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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION PETROVAC MONTENEGRO MAY 24, 2012 SLOVENIAN HIGHER EDUCATION 2012 Andrej Kotnik . students. University of Ljubljana, 1919 (41.000 students ) University of Maribor, 1975 (16.000 students ) University of Primorska, 2003 (5.000 students )
Universityof Ljubljana, 1919 (41.000 students) Universityof Maribor, 1975 (16.000 students) Universityof Primorska, 2003 (5.000 students) Universityof Nova Gorica, 2006 (500 students) 30 private HEI – (9.000 students) EMUNI highereducationinstitutions
HE is defined as a public services, regrardless of their source of funding • In addition to public HEi, private institutions also operate in the HE area. • Private HEI independently determine their own mission • Private HEi are regulated within the same legal framework as the operation of public Hei (concession ) • 96,5% Vs. 3,5% New Master Programe (criterias): • Only when study programme in private HEi is not implemented at public HEi and at the same time there is a need for a certain study programme and the study programme is of high quality. PRIVATE PUBLIC institutions
1993 1999 (EU citizens, student representative,..) 2004-05 (Bologna, ECTS,DS, JSP,QA,..) 2009 (transnational, SQAA, external accreditation,..) 2011 (E-HE,.. 2012… – new legislation in preparation Other regulations highereducationact 1993 -2011…….
Knowledge is a public good and HE is a public responsibility NationalMasterplanforHigherEducation 2011-2020
Quality (internationally comparable education, employability, mobility) Social dimension(access and completion of the study, lifelong learning) Diversification (variety of types and missions of institutions and programs ) “Knowledge triangle” (cooperation) Internationalisation (mobility) GoalsofNationalMasterplan 2011-2020
HigherEducationSystem Studystructureandhighereducationqualifications Financing Diversification Qualityandaccountability Social dimension Internationalisation 47 MEASURES KeypillarsofNationalMasterplan 2011-2020
SOME MEASURES M 1: The redefinition of conditions for the establishment and operation of individual types of higher education institutions. M3: The establishment of a system of internal organisation ofuniversities and higher education institutions capable of promotingcooperation between departments and/or different institutions amongthemselves M 4: The enhancement of co-operation between higher educationinstitutions and public research institutes (personel, public reso., wage system M 5: The enhancement of cooperation between higher educationinstitutions with economic and public sectors. (cooperation, consulting fro drafting programme, non-academic perosnel M 12: Modification of entrance conditions and enrolment posts
SOME MEASURES M 13: The establishment of the funding system of higher educationinstitutions so that development will be encouraged and elements ofquality and cooperation with the environment will be taken intoconsideration. (from input to output, basic, developement pillar) M17:Formulation of missions of higher education institutions andprofiling of institutions M 22: The transition from programme to institutional accreditation M 30: The establishment of co-operation with the region of theWestern Balkans as an example of good practice in the field of regionalmobility by 2020 M 39:Funding studies in the first and second cycle at any time inlife under certain conditions
governancestructureofhe č Council for Higher Education Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs SQAA Slovene Human Resources Development and Schoolarship Fund CMEPIUS SRA Universities and higher education institutions
Internal integration , management…. same tradition in the region individual accounts of faculties lump sum money distribution (too) many study programmes rector = director no scheme for training
Fragmantation of study programmes ! 762 Study UL 353 study programmes (only 20 interdisciplinary prg. as intra-university coop)
Analytical information system for higher educatione-HE 11 different information systems in universities and HEI 8 separate HEI without appropriate information solutions the need for a unified governmental register of higher education Complex information and analytical system for all participants: On line evidence of HEI, programmes and courses Central Calls for student enrolment Evidence of professors, students and graduates Evidence of governmental student supports Application for student dormitories On line analysis and reporting Friendly Web portal in Slovenian and English language
Andrej Kotnik Thankyou !