness and increasing quality of life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to APF! Chapter 1

  2. Since the 1900’s Life Expectancy has increased. In 2010 it was 78.7 years.http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lifexpec.htm • Focus is now on wellness and increasing quality of life • Average person has 8-11 years of “unhealthy living” (good wellness can decrease that amount of time)

  3. Adopt healthy habits NOW to prevent undesirable health conditions later! • Some chronic conditions have other risks involved (Diabetes can lead to heart trouble) • Some illnesses can leave a lasting impairment (Stroke with paralysis) • Many illnesses are manageable and have only a limited effect on total health A well body and mind can help to manage and minimize many health impairments

  4. What is the definition of Health? Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. World Health Organization

  5. What is the definition of Wellness? Wellness is the optimal state of health of individuals and groups. There are two focal concerns: the realization of the fullest potential of an individual physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically, and the fulfillment of one’s role expectations in the family, community, place of worship, workplace and other settings. World Health Organization

  6. What is the definition of hypokinetic disease? Hypo= under Kinetic=activity • Hypokinetic disease is a disease or condition associated with a lack of physical activity.

  7. Cardiovascular fitness Flexibility Muscular strength Muscular endurance Body composition Small changes make a big difference in terms of total health and disease prevention Decreases the risk of CHD, cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes- the diseases may still occur, but fitter, stronger bodies tend to recover better Health related fitness

  8. Agility Balance Coordination Reaction time Power Speed Improves wellness by leading to more participation and better success in sports and exercise Skill related fitness

  9. Lower blood pressure Good cholesterol numbers Good regulation of blood sugar Bone integrity Possessing good metabolic fitness is associated with a decreased risk of many health problems/ hypokinetic diseases Metabolic fitness

  10. Balance is Key! All of the types of fitness are specific but are interrelated

  11. Integration and balance: physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional Individual matter: no two people are exactly alike Positive outlook even when things are not perfect “I am responsible for my own health and wellness!” Rewarding steps toward wellness Realizing that illness effects all areas: pain linked to depression- work on all of it… Keys to achieving health and wellness

  12. Chapter 2 Practicing lifelong healthy lifestyles is the key to health, wellness, and fitness. To become a lifelong exerciser, you must learn and practice self management skills

  13. Adopting a healthy behavior as part of your lifestyle Transtheoretical model: 5 stages to change Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance- at least 6 months Adherence

  14. Personal factors Predisposing factors Enabling factors Reinforcing factors Overcome barriers Build self confidence/motivation Balance attitudes/focus on the positive Build knowledge Set appropriate goals Monitor yourself/ logs and checklists Plan for activity Learn new skills/cross train? Time management Consumer skills Sticking to it…

  15. Set realistic expectations and have confidence in your ability to succeed YES- I am responsible for my health YES- I am able to become fit YES- it is worth it to live a healthy lifestyle

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