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This document provides an overview of the experimental measurements and observations of X and Y mesons in the .XY. states, focusing on decay to final states with a cc pair and Sqi=0. It covers topics such as the decay of X(3872) to Kp+p-J/y, Y(4260) and y' states, and the new measurements from Belle and BaBar experiments. The document also discusses the controversies and different cc assignments for the X(3915), X(3940), and X(4160) states.
XY (but not Z) states, experimental overview Stephen L. Olsen University of Hawai’i (member: BES & Belle expts)
(Decay to final states with a cc pair & Sqi=0 ) X & Y mesons X(3872) BKp+p-J/y Y(4260) y’ Belle BaBar e+e-gISRp+p-J/y Belle X(3872) Y(4008)? M(p+p-J/y)-M(J/y) Belle Y(3940) BaBar M(p+p-J/y) BKwJ/y Y(4350) & Y(4660) e+e-gISRp+p-y’ BaBar Belle M(wJ/y) M(wJ/y) M(p+p-y’) X(4160) X(3940) Y(4140) Y(4630) e+e-DD*J/y e+e-D*D*J/y e+e-gISRLcLc Belle CDF Belle Belle BKfJ/y M(LcLc) M(DD*) M(D*D*) M(fJ/y)
What’s new? • Belle sees a ggwJ/y peak @ ~3915 MeV • New to this meeting • Belle measurements of s(e+e- D*Dp) • New to this meeting (G. Pakhlova’s Thurs talk) • CDF evidence for Y(4140)fJ/y • Moriond QCD Kay Yi’s talk this session • Z(4430)+p+y’; Z1(4050)+ & Z2(4250)+p+cc1 • controversy? Chistov & Patrigani in the next session • BaBar results for X(3872)gJ/y & gy’ • Mass measurements from CDF & Belle
The states near 3940 MeV-circa 2005- probably different not seen in wJ/y not seen in DD* Probably the cc2’ X(3940) Y(3940) Z(3930) gg DD e+e- J/y DD* BKwJ/y M(wJ/y) M(DD) M(DD*) M = 3929±5±2 MeV Gtot = 29±10±2 MeV Nsig =64 ± 18evts M≈3940 ± 11 MeV G≈ 92 ± 24 MeV M = 3942 +7± 6 MeV Gtot = 37 +26 ±12 MeV Nsig =52 +24 ± 11evts -6 -15 -16 PRL 96, 082003 PRL94, 182002 (2005) PRL 100, 202001
Y(3940) confirmed by BaBar B±K±wJ/y B0KSwJ/y ratio M(wJ/y) PRL 101, 082001 Some discrepancy in M & G; general features agree
New Belle peak in ggwJ/y undetected l+ X J/y l- p+ w p0 p- undetected
M(p+p-p0)vs M(l+l-) J/yl+l- • 4 trks (1 lepton, no kaons) • Sqi=0 • 1 p0 select best one • veto y’p+p-J/y • W<4.3 GeV • SpT<0.1GeV • … wp+p-p0 M(p+p-p0) GeV M(l+l-) GeV
SpTvs W cut M: 3914 3 2MeV, G: 23 10 +2-8 MeV, Nres = 55 14 +2-14 events Signif. = 7.7s, 7.7s preliminary
The 4 states near 3940 Mass(GeV) Range: (s(stat.)+s(sys.)) Y(3940) Belle X(3940) Z(3930) Good overlap with BaBar “Y(3940)” values This X(3915) Width(GeV)
Could it be the Z(3930)? Seems unlikely
Ggg partial width GggB(wJ/y) = 69 16 +7eV (JP=0+) -18 GggB(wJ/y) = 21 4 +2 eV (JP=2+) -5 For comparison: Z(3930): GggB(DD) = 180 50±30 eV Bf(cc2’wJ/y) Bf(cc2’DD) If X(3915) = Z(3930) = cc2’ 0.08 Huge for above-open-charm-threshold charmonium
cc assignments forX(3915), X(3940) & X(4160)? hc’’’ 4160MeV hc” cc0’ 3940MeV 3915MeV • Y(3915) = cco’? G(wJ/y) too large? • X(3940) = hc”? mass too low? • X(4160) = hc’’’? mass way too low?
+ J/ - primary vertex secondary vertex Lxy + - B+ + Particle Identification (Kaon LLR) Vertex separation Y(4140) from CDF arXiv:0903.2229 Kai Yi’s talk in This session M: 4143.0 2.9 1.2MeV, G: 11.7 +8.3-5± 3.7MeV, Nres = 14 5events Signif. > 3.8s M=m(+-K+K-)-m(+-)
Fit toM(pp)favorsL = 0 hep-ex/0505038 PRL96,102002(2006) JPC values from CDF & Belle JPC = 1++ CDF: PRL 98 132002 JPC = 1++ or 2-+
BaBar: X(3872) gJ/y & gy’ B+K+gJ/y 3.6s 1++ g J/y or gy’ Allowed E1 2-+ gJ/y or gy’ Suppressed E2 M(gJ/y) JPC = 1++ favored over 2-+ B+K+gy’ 3.5s NB: Molecular models have trouble with X(3872)gy’ Swanson PLB 598, 192 (2004) PRL 102,132001 M(gy’)
Is there a cc assignment for X(3872) ? cc1’ hc2 ?? ?? 3872MeV • Mass is too low • especially if cc0=3915 & cc2=3930 • cc1’ppJ/y violates Ispin • Bf(X3872ppJ/y)>4% • G(gJ/y) should be >>G(rJ/y) • expt: G(gJ/y) <<G(rJ/y) • Mass is okay • hc2ppJ/y violates Ispin • Should be ,, hc2 pphc • G(gJ/y) should be tiny • BKhc2 is suppressed
the 1-- Y states Y(4260) Y(4350) & Y(4660) BaBar e+e-gISRp+p-J/y e+e-gISRp+p-y’ BaBar Belle Belle Y(4008)? M(p+p-J/y) GeV M(p+p-y’) GeV e+e-gISRLcLc at least 3, maybe 5 Y(4630) Belle M(LcLc)
Only 1 unassigned 1-- cc level predicted measured
--many proposals-- • L Maiani et al • PRD 71,014028 (2005) • T-W Chiu & TH Hsieh • PRD 73, 111503 (2006) • D Ebert et al • PLB 634, 214 (2006) • … • NA Tornqvist • PLB 590, 209 (2004) • ES Swanson • PLB 598,197 (2004) • E Braaten & T Kusunoki • PRD 69 074005 (2004) • CY Wong • PRC 69, 055202 (2004) • MB Voloshin • PLB 579, 316 (2004) • F Close & P Page • PLB 578,119 (2004) • X Liu • arXiv 0708..4167 • … • P Lacock et al (UKQCD) • PLB 401, 308 (1997) • SL Zhu • PLB 625, 212 (2005) • FE Close, PR Page • PLB 628, 215 (2005) • E Kou, O Pene • PLB 631, 164 (2005) • … _ cc-gluon hybrid • Etc: • hadro-charmonium • threshold effects • … c c • C Meng & KT Chao • PRD 75, 114002 (2007) • W Dunwoodie & V Ziegler • PRL 100 062006 (2008) • O Zhang, C Meng & HQ Zheng • arXiv:0901.1553 • … • S Dubynski et al • PLB 666,344 (2008) • FK Guo et al • PLB 665, 26 (2008) • DV Bugg • arXiv+0709.1254 • … modified charmonium
Model features diquark-diantiquarks Expect SU(3) multiplets cc-gluon hybrids LQCD: M>~4.3 GeV Open charm thresh =MD+MD**4285 (above Y4260 peak) Non-zero charges are not allowed D(*)D(*) molecules (real or virtual) masses should be near M(D(*))+M(D(*)) mass thresholds • Etc. • hadro-charmonium • light hadron-charmonium • bound states • threshold effects • …
D(*)D(*) Molecules? masses should be near M(D(*))+M(D(*)) mass thresholds Favored model for the X(3872) Lots of literature on this, some very detailed (& some prior to the X(3872) discovery)
X(3872) Mass-- in ppJ/y channel only -- 2 new measurements Belle Avg: MX(3872) = 3871.5±0.2 MeV PDG08: MD0+MD*0 = 3871.8±0.4 MeV CDF T. Kuhr @ QWG08
DD thresholds DSDS thresholds some of the states are near thresholds – notably M(X3872) & M(D0)+M(D*0) - but this is not a universal feature
Hybrids? LQCD: M>~4.3 GeV Open charm thresh =MD+MD** 4285 MeV (above Y4260 peak) Non-zero charges are not allowed Should be seen in open-charm channels above 4285 MeV Favored assignment for the 1-- Y states
DD** thresholds and the Y(4260), Y(4350) & Y(4660) 4.66- 4285 D D 4.35- D Belle D 4.28- 4.26- 3.88- D 3.85- DD Y(4350) & Y(4660) are well above all DD** thresholds & should have strong widths to DD*p
σ(e+e–→open charm) via ISR PRD77,011103(2008) DD ? DD* (4160) Y(4350) PRL98, 092001 (2007) Y(4008) D*D* Y(4260) (4415) (4040) PRL100,062001(2008) Y(4660) DDπ PRL 101 172001 (2008) Λc+Λc– No evidence for any 1-- YD**D
Belle: Sum of all measured exclusive contributions (3770) (4160) Y(4008) Y(4350) (4415) Y(4260) Y(4660) (4040) Durham Data Base if Ruds=2.285±0.03 Almost all open-charm channels are accounted for Inclusive (BES) New Belle results on DD*p in G. Pakhlova’s Thurs PM talk Sexclusive (Belle)
These states have large G(ppJ/y(y’)) eg:G(Y(4260)p+p- J/y) > 1.6MeV @ 90% CL X.H. Mo et al, PL B640, 182 (2006) Much larger than measured charmonium widths: G(y’p+p- J/y) = 0.104 ±0.004 MeV G(y’’p+p- J/y) = 0.044 ±0.008 MeV
diquark-diantiquarks Expect SU(3) multiplets Isospin partners S=-1 partners Xs-= X-= d s doublet of “X(3872)” states DM=8±3 MeV Maiani et al PRD71, 014028
PRD71, 031501 B0 B- X(3872)– X(3872)– M(J/π–π0) M(J/π–π0) No multiplet partners seen BaBar search for “X-(3872)”p-p0 J/y Bf(B0K+X-)Bf(X-p-p0J/y) < 0.4 Bf(B-K+X0)Bf(X0p+p-J/y) (expect 2)
X(3872)→J/ψπ+π– BELLE-CONF-0849 PRD77,111101,2008 B+→XK+ B+→XK+ 12.8 8.6σ B0→XK0s B0→XK0s 2.3σ 5.9 No evidence for X(3872) neutral partner MX= 2.7±1.6±0.4 MeV MX =0.2±0.9±0.3MeV DM=8±3 MeV predicted Maiani et al PRD71, 014028
Mass different in XDD* modes? “new” “old” 605fb-1 D0D0g 414fb-1 D0D0p0 605fb-1 D0D0p0
Light-hadron charmoniumbound states? c c My guess: masses should be near M(cc)+M(“narrow”-light-hadron) thresholds This would account for large decay widths to charmonium & the preference for some states to go to y’ & other J/y • S Dubynski et al • PLB 666,344 (2008) • FK Guo et al • PLB 665, 26 (2008) charmonium +excited light hadrons charmonium + gnd-state light hadrons
Scorecard • D(*)D(*) Molecules • favored for the X(3872) • but many XY states are not near thresholds • hybrids • no sign of open charm decays • diquarks-diantiquarks • No sign of SU(2)/SU(3) multiplet partners • Light-hadron charmonium bound states • not much coincidence between states & thresholds
Candidates for XY counterparts in the b- and s-quark sectors
Y(4260) equivalent with b-quarks? Belle s(e+e- p+p-(nS)) _ K.F. Chen et al (Belle) arXiv:0808.2445 Peaks not consistent with known bb states G(pp(nS)) ~ 1000x too large for conventional bottomonium
Y(4260) equivalent with s-quarks? e+e- g f0(980)f Y(2175)f0(980)f s(e+e- p+p-f(1020)) BaBar f0(980)p+p- M(f0(980)f) BaBar, PRD 74, 091103
Confirmed by BES & Belle confirmed by BESII in J/y h f f0(980) s(e+e- f0(980)f(1020)) BES Belle M(f0(980)f GeV C.P.Shen et al (Belle) arXiv: 0808.0006 NB: Radial excitation of the f is not ruled out M.Ablikim et al (BES) PRL 100, 102003 (2008)
The Z+ meson candidates BKp+y’ 6.5 Z(4430)+ M2(p±y’) GeV2 M(p±y’) GeV Not confirmed by BaBararXiv:0811.0564 Discussed by R.Chistov & C.Patrigani in the next session S.-K. Choi et al (Belle) PRl 100, 142001 M2(Kp’) GeV2 BKp+cc1 >6 Z2(4250)+ M(p±cc1) GeV M2(p±c’c1) GeV2 Z1(4050)+ M2(Kp’) GeV2 R.Mizuk,R.Chistov et al (Belle) PRD 78, 072004
Concluding remarks _ • Lots of non-qq mesons candidates are seen • No single non-qq model explains them well • Recurring theme: large widths for decays to final states with charmonium _
Winston Churchill & women v Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. charm, Newinsights often Puzzles