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Community Forum for Rezoning

Community Forum for Rezoning. Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Rezoning Considerations.

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Community Forum for Rezoning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Community Forum for Rezoning Tuesday, March 25, 2014

  2. Rezoning Considerations • In October 2013, the Waxahachie ISD Board of Trustees approved the recommendation of the administration to reconfigure Marvin Elementary to house Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) through Fifth Grade beginning August 2014. By utilizing Marvin Elementary as a full elementary campus, this will enable the district to add an additional 396 elementary seats and eliminate overcrowding in several of the district’s elementary campuses. • Possible Expansion of the Pre-Kindergarten Program • Bilingual programs located at Wedgeworth and Dunaway

  3. Economic Conditions • Texas nonfarm employment growth was up 2.3% in 4Q13, well above the U.S. increase of 1.5%. (BLS/TWC) • The state's unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate for 7 consecutive years. (State Comptrollers Office) • Texas’ $18.7 billion in exports forNovember 2013represented more than 18% of all U.S. exports, a percentage that has been steadily increasing since 2009. (Census Bureau and Wisertrade) • Unemployment rates - Texas Labor Market Information (December 2013) - U.S. 6.5% - Texas 5.6% - DFW MSA 5.4% - Ellis County 5.4% - Waxahachie 5.2% • Dallas was the #7 ranked Best Performing City in the U.S. for 2013 according to the Miliken Institute’s annual publication. • Employment at corporate headquarters located in Dallas increased 16% from 2007-2012, about 4,200 new jobs. • DFW builders put up 21,236 new homes in 2013, a 19% increase over 2012. (Metrostudy)

  4. DFW New Home Ranking Report ISD Ranked by Annual Closings – 4Q13

  5. New Housing Activity Waxahachie ISD New Housing Activity • 2013 starts are up almost 17% over 2012 • Closings for 2013 exceeded the 2012 total by more than 38%. • Inventory is very low, look for starts to climb in early 2014.

  6. Annual Closing Distribution 4Q13

  7. Overall Housing Data By Elementary Attendance Zone

  8. Enrollment History *Yellow box = largest grade per year *Green box = second largest grade per year

  9. Current Elementary Zones Campus Enrollment ED% Clift 518 70.8% Felty 578 42.4% Dunaway 582 70.8% Marvin (PK) 220 82.7% Northside 553 53.5% Shackelford 630 37.3% Wedgeworth 608 65.3%

  10. Current Junior High Zones Campus Enrollment Finley J.H. 801 Howard J.H. 915

  11. Ten Year Forecast by Campus *Yellow over current capacity

  12. Proposed Elementary Zones Campus Enrollment ED% Clift 460 73.3% Felty 455 27.7% Dunaway 590 72.2% Marvin 513 72.9% Northside 445 53.5% Shackelford 538 35.1% Wedgeworth 688 64.5%

  13. Proposed Elementary Zones Mustang Creek to Felty Hunter Cove Apt. to Wedgeworth Blue Lake Villas to Wedgeworth Katy Lake to Northside Area east of Ross St. to Clift Bent Tree Apt to Marvin Area south of Ross St. to Marvin Vista Hills to Marvin

  14. Proposed Junior High Zones Campus EnrollmentFinley J.H. 956Howard J.H. 760

  15. Next Steps • Next Public Forums: Thursday, March 27th, and Monday, March 31st; Both at the WHS Fine Arts Center at 7:00 PM • Final Plan Approval: Monday, April 14th, Board of Trustees Meeting • Final Plan Communicated to the Community: Beginning on Tuesday, April 15th For additional information, please “click” on the “Rezoning 2014” link on the district’s website at www.wisd.org.

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