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Week 6 EDU 652: “Topic” Activity Jennifer Almon EDU 652: Instructional Design and Delivery Professor: Alicia Holland-Johnson February 25, 2013. Ecology Adventure. This ecology adventure requires a handout from your teacher. Make sure you have it ready when you view this Powerpoint .
Week 6 EDU 652: “Topic” Activity Jennifer Almon EDU 652: Instructional Design and Delivery Professor: Alicia Holland-Johnson February 25, 2013
Ecology Adventure This ecology adventure requires a handout from your teacher. Make sure you have it ready when you view this Powerpoint. By: Ms. Almon
Objectives • Students will be learning terminology dealing with ecosystems. Along with this absorb activity, students will be completing a handout so the teacher can check for misunderstandings. • Students will hear and analyze videos dealing with ecosystems. They will use this knowledge to further complete their handout. • Students will assess their understanding of terminology on ecosystems using five memory link quizzes. • Students will apply their understanding of food chains, food webs, and energy trophic pyramids by attaching their own examples that are not in the Powerpoint. They will demonstrate these do activities on their handout. • Students will summarize their understanding of ecosystems through a video clip. • In the connect activity for summarizing, students will be taking an application quiz during class that will help them connect their learning to pertinent life questions that face nature daily.
Terminology Individual: one organism Population: multiples of the same organism Community: an organism living among other types of organisms Ecosystem: the abiotic and biotic parts of a type of area where organisms live Biome: several ecosystems together that make up a similar type of habitat Definitions (Click)
Ecosystems Lesson Click here for video clip. Anderson 2009
Community Structure Click here for video clip. Anderson 2012
Abiotic and Biotic Factors Click here for video clip. (Me2Junk 2010)
Biomes Click here for video clip. (NeoK12 2012)
Food Web Food Web: The interaction of predators , prey, scavengers, and decomposers within an ecosystem. Definition (Click)
http://www.neok12.com/quiz/ECOSYS03 –ecology • http://www.neok12.com/quiz/ECOSYS05 -biomes • http://www.neok12.com/quiz/ECOSYS01 -producers vs. consumers • http://www.neok12.com/quiz/ECOSYS02 -classifying organisms by their energy source style • http://www.neok12.com/diagram/Ecosystems-01.htm -ecosystems and food chain • Play the above ecology games to see how well you understand the terminology so far. • Place your score on your handout. (NeoK12 2012)
Water Cycle Click here for video clip. (Ecogeeks 2012)
Carbon Cycle Click here for video clip. (NeoK12 2011)
What an incredible world the Creator has designed for us. Just check out the biodiversity of life just on this page..
Summary of Ecology Click here for video clip. (Summary of Ecology 2012)
References Anderson, Paul. (2012). Community Structure. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOp-qLLTMso Anderson, Paul. (2009). Ecosystems. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot_KmOTYfRA Ecogeeks. (2012). The Water Cycle in Nature. Retrieved from http://video.answers.com/the-water-cycle-in-nature-517283864. Horton, W. (2012). E-Learning by Design, 2nd Edition. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Me2Junk. (2010). Abiotic and Biotic. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woSO0D94VGA NeoK12. (2012). Carbon Cycle. Retrieved from http://www.neok12.com/Ecosystems.htm. NeoK12. (2012). Ecosystems. Retrieved from http://www.neok12.com/Ecosystems.htm. Summary of Ecology. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.greatpacifica.com. Surragate, M. (2009). Biomes. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGCZY47YS0