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Archaic Greece 776-490 BC

Archaic Greece 776-490 BC. Alphabet Shift from geometric to oriental in pottery City-state - polis Colonization Hoplite warfare Tyranny and class struggle. Greek alphabetic: law code of Gortyn; boustrophedon. Linear B - Mycenaean. Dipylon Vase 740 BC.

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Archaic Greece 776-490 BC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Archaic Greece 776-490 BC • Alphabet • Shift from geometric to oriental in pottery • City-state - polis • Colonization • Hoplite warfare • Tyranny and class struggle

  2. Greek alphabetic: law code of Gortyn; boustrophedon Linear B - Mycenaean

  3. Dipylon Vase 740 BC

  4. Corinthian style: oriental c. 650 BC Oenochoe 625-600 BC

  5. Polis: Attica Astu (city) and chora (countryside) Synoecism Basileus and archon Assembly Rise of aristocracy

  6. Greek Colonization: metropolis; oikistes;

  7. Hoplite, from 675 BC; armor; phalanx

  8. Marble and Messages at Ephesus • Barbara Burrell, Cincinnati • Thursday Jan. 28, 2010 • 6 pm; Eugene Public Library

  9. Class struggle • Aristocracy: hoi agathoi; kalokagathia • isonomia • Hoi kakoi • Thetes; mortgages • Tyranny and resistance to aristocrats

  10. Thucydides • History of Peloponnesian War (431-404) • Greatest war • Reconstructive anthropology • Trojan war; Persian invasion; tyranny

  11. Hesiod: Works and Days • Ascra, Boeotia • Didactic poetry • Near Eastern wisdom literature

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