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Learn about the evolution of educational assessment in Spain, including national and international surveys, language competencies, and assessment frameworks.
EVOLUTION OF EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT MOSCOW 15-16 OCTOBER ROSOBRNADZOR Spain: an approach to national assessment Lis Cercadillo NationalInstituteforEducationalAssessment Ministry of Education Spain lis.cercadillo@mecd.es http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee
The National Institute for Educational Assessment is the unit in charge of the evaluation of the educational system within the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport • Aims: • Assessing the educational system in coordination with our regional administrations • Coordinating the Spanish participation in international external surveys • Working on national indicators and benchmarks in education at national and international levels • Editing the journal “Revista de Educación” whose objective is to disseminate research and innovation in education • Developing the “Boletínde Educación” http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee/Program_visit.html
What do weexpectfromtheEducationalSystem? Life skills Curriculum Measurement
Whatitisobservedthroughthe test Life skills Curriculum Measurement
ExternalAssessment in Spain • National • - PrimaryEducation (6-12 years of age): 3rd and 6th grades • - Bachillerato (16-18 years of age): 12th grade (PAU) • International • PrimaryEducation: PIRLS and TIMSS : 4th grade • End of SecondaryEducation: PISA
EuropeanUnion: EuropeanStudy of LanguageCompetencies (SurveyLang) EuropeanStudy of LanguageCompetencies • Provide information to the European Union about: • proficiency levels at the end of Secondary Compulsory Education • good practices to improve language learning • Five European languages were assessed: Spanish, English, French, German and Italian • Develop European benchmarks about Language Competencies to measure progress or trends on language learning throughout the Union
Anexample of results EuropeanStudy of LanguageCompetencies Firstlanguage L1 Secondlanguage L2 Countries ordered from high to low percentage of students at levels B1 and B2.
Open-constructedresponsescoding in ESLC Writing – open production Comparison between the student´s production with a reference model or example. This comparison has two aims: communication and language production. The advantage of this method is that the subjectivity of the coder is neutralized because of the comparison model (strictness or leniency). The coder makes a comparison but does not give a mark. Corrección de las tareas de nivel A1-A2 Corrección de las tareas de nivel B1-B2
Assessmentframework3rd grade Primary Education Assessment framework 6th grade http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee
Assessment Framework3rd grade-PrimaryEducation http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee/Evaluacion_tercero_Primaria.html
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation LanguageCompetence At the age of 8, situations (context-stimulus) that are close and motivating for students are used. • Improvementplan
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Assessment examples http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee/Evaluacion_tercero_Primaria.html Mathematical Competence. Coding guide and resources for teachers Competencein languagecommunication Coding guide and resources for teachers
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation • LanguageCompetence • Thefollowingtypes of texts are the base to measurethecontents of the 3 skills (Reading, Writing, Listening) • Continuous(organizedintoparagraphs, narrative and descriptive) • Non-continuous(lists, tables, graphs, diagrams, maps) • Mixed(brochures, posters and hypertexts) • Plan de Mejora
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation • LanguageCompetence • Cognitivecomprehensionprocesses • Access and retrieve. Recognize and remember (locatinginformationexpressedwithsynonyms) • Integrate and interpret. Givemeaning and coherencewithintheinformationgiven in the test(describingrelationshipbetweentwocharacters) • Reflect and evaluate.Contrastinformationgivenwithpreviousknowledge (takingintoaccountthepoint of view of theauthoron a topic) • Improvement plan
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation • Competence in languagecommunication • Cognitiveexpressionprocesses • Coherence:Give a global meaning of thetext and expressthemain ideas. • Cohesion: Accurate vocabulary use, synonyms and pronouns, semicolons, … • Adequacy:applies spelling and capitalization rules; adapts the text to communication • Presentation:(written expression). Legibly without studs and using margins • Fluency: (oral expression). Express yourself easily, proper use of rhythm and intonation • Improvement plan
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Assessment example Listening “La brujaCaramala”
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Assessment examplewriting
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Assessment example writing
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Assessment example Speaking
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Coding guide • Criteria for scoring • Coding table for each item that includes: • Assessed competency • Text type • Cognitive process • Item difficulty • Type of answer • Full or partial credit • 3. Table of contents in which all the items are contained. The table shows the percentages of the cognitive processes and the percentages of the contents.
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Coding guide(Listening)
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Coding guide(Reading)
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Coding guide(Writing)
Assessment Framework3rd grade PrimaryEducation Coding guide(Speaking)
Assessment Framework for 6th grade http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee/Evaluacion_sexto_Primaria.html
6th grade - Primary Education http://educalab.es/cniie/competencias-basicas/lenguas-extranjeras/evaluaciones-externas • Prueba de comprensión oral (listening) • Prueba de compresión escrita(reading) • Prueba de expresión oral (speaking) • Prueba de expresión escrita (writing) • Prueba de comprensión oral y escrita • Prueba de expresión oral y escrita
Assessment framework 6th grade • Prueba de competencia matemática Prueba de competencia en ciencia y tecnología Reading, Mathematics and Coding guides forteachers
Selectividad or PAU My name is VerónicaBenítez, I live in Barcelona. Selectividad (or PAU, Test for Entering the University) is the college entrance exam in Spain. It gave me a chance me to move to Barcelona and study there. The procedure is like this: In the first set of exams (general stage), we wrote an essay on a philosophical or historical topic and answer different questions, analyzed an English text and worked with a Spanish text. In the second test, there were one subject to choose and I took Biology. Each of the four exams lasts half an hour. The second day I took two more exams in Chemistry and Ecology, that is the specific stage, because I want to make the most of my grades. Although it is not compulsory, the marks of these two subject exams are weighted in order to get a better average score; therefore, most of us are taking them. I like this approach – the total score at the exam and school grade point average are accounted for at admission. Thus all the work done during my school years was accounted for. I wasn’t too nervous because I had prepared well. I advise everyone to prepare ahead.
Selectividad or PAU • Selectividad or PAU (Access to university) in Spain is an external examination at the end of the Upper Secondary Education or Bachillerato • PAU allows students to enter into Tertiary Education • In 2013, 33.3% of Spanish adult population held a University degree (25-34 years of age: 40%)
Selectividad or PAU • Two stages: general and specific • General stage: the student takes four or five different exams, in the following subjects: Spanish, History of Spain / History of Philosophy, English (or other foreign language), modality option and second language (in the regions where there is a second official language, such as Galician, Catalan or Basque). Each exam lasts one hour and a half. This stage scores up to 10 points.
Selectividad or PAU • Specific stage: the student takes two exams (in theory, 4 at maximum) in two different specific subjects, depending on the tier they have selected in their Bachillerato • Grades obtained in this stage are weighted according to the studies the student wants to attend at the University • Totally, a student can achieve a maximum of 14 score points
Selectividad or PAU • The final score includes 60% of the Bachillerato mean score + 40% of the PAU mean score. • Registration costs: around 100 euros, according to the number of exams taken • All info and regulations can be searched at: http://www.educaweb.com/contenidos/educativos/selectividad/normativa-acceso-universidad/
Selectividad or PAU Recent debates: • Pilot surveys for a test on Speaking (not only Reading and Writing) • What is the use of a general test like PAU? • More than 90% of students pass the test • Selection of students is made in previous years: before Baccalauréat and at the end of Baccalauréat • It is useful to select students in very concrete degrees, such as Engineering or Medicine • Each University decides? Then the student would have to take too many different tests!
http://www.mecd.gob.es/inee Thankyouverymuch Cпасибо Muchas gracias Furtherinformation: @educaINEE Our blog: http://blog.educalab.es/inee/ My email: lis.cercadillo@mecd.es