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Capitalizing on Existing Stimulus Control: Rules and Goals

Capitalizing on Existing Stimulus Control: Rules and Goals. Chapter 17. Rules. Rule Description of a three term contingency of reinforcement (antecedents-behavior-consequences) Partial rules – do not identify all three aspects of a contingency of reinforcement

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Capitalizing on Existing Stimulus Control: Rules and Goals

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  1. Capitalizing on Existing Stimulus Control: Rules and Goals Chapter 17

  2. Rules • Rule • Description of a three term contingency of reinforcement (antecedents-behavior-consequences) • Partial rules – do not identify all three aspects of a contingency of reinforcement • Command or threat – imply that noncompliance will be punished

  3. Contingency-Shaped Versus Rule-Governed Behavior • Contingency-shaped behavior • Behavior that has been strengthened (or weakened) in settings by the direct-acting effects of consequences in those settings • Involves immediate consequences • Strengthened gradually through trial and error • Rule-governed behavior • Behavior that is controlled by the statement of a rule

  4. When Rules Are Especially Helpful • When rapid behavior change is desirable • When consequences are delayed • When natural reinforcers are highly intermittent • When behavior will lead to immediate and severe punishment

  5. Why Rules Control Our Behavior • Although the reinforcer identifiec in a rule might be dlayed for an individual, other people might provide other immediate consequences if the individual follows (or does not follow) a rule • An individual might follow a rule and then immediately make reinforcing statements to himself or herself • Our operant-respondent interactions give us a reinforcement history such that following rules is automatically strengthened and failure to follow rules is automatically punished

  6. Effective and Ineffective Rules • Rules are more likely to be followed if they: • describe behavior specifically • describe specific circumstances in which the behavior should occur • describe probable consequences • describe sizeable consequences • describe deadlines

  7. Guidelines for Using Rules Effectively • Rules should be understandable • Rules should be effective • Complex rules should be broken down into easy-to-follow steps • Rules should be delivered in a pleasant, courteous manner • Fading of rules should be used as necessary to allow other stimuli that are present to take control of the behavior

  8. Goals • Goal • Describes a level of performance toward which an individual or group should work • Considered to be motivational • Might be considered as a rule • Used to influence individuals to work toward some objective over a period of time or during a number of practice opportunities

  9. Effective and Ineffective Goal Settting • Goals are more effective when they: • are specific • include mastery criteria • identify the circumstances under which the desirable behavior should occur • are realistic and challenging • are public • include deadlines • include feedback • when individuals are committed to them

  10. Guidelines for Goal Setting • Set goals that are specific, realistic, and challenging • Identify the specific behaviors and circumstances in which they should occur in order to meet the goals • Be clear about the specific consequences that might occur for meeting or not meeting the goal • Break long-term goals into several short-term goals • If the goal is complex, devise an action plan for meeting it. • Set deadlines for goal attainment • Ensure that individuals involved are committed to the goals • Encourage the learner to share the goals with a friendly supporter • Design a system for monitoring progress toward goals • Provide positive feedback as progress toward goals is achieved

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