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DEPS Effects Committee Kick-off. Mr Mark Neice, OSD/JTO Col David Robie, AF/A5RC Jim Rothenflue, LMCO 14 Oct 2009. Purpose. “Why are we here?”
DEPS Effects CommitteeKick-off Mr Mark Neice, OSD/JTO Col David Robie, AF/A5RC Jim Rothenflue, LMCO 14 Oct 2009
Purpose • “Why are we here?” • Build a government – industry – academia committee dedicated to the development of Directed Energy weapons and defensive systems. This particular committee is dedicated to the development of detailed, consistent and reproducible effects data, the proliferation of this data among entitled users and the development of accurate DE effects modeling.
Goals • First and foremost, we need to determine the goals and structure for this DEPS committee. This begins with the straw-man charter. • Next we need to baseline the status of HPM and HEL databases and modeling. • Finally, we would like to understand the next steps in improving the DE effects databases and modeling efforts.
Goals of the Committee • Determine the needs for DE effects data collection and storage standardization • Advocate solutions for these needs, including maintaining a prioritized list of DE effects needs • Promote the broad dissemination of DE effects data to responsible parties • Determine the needs for modeling and simulation standards for correct use of DE effects data • Advocate solutions for these needs • Take other actions as appropriate to foster the production, storage, distribution and correct use of trustworthy DE effects information
Charter Review: Purpose • PURPOSE: The Directed Energy Effects Committee of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) will foster the collection, storage, distribution, and accurate application of trustworthy DE effects data. The Committee will collaborate to develop realistic and consistent simulation and modeling of DE effects across the community. Committee members from government, industry and academic organizations will work together to help in the development of DE effects data to support the deployment of DE systems. The Committee will maintain a broad perspective and provide a venue in which to coordinate the interests of the constituents of the DE Community.
Charter Review: Scope The scope of the Committee will include • All DE effects, including RF and lasers • Effects data production, including standards • Databases for storage of DE effects data • Data dissemination • Development of realistic and consistent simulation and modeling of DE effects
Charter Review: Organization • The Committee will be led by a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, elected by the Committee members for annual terms. A Secretary will be appointed by the Chairman. The Committee may form internal sub-elements such as action groups and sub-committees to investigate specific issues or to perform tasks.
Charter Review: Membership • The DE Effects Committee will consist of any DEPS members interested in DE effects who indicate an interest in joining by participating in a Committee meeting. A membership list will be maintained by the Secretary. Failure to participate in at least one Committee meeting annually or a lapse in DEPS membership will terminate Committee membership.
Charter Review: Operations • The Committee will meet as often as required. • The Committee Chair will set the date, location, and draft agenda for Committee meetings. • DEPS conferences provide means for communication of Committee interests and concerns with the DE Community. • The Committee is not a decision forum and does not have the means to direct action beyond the volunteer activities of its members.
Charter Review: Administration • This charter must be approved by the DEPS Board. It will be reviewed, updated and approved as required.
Next Steps • Action Items • Miscellaneous • Next Meeting