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Engage Enable Empower. Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College. Welcome Year 11 Information Advice & Guidance Evening Wednesday 5 th October. Engage Enable Empower.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College WelcomeYear 11Information Advice & Guidance Evening Wednesday 5th October
Engage Enable Empower Welcome Mrs BurrowesIntroductions Mr JohnstonCare, Guidance and Support Mr HockenhullEnglish Mrs HarmerMaths Mrs WilkinsonScience Miss BurkeRE Mr Passarello Study Support Mrs O’CallaghanAssertive Mentoring Mr JohnstonThornleigh Sixth Form Mr KirkCommon Application Process Mr KirkForm teachers and mentors available at the end of the evening Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Care Guidance and Support Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Success in the education of children depends, at least in some part, on the involvement of their parents. If a child sees that their parents are enthusiastic about education, they are far more likely to view their schooling in a positive light, and be more receptive to learning. Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College KS 4 Care Guidance & Support TeamMrs Pawlowski Director of C.G.S.Mr Hockenhull Assist Director of C.G.S. Miss FitzgeraldLead Learning MentorMiss Ekin Assistant Learning Mentor Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Form Tutors 11 Alpha Mr Marchant 11 Beta Mrs Whittaker 11 Gamma Miss Fletcher 11 Delta Mr Schofield 11 Kappa Miss Topham 11 Theta Mr Drury 11 Sigma Mr Clarke 11 Omega Mr Locke Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Attendance“There is a direct correlation between attendance and attainment.”“Poor attendance will reduce the choices available for post 16 education and training.”“The world is run by people who turn up” Engage Enable Empower
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Mrs Harmer GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN YEAR 11
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College KEY STAGE 4 ENGLISH/ENGLISH LITERATURE EXAMINING BOARD: WJEC & OCR
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Passed GCSE English Now taking GCSE English Literature (OCR) Not got a Grade C in English Resitting in November starting Literature (OCR) Did not achieve a grade C in November moving on to WJEC English (new spec)
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College KEY STAGE 4 ENGLISH • At the end of Year 10 pupils sat their GCSE English Language examination. • Coursework was started in the spring term of Year 9 in order to facilitate this, as 4 written pieces and • 3 Speaking and Listening activities are required, contributing 40% to the overall mark.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College KEY STAGE 4 ENGLISH/ENGLISH LITERATURE • The pupils sat 2 X 2 hour examinations, covering both reading and writing skills on both papers for the other 60% of the final mark. • After the June examination the Year 10 did their first GCSE Literature Controlled Assessment on ‘Romeo and Juliet’ compared with a film adaptation worth 10%.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College GCSE English • For those pupils who achieved less than a Grade C in the summer, we are giving them another opportunity to re-sit the exam in November. • Letters have already been sent out to these pupils regarding improvement of coursework and/or revision of skills sessions with RH, CHS and our AST, VC, during morning registration. • We have also arranged for others who have not reached their target grades to re-sit in November, as universities will be looking at GCSE grades, as well as AS grades when students come to apply.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College GCSE English • Any new piece of coursework needs to be completed and to the Board by Friday, 4th November. • The examination, consisting of 2 papers, will take place on 8th and 11th November. • (Results will be published in January, 2012). • The students will then prepare for the OCR Literature exam, studying of ‘Of Mice and Men’ for a controlled assessment and an exam in January
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Not got a Grade C in English Resitting in November starting Literature (OCR) • Those who have passed the GCSE English by January will then continue with OCR GCSE Literature • Those who have not reached a Grade C will continue with the WJEC stand alone English GCSE Did not achieve a grade C in November moving on to WJEC English (new spec)
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Did not achieve a grade C in November moving on to WJEC English (new spec) • CA will have already been done on ‘Of Mice and Men’ • CA Narrative and descriptive writing • CA Spoken Language • S&L 3 tasks • 2X 1 hour exam papers
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College GCSE Literature OCR Controlled Assessments: • 1 piece has already been done for English Literature ‘R & J’ • Wilfred Owen (comparative) 15%
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College GCSE Literature The pupils will sit ‘open book' exam which will include: • Studied drama, ‘A View From the Bridge’ (Jan) • Prose text, ‘Of Mice and Men’ (Jan) • Seen poetry ( Carol Ann Duffy) Prose ‘Animal Farm’. (June)
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College KEY STAGE 4 ENGLISH/ENGLISH LITERATURE • The skills for both subjects provide a foundation for Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced GCE (A2) study in English Literature, English Language and English Language and Literature and are vital in the further study of any subject at an equivalent level.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College GCSE English Language • G.C.S.E. English Language is a crucial qualification for any future employment or university/college education.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Year 11 GCSE Maths
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College All students sit Linear Edexcel 2x 1hr 45min Papers First sitting June 2011
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College • These papers were sat by all students in June 2011 • We achieved an impressive 56% A* to C • We intend to surpass all records by June 2012
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Why this format? • Attaining a GCSE in Maths is essential for Level 3 study and most jobs. • The competition for all post 16 options is fierce and we need to equip our students adequately. • This system means that we are not waiting until the end of Year 11 to find out results. Students will know where they are up to and what they need to focus on.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Post Year 10 Exams - All students will re-sit their GCSE in order to reach or improve on target grades - Small group intervention will take place both in class and out in order to achieve this -Every student at Thornleigh has a bespoke package tailored to their individual needs - There are re-sit opportunities in November, March and June. Most students will do their first re-sit in March.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Post Year 10 Exams • The recruitment of a new professional staff of subject specialists has enabled us to restructure smaller group sizes at KS4 ensuring that every child has the best possible opportunity to succeed • The Mathematics Department is confident that all students will reach or surpass their potential in 2012
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Science
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Course Routes
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Assessment Double Award
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Assessment Triple Sciences or
Key dates Revision timetable - starting Tuesday 28th September Science Department Thornleigh Salesian College
Key dates Science Department Thornleigh Salesian College
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Support
INDPENDENT LEARNING IN SCIENCE “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb and holder of a record 1903 patents
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Religious Education Department Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College RE in year 11 Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College The accelerated learning sets in year 11 Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Intervention Engage Enable Empower
Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Our greatest support: Engage Enable Empower
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Study Support
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Qualifications for the future Research by The Daily Telegraph found that Imperial College London’s faculty of medicine said applicants needed three As and two Bs in GCSE biology, chemistry, English language, mathematics and physics. Sheffield University’s medical school said students needed six As in GCSEs, while Kent said students needed five passes at C or above, including English, for all its courses. The science facility at St Andrews said students needed the equivalent of B grades in English and maths. Warwick said all applicants needed a C or above in GCSE English language, as well as maths or a science subject, although many courses demanded grades “above this university minimum”. Leeds said students applying for dentistry needed six GCSEs, including Cs in English, maths, chemistry and biology.
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College We seek to ensure that all students leave school with the right portfolio of qualifications which will allow them to progress onto the next step, whatever that might be. For almost all courses, apprenticeships and jobs there is a requirement that students have a functional literacy and numeracy qualification. For those students who cannot achieve this at a GCSE level we seek to provide them with other opportunities and qualifications. We seek your support in ensuring your child makes the most of every opportunity that they are presented with so that they can fulfil their potential
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College
Engage Enable Empower Thornleigh Salesian College - A Sports College Study Support All students should be completing a minimum of 1 ½ hours homework/revision/study per night As we move towards the mock exams this should be increasing, and by February half term should be 2 hours per night, averaged out over the week. Revision of work being done now is an on-going process – revision materials are best created when the topic is fresh. This may be done through summary diagrams, postcard notes, past paper questions, making mp3 files that can be listened to, using study websites such as Sam Learning or MyMaths You can support your child by ‘encouraging’ them to work, setting up routines with them at home, ensuring they have got the right resources and materials, talking to them about their work – if they can explain it they understand it!
Get Organised • Get the stuff you need in the right place • Get revision cards and blank paper Do a Revision timetable but don’t use ridiculous detail. Prioritise your work. Work on the weakest. Plan around dates Leave time for constant review. WORK..TEST…REST Aim to reduce the amount of information. Do 5 Fact lists Condense information onto one side of A4 Revise each subject in short bursts. Review after 24 hrs, after 1 week
Coping with stress • Stress in young people facing exams is very common • It may manifest itself either physically or emotionally