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MB Wellness Committee. Mission Statement: “To develop a program that offers fun, fitness and improved well-being for McGohan Brabender employees, and to make the program self sufficient”. Established in April, 2004 Susan Slate ~ 2008-2009 Chair.
MB Wellness Committee Mission Statement: “To develop a program that offers fun, fitness and improved well-being for McGohan Brabender employees, and to make the program self sufficient”. Established in April, 2004 Susan Slate ~ 2008-2009 Chair
Created in 2004 by a volunteer committee of 6 History/General Information The Wellness Committee was created in 2004 by a volunteer committee of 6 employees. It continues to operate by volunteers and is self funded through a variety of sales and events. The entire committee meets quarterly and the Executive Committee meets monthly.
Annual initiatives are based on the needs of employees History/General Information Annual initiatives are based on the needs of employees as determined from the annual Health Risk Assessment. Information about our cliMB program is being shared with clients and prospects interested in forming their own Wellness Initiative.
Past Eventsand Services Weight Loss Challenge Weight Loss Challenge Route 66 Walking Club Combat Cardio Challenge Circuit Training Pilates Belly Dancing Donated fitness room Walks to Dairy Dream Donated popcorn machine Encouraged carriers and vendors to provide healthier snacks Self defense class Pancreatic Cancer session Yoga Classes Mobile Mammograms Move It to Lose It Campaign
Current Services Available Exercise Equipment is available MB Gym – a variety of exercise equipment is available in addition to bottled water and cable TV. To see the gym and begin using it please see Rachel Cuadros (x3603) Oatmeal Breakfast Bar with all the Fixing's – FREE Daily Wellness Refrigerator & Snack box – all items are 50¢ each Climb Café breakfast and luncheon - $5 wellness bucks or $6 cash
Current Services Available (cont’d) Annual Health Risk Assessment Annual Health Risk Assessment Screening (cost varies) Misc. Exercise Classes updated regularly(cost varies) i.e. Circuit Training, Dance Class, Pilates Class, Yoga Class & Zumba Class Chair Massages – one Friday per month, $16 for 15 minutes
Current Services Available Lending Library Lending Library – in Kitchen next to wellness refrigerator Bulletin Board – located in Kitchen with updated information on a regular basis…check for wellness information
Current Service Available (cont’d) Wellness Bucks – They are worth $1 for wellness events and $3 for Lands End products, unless otherwise posted You Can Earn Wellness Bucks by: • Turning in your wellness calendar… • 10 workouts earn $1 and 20 workouts earn you $2 • Participating in a Walk-A-Thon • Participating in the Health Risk Assessment • Participating in Wellness Challenges • Turning in a Wellness Calendar for 3 straight months
Current Service Available (cont’d) Wellness Bucks – (cont’d) • You Can Spend Your Wellness Bucks just like cash for the following: • Climb Cafe • Fitness Classes • Chair Massages • Lands End Logo Merchandise Catalog • Gift Certificate
Health Risk Assessment Team Leader:Chrisondra ReeseX3179 Member: Kiley Squier “Every year we start with a Health Risk Assessment (HRA). When the results come in, we decide what things are needed most by the staff. So far, our greatest needs have consistently been fitness, nutrition and weight management. Without the HRA, we would be going down the wellness path without a road map.”
Mind Team Co-Chairs:Angie TemkeX3155 & Cheryl Stansifer x3172 Member: Sandy Gross ~ manages chair massages, Tracy Roche & Toni Sunshine “Our goal is to provide employees with peace of mind including ways to achieve a work/life balance and the healthiest ways to cope with stress.”
BodyTeam Co-Chair:Billie Durbinx3201 ~ fitness & weight management focus Co-Chair: Ruth Grieshop x3142 ~ nutrition focus “This is a new team for the 08-09 year which consists of Weight Management through Fitness & Nutrition. In the past each of these were separate teams but we’ve decided they should all collaborate under one “Body Team” since they are closely related topics. By educating employees on healthy eating, weight loss and exercise we tackle one of our company-wide concerns… and we have a little fun while we do it.”
Body Team (cont’d) Members: Lisa Baldwin, Pam Calvert, Jami Cole, Kim Collier, Rachel Cuadros, Johanna Danishek, Karla Foland, Lori Glynn, Cary Raisch, Rita Smith, Tina Werts, Joe Wooldridge & Diana Youngerman
Body Team (cont’d) Fitness & Weight Management ~ “We create, deliver & maintain fitness activities for the company throughout the year. Those activities can be challenges, classes or information.” Nutrition & Weight Management ~ “We focus on the results from the annual Health Risk Assessment. Since nutrition consistently shows up as a company-wide concern, we educate employees on healthy eating.”
Risk Prevention Leader: Sara Delmar x3200 Members: Maria Pacovsky, Susan Slate & Rita Smith “We provide support to MB employees and their families to live healthy lifestyles by encouraging them to address their personal health practices.
Finance Team Leader:Lynn Kennedy x3156 Members: Alex Lopez, Chrisondra Reese, Tracy Roche, & Toni Sunshine. “We are self-financing and our programs/ideas are funded primarily from own fund raising programs.Our goal is to keep us self-sufficient! Responsibilities include shopping for water and snacks, keeping the refrigerator stocked, counting the money made and balancing & reconciling our earnings/expenses.”
Communications Team Leader:Rachel CuadrosX3603 Members: Billie Durbin and Rita Smith. “Our goal is to provide employees with information about our Wellness program. We educate new employees and keep existing employees informed and updated on wellness issues.”
At Large Members Members: Marci Agnor ~ Purchase & Stock Wellness Oasis Heather Bailey ~ Healthy Ohioan's Rep Sue Carter ~ Cincinnati Liaison Greg Pfander ~ Seasonal Fundraiser Joe Wooldridge ~ Rummage Sale Organizer
Upcoming Events Walk & Run-a-Thons – Billie x3201 or Rachel C. x3603 will provide information as they are scheduled. Beginners Zumba Class in the MB Conference Center. Every Tuesday at 5:15 – First class is free!