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Ingomar Elementary Review Game

Test your knowledge of space with this interactive science quiz on gravity, planets, and celestial bodies. Explore fascinating facts about the solar system while having fun!

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Ingomar Elementary Review Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ingomar Elementary Review Game Mrs. Koseski Chapter 18 Science

  2. #1 How does gravity affect the movement of planets? Keeps paths circular Keeps paths straight A: B: Keeps paths angular Does not affect paths C: D:

  3. A- Keeps paths circular instead of straight lines

  4. #2 Name this planet- Inner planet with two moons, sometimes has huge dust storms, rocks and soil rich with iron Mercury Venus A: B: Earth Mars C: D:

  5. D- Mars

  6. #3 What is the cause of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter? Volcano Iron A: B: Storm High temperatures C: D:

  7. C- Storm that has been raging for many years

  8. #4 The ___________ around Saturn are made of water, ice, dust, and chunks of rock. Planets Moons A: B: Rings Stars C: D:

  9. C- The rings around Saturn are ice, dust, and rock.

  10. #5 Which planet has the greatest number of moons? Jupiter Neptune A: B: Venus Saturn C: D:

  11. A- Jupiter

  12. #6 How is Uranus different from other gas giants? Crosses orbit with others Has rings and many moons A: B: Larger than other gas giants Rotates on its side C: D:

  13. D- Uranus is different b/c it rotates on its side

  14. #7 What two features make life possible on Earth? Liquid water and oxygen Atmosphere and liquid water A: B: Atmosphere and oxygen Carbon dioxide and liquid water C: D:

  15. B- Atmosphere and liquid water

  16. #8 What is the name for the study of objects in space? Astrology Astronomy A: B: Biology Physics C: D:

  17. B- Astronomy

  18. #9 What planet is very hot during the daytime and very cold at night due to its lack of atmosphere? Mercury Venus A: B: Earth Mars C: D:

  19. A- Mercury

  20. #10 Which planet has thick clouds that reflect the Sun’s light and make it one of the brightest objects in the sky? Mercury Venus A: B: Jupiter Uranus C: D:

  21. B-Venus

  22. #11 Which planet has a moon named Titan? Venus Mars A: B: Saturn Uranus C: D:

  23. C- Saturn has a moon named Titan.

  24. #12- Compared to the other gas giants, Neptune is _____________. Larger Smaller A: B: The same size Not a gas giant C: D:

  25. B- Smaller

  26. #13 Which of these is not a gas giant? Jupiter Neptune A: B: Saturn Earth C: D:

  27. D- Earth is not a gas giant.

  28. #14 Which planet is surrounded by hot, poisonous gases and is too hot for life as we know it to exist. Mercury Earth A: B: Venus Neptune C: D:

  29. C- Venus is surrounded by poisonous gas and is very hot.

  30. #15 About 60 Earths could fit inside this gas giant. Neptune Jupiter A: B: Saturn Uranus C: D:

  31. A- Neptune could fit about 60 Earths.

  32. Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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