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MB - NG. Managed Bandwidth - Next Generation. MB - NG. Project to investigate and pilot: End-to-end traffic engineering and management over multiple administrative domains – MPLS in core diffserv at the edges. Managed bandwidth and Quality-of-Service provision.

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  1. MB - NG Managed Bandwidth - Next Generation

  2. MB - NG • Project to investigate and pilot: • End-to-end traffic engineering and management over multiple administrative domains – MPLS in core diffserv at the edges. • Managed bandwidth and Quality-of-Service provision. • High performance high bandwidth data transfers. • Demonstrate end-to-end network services to CERN and to the US • An End-To-End Technology Trial

  3. MB - NG • Partners: CISCO, UKERNA, CLRC-RAL, CLRC-DARESBURY, Manchester, UCL + plus Lancaster and Southampton + Jon Crowcroft (Cambridge)

  4. MB - NG GridPP GridPP SuperJANET UCL Site RAL Site Access Grid Manchester Site Access Grid GridPP

  5. SuperJanet4, June 2002 20Gbps 10Gbps Scotland via Glasgow Scotland via Edinburgh 2.5Gbps 622Mbps WorldCom Glasgow WorldCom Edinburgh 155Mbps NNW NorMAN YHMAN WorldCom Manchester WorldCom Leeds Northern Ireland EMMAN MidMAN WorldCom Reading WorldCom London EastNet TVN External Links WorldCom Bristol WorldCom Portsmouth South Wales MAN LMN SWAN& BWEMAN Kentish MAN LeNSE

  6. RAL OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC RAL OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC OSM-1OC48-POS-SS UCL OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC OSM-1OC48-POS-SS MCC OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC OSM-1OC48-POS-SS SuperJANET4 Production Network MB - NG UCL OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC WorldCom SJ4 Dev C-PoP Warrington 12416 OC48/POS-SR-SC MAN OSM-4GE-WAN-GBIC Leeds Gigabit Ethernet 2.5 Gbit POS Access 2.5 Gbit POS core MPLS Admin. Domains SJ4 Dev ULCC 12016 SJ4 Dev C-PoP Reading 12416 SJ4 Dev C-PoP London 12416 OC48/POS-SR-SC OC48/POS-LR-SC ULCC WorldCom WorldCom Dark Fiber (SSE) POS

  7. MB - NG • Status: • Project is running – started May 18th 2002 • Project funded staff in post at Manchester and UCL. • Project Tasks have been defined at high level • Equipment list for the routers defined • Task1: High level technical goals: In progress • Task2: Definition of Test traffic Generation and Measurement mechanisms to achieve goals of Task-1 • Task3: Provision of equipment for Task-2 • .... do it..... MB-NG-Gantt-Man-1.1.mpp

  8. MB - NG • UK Context : • MB-NG is a “Core E-Science” Project • MB-NG is the only network project

  9. The UK e-Science Program and the Grid Tony Hey Director of UK e-Science Core Program Tony.Hey@epsrc.ac.uk

  10. e-Science and the Grid ‘e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it.’ ‘e-Science will change the dynamic of the way science is undertaken.’ John Taylor Director General of Research Councils Office of Science and Technology

  11. e-Science Programme DG Research Councils Grid TAG E-Science Steering Committee Director Director’s Management Role Director’s Awareness and Co-ordination Role Generic Challenges EPSRC (£15m), DTI (£15m) Academic Application Support Programme Research Councils (£74m), DTI (£5m) PPARC (£26m) BBSRC (£8m) MRC (£8m) NERC (£7m) ESRC (£3m) EPSRC (£17m) CLRC (£5m) £80m Collaborative projects Industrial Collaboration (£40m)

  12. UK Grid ‘Core Program’ • Network of e-Science Centres see www.nesc.ac.uk 2. Generic/Industrial Grid Middleware 3. CS/e-Health Grid ‘Grand Challenge’ 4. Support for e-Science Applications 5. Outreach/International Activities 6. Grid Network Issues

  13. UK e-Science Grid Edinburgh Glasgow DL Newcastle Belfast Manchester Cambridge Oxford Hinxton RAL Cardiff London Southampton

  14. MB - NG • International aspect : • MB-NG line item to extend tests to EU (CERN) and US • In EU we have relations with: • DANTE/Geant • CERN • DataGRID (flagship EU Grid project) • DataTAG (UK leads the relevant WP) • In US discussions started with • Internet-2 • End sites at SLAC and in Chicago

  15. SuperJANET RAL “Site” UCL “Site” MB - NG GridPP GridPP Manchester “Site” GridPP StarLight CERN ??? Abilene/ ESNET

  16. The DataGRID Project ... an EU supported project to... • Develop Grid Middleware and Infrastructure • To collaborate with and complement other European and US bodies • Géant • Globus • GriPhyN, PPDG • ......... • Use real applications to demonstrate Grid technology in action • High Energy Physics – The LHC - centred at CERN • Earth Observation • Biology

  17. Main Partners • CERN – International (Switzerland/France) • CNRS - France • ESA/ESRIN – International (Italy) • INFN - Italy • NIKHEF – The Netherlands • PPARC - UK

  18. Assistant Partners • Research and Academic Institutes • CESNET (Czech Republic) • Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA) – France • Computer and Automation Research Institute,  Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) • Helsinki Institute of Physics – Finland • Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) - Spain • Istituto Trentino di Cultura (IRST) – Italy • Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin - Germany • Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) • Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Germany • Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam (SARA) – Netherlands • Swedish Science Research Council - Sweden • Industrial Partners • Datamat (Italy) • IBM (UK) • CS-SI (France)

  19. Schematic of the underground experimental halls

  20. The tunnel 28 km circumference

  21. Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center HPSS HPSS HPSS HPSS LHC Data Avalanche ~PByte/sec ~100-400 MBytes/sec Online System Experiment CERN 700k SI95 ~1 PB Disk; Tape Robot Tier 0 +1 HPSS ~2.5 Gbps Tier 1 FNAL: 200k SI95; 600 TB IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center 2.5 Gbps Tier 2 ~2.5 Gbps Tier 3 Institute ~0.25TIPS Institute Institute Institute Physics data cache 0.1–1 Gbps Tier 4 Workstations

  22. DataGRID Sites in Europe DataGRID relies upon Géant

  23. The EU DataTAG project • EU Transatlantic Girid project. • Status: Well under way – People in post, Link expected Jul 02 • Partners: CERN/PPARC/INFN/UvA. IN2P3 sub-contractor • US Partners: Caletch, ESnet, Abilene, PPDG, iVDGL … • The main foci are: • Grid Network Research including: • Provisioning (CERN) • Investigations of high performance data transport (PPARC) • End-to-end inter-domain QoS + BW / network resource reservation • Bulk data transfer and monitoring (UvA) • Interoperability between Grids in Europe and the US • PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA)

  24. NL SURFnet Fermi SLAC UK Abilene ESNET SuperJANET4 IT GARR-B Alcatel Alcatel GEANT Juniper Light Switch Giga Switch Juniper Light Switch Giga Switch Cisco 6509 Cisco Cisco Juniper Juniper Starlight (Chicago) 2.5 Gbit PoS lambda CERN (Geneva) DataTAG Possible Configuration multi-platform multi-vendor

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