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Leo Bigger

Leo Bigger. speak up for your children speak up for your friends speak up for your spouse. speak up for your dream speak up for your neighbour speak up for people in need speak up for ….

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Leo Bigger

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leo Bigger

  2. speakupforyourchildren • speakupforyourfriends • speakupforyourspouse

  3. speakupforyourdream • speakupforyourneighbour • speakupforpeople in need • speakupfor …

  4. «The Lord Godtookthe man andputhim in the Garden of Eden toworkitandtakecareofit. » The Bible, Genesis 2:15

  5. Usethe power ofproclamation

  6. ProclaimGod’sprotectionduringtheday «He ismyfortress, I will neverbeshaken. » The Bible, Psalm 62:3b

  7. ProclaimGod’sgreatness in theevening «The Lord will roarfrom on high; he will thunderfromhisholydwellingandroarmightilyagainsthisland. He will shoutlikethosewhotreadthegrapes, shoutagainst all who live on theearth.» The Bible, Jeremiah 25:30

  8. Fight foryourvictoryin difficulttimes

  9. «See, the Lion ofthetribeof Judah, the Root of David, hastriumphed.» The Bible, Revelation 5:5

  10. «Judah, yourbrothers will praiseyou; yourhand will be on the neck ofyourenemies; Yourfather’ssons will bow down toyou.» The Bible, Genesis 49:8

  11. Bevictoriousbyattacking

  12. «Forourstruggleis not againstfleshandblood, but againsttherulers, againsttheauthorities, againstthepowersofthisdarkworldandagainstthe spiritual forcesofevil in theheavenlyrealms.» The Bible, Ephesians 6:12

  13. Bevictoriousbyremainingpatient

  14. Don’tbecomeinferior: In anycase I am weaker!

  15. Don’tbecomeproud: In anycase I am stronger!

  16. «The weaponswefightwithare not theweaponsoftheworld. On thecontrary, theyhavedivine power todemolishstrongholds. WedemolishargumentsandeverypretensionthatsetsitselfupagainsttheknowledgeofGod, andwetakecaptiveeverythoughttomakeitobedientto Christ.» The Bible, 2. Corinthians 10:4-5

  17. Bevictoriousbyprotecting

  18. «Yourboastingis not good. Don’tyouknowthat a littleyeastleavensthewholebatchofdough?» The Bible, 1. Corinthians 5:6

  19. «Youare a lion’scub, Judah; youreturnfromtheprey, myson. Like a lion he crouchesand lies down, like a lioness—whodarestorousehim? The scepter will not departfrom Judah, northeruler’sstafffrombetweenhisfeet, until he towhomitbelongsshallcomeandtheobedienceofthenationsbehis.» The Bible, Genesis 49:9-10

  20. Enlargeyourarea: stepbystep! «The scepter will not departfrom Judah, northeruler’sstafffrombetweenhisfeet, until he towhomitbelongsNshallcomeandtheobedienceofthenationsbehis.» The Bible, Genesis 49:10b

  21. Charles HaddonSpurgeon

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