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Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Vashi and Navi Mumbai - Advancedeyehospital

Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Vashi and Navi Mumbai - Advancedeyehospital<br><br>Tag = Cashless Cataract Surgery In Navi Mumbai, Cashless Cataract Surgery In Vashi, Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Cashless Eye Clinic In Navi Mumbai

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Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Vashi and Navi Mumbai - Advancedeyehospital

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  1. Cataract - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments ( Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Vashi & Navi Mumbai) Tag = Cashless Cataract Surgery In Sanpada, Cashless Cataract Surgery In Vashi, Cashless Cataract Surgery In NaviMumbai What is a Cataract? A cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye causing blurred vision. This clouding can be slight to complete opacity causing obstruction in the passage of light leading to a decrease in vision. It can affect one or both eyes. It is commonly related to the agingprocess. What are the symptoms ofcataracts? Cloudyvision Doublevision Blurredvision The need to change glasses frequently What are the Causes of Cataract? One of the most important causes of cataracts is increasingage.

  2. A few other causes of cataractsare: Diabetes Hypertension Ultraviolet rays Injury to theeye Previous eyeoperation Family history ofcataract Smoking Is cataract specific for any age? Can cataracts occur at any age? Though cataract is usually seen in increasing age; it is no longer the case. Cataracts can occur at any age including in children (congenitalcataracts). How is a cataract treated? An eye operation for cataracts is the only way to treat cataracts. Cataract eye operation involves removing the cataract or the clouded lens that has become non-functional. Cataracts are treated by a surgery called Phacoemulsification. It is the most advanced technique to remove cataracts through a minimum 2 mm incision. After removing the lens, an artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted into the eye to correctvision. Will anesthesia be used for cataractoperation? Yes. Numbing eye drops would be added to theeye. How long will the cataract operationlast? It usually lasts anywhere up to 30minutes. What are the choices of the lens after a cataractoperation? At AEHI, we believe in providing the best care to your eyes. Webelieve everyone’s eyes are different and hence the cataract treatment is customized. The cataract team shall discuss with you and understand your vision expectations after cataract surgery and accordingly suggest the best cataract treatment. Here are the followingoptions: 1. Mono-focallenses: These lenses come in various strengths just like the glass lenses. Depending on individual preference for close vision or distance vision only the lenses of that specific power are used. So, if you choose to have a close vision then the lens power would only be helpful in reading a newspaper or doing detailed work but one would need glasses for distant vision in carrying out activities likedriving.

  3. Multifocal LensImplantation: If you want freedom from glasses after a cataract eye operation, these are your bestbet. Refractive Lens Exchange(RLE): This is an option for patients who are in middle age and more prone to develop cataracts due to increasing age. In this procedure, the patient’s own lens is removed and replaced with a foldable multifocal lens. The advantage of this operation is that the patient does not need cataract surgery in the future. This option is better suited for those with farsightedness along with presbyopia or those where early cataract changes have alreadystarted. Monovision: This is a great option for patients who need close and distant vision. In this, the dominant eye is corrected for distance and the other eye is adjusted for reading the correction. Before going ahead with the surgery; a trial of contact lenses is done where one eye’s contact lens is adjusted for distance correction and the other eye for reading. If the patient feels comfortable with the vision, then mono-vision surgery is planned. ToricLens: Patients who have high astigmatism and will undergo cataract surgery would be the best candidates for the toriclens. How soon can I go home after the cataractoperation? You would be kept for observation for 30 minutes to 1 hour in the hospital after which you can go home. You would be given post-operative instructions and prescriptions and then would be discharged from thehospital. Why Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute for Cataract Surgery? Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute deals with the latest diagnostic and surgical technology. Eye specialists in AEHI are trained from the best eye hospitals in India and abroad. At AEHI, all eye care services from diagnostic, optical, out-patient, and eye surgery are available under oneroof. Our team ensures that comfort, excellent clinical care, and safety are the highlights of your AEHIexperience. Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute dealswith:-

  4. Micro-Incision stitchless surgery (MICS): - A minimum incision in cataract surgery decreases the surgically induced astigmatism. In MICS the removal of the cataract is done through a 1.8-2 mm incision with the implantation of the foldable intraocular lens. Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute has advanced IOL measuring tools to reduce any measurement-related errors such as IOL master and the Immersion Biometry. Most Advanced Trifocal Lenses Available:- All kinds of latest and advanced lenses are offered including foldable trifocal lenses, multifocallenses, astigmatism correcting IOL’s and the combination of thetwo. Complete Cataract Diagnosis:- Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute is equipped with the latest and best in class diagnostic equipment like IOL master, Corneal Topography, and OCT machine. It is the one hospital in which all the cataract diagnoses are done under oneroof. Modular OT with Hepa filter for complete Infection control:- The operation theatre at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute is very advanced and has all the safety and infection control measures like Hepa filters, Joint Less floor & ceiling, Laminar floor in place. The Hepa filters are the one which does not allow bacteria or particles in the OT and Laminar flow make sure that the OT is always under little high pressure to prevent ingress of any air into the OT. Jointless floors, ceilings, and walls prevent the lodging of bacteria into crevices or joints and hence prevent infections after cataractsurgery. For More Informationhttps://advancedeyehospital.com Read more bloghttps://cashlesseyehospitalinvashi.blogspot.com

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