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Renaissance Papacy

Renaissance Papacy. Renaissance Popes. Papacy is the term that refers to the office and position of the Pope Some (not all) Renaissance popes started to get distracted from Church matters. Pope Nicholas V. Many historians argue that Nicholas V (1447-1455) was the first Renaissance Pope

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Renaissance Papacy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Renaissance Papacy

  2. Renaissance Popes • Papacy is the term that refers to the office and position of the Pope • Some (not all) Renaissance popes started to get distracted from Church matters

  3. Pope Nicholas V • Many historians argue that Nicholas V (1447-1455) was the first Renaissance Pope • Planned a new Vatican Palace (with Medici funds) • Planned construction of St. Peter’s Basilica • Began the famous Vatican Library Collection • Approved of slavery

  4. Hallway in the Vatican Library

  5. St. Peter’s Basilica

  6. Pope Sixtus IV • Sixtus IV (1471-1481) represented some of the best and the worst of the Renaissance Papacy • Supported worthy artists • Nepotism (appoints family members to important positions) • Made six nephews Cardinals, one later became Pope Julius II (ended in 1692) • Involved in a plot to kill 2 members of the Medici family (Giulianokilled, Lorenzo wounded)

  7. Sixtus IV

  8. Alexander VI (1492-1503) • Alexander VI & Nepotism • He made one of his 18 year old sons a Cardinal • Had four children with a mistress and 3 other children with unknown women • Suspected of simony, or, paying for church positions • Not all Popes were immoral at this time

  9. Pope Pius II (1458-1464) • One of the better Popes at this time • Big supporter of poetry • Fascinated with ancient Roman ruins

  10. Julius II (1503-1513) • Also had several children • Founded the Swiss Guard, the Popes official bodyguards • Known as the “Warrior Pope” • Fought the Venetians and tried to fight off the French with the Holy League • Admired by Machiavelli

  11. Calls for Reform • Girolamo Savonarola called for reforming the Church (burned immoral items) • Pope Alexander VI tried bribing him, but it failed • In 1497, Pope Alexander VI excommunicated Savonarola • Excommunicate is when someone is removed from the Church (can be totally banned)

  12. Girolamo Savonarola • Savonarola was arrested in 1498, tortured 14 times (rack) hung and eventually burned • In 20 years, Martin Luther will attempt to reform the Church • But that is a story for another day…

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