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Orangutans. By :Maria Kaltsidis. Interesting Description. Orangutans have a red fur, and thick neck. The orangutan is very tall with a bulky body. Orangutans have black eyes and a brown face. Diet. Orangutans are

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Orangutans By :Maria Kaltsidis

  2. Interesting Description • Orangutans have a red fur, and thick neck. • The orangutan is very tall with a bulky body. • Orangutans have black eyes and a brown face.

  3. Diet • Orangutans are omnivores. Omnivores mean a plant eater and a meat eater. • They mostly eat plants like leaves and plant bulbs • Their favorite food is seeds, tree bark ,plant shoots ,and flowers.

  4. Enthusiastic Habit • Orangutans live in Asian Tropical rainforest • Orangutans live alone in large territories. • Orangutans live around their diet.

  5. Amazing Facts • Orangutans are the only red apes. • There are 2 Orangutan species the Sumatran, and the Pongoabe. • Orangutans have only 32 permanent teeth.

  6. The Fun Facts • When it rains orangutans holds a leave over its head to keep itself dry. • An orangutans arms are stronger than their legs. • Female Orangutans gives birth every 7-9 years.

  7. More Fun Facts • Orangutans arms can reach out more than 8 feet!!! • Male orangutans live alone, female orangutans live with their infants.

  8. Conclusion • I hope you learned a lot about Orangutans.

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