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Metadata Standard Crosswalks

Metadata Standard Crosswalks . 劉仁翔 林黃瑋 王憲章 報告人 : 劉仁翔 97/10/4. Tables. What is Metadata Crosswalks? Different Metadata format Examples of Crosswalks Challenges for Crosswalks Findings & Results References. What is Metadata Crosswalks?.

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Metadata Standard Crosswalks

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  1. Metadata Standard Crosswalks 劉仁翔 林黃瑋 王憲章 報告人: 劉仁翔 97/10/4

  2. Tables • What is Metadata Crosswalks? • Different Metadata format • Examples of Crosswalks • Challenges for Crosswalks • Findings & Results • References

  3. What is Metadata Crosswalks? • A semantic mapping of metadata elements across metadata schema specifications. Crosswalks permit searching across multiple databases that use different schema. • From: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Miriam A. Drake,P1881. • A crosswalk is a table or chart that shows the relationships and equivalencies (and highlights the inevitable gaps) between two or more metadata formats • From: Introduction to Metadata, Mary S. Woodley,

  4. Demand of Interoperability

  5. Crosswalk Means: • 為因應Metadata Interoperability互通性 ,設計一套對照表,使兩個不同Metadata系統所含項目可對照(Mapping),維持一致的品質 • 如:USMARC與Dublin Core的對照表,EAD與USMARC的對照表等。 • 透過Crosswalk對照,可在資料庫檢索搜尋到不同的異質資料(如:圖書、藏品、光碟、影音等)

  6. Different Metadata format • 圖書館社群:MARC, MODS • 博物館社群:CDWA, VRA, CIDOC • 檔案館社群:EAD • 政府社群:GILS • 視覺資源社群:VRA Core Categories • 植物標本館社群:HISPID, DarwinCore • 教育社群:IEEE LOM • 音樂社群:SMDL

  7. Crosswalks • 理想的對照應指出三個內涵

  8. http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/standards/intrometadata/crosswalks.htmlhttp://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/standards/intrometadata/crosswalks.html

  9. http://www.loc.gov/marc/marc2dc.html

  10. Challenges for Crosswalks(1) • No two metadata schemes are 100% equivalent 沒有兩種詮釋資料可完全搭配 • “lateral” (one-way) mappings from one scheme to another 具單項性的對照特性 • scheme A to scheme B and from scheme B to scheme A. (見下張)

  11. lateral (one-way) mappings

  12. Challenges for Crosswalks(2) • Problems • one-to-many mapping 一對多的特性 • One scheme may allow an element to be repeated more than once while another only allows that element to appear once with multiple terms in it schema A允許一個元素可以重複,但schemaB元素僅能出現一次 例:DC Creator 可重複出現,MARC主要作者欄僅能出現一次

  13. Challenges for Crosswalks(3) • Schemes may have different data formats (eg: John Doe or Doe, John) 不同的著錄格式 • An element in one scheme may be indexed but the equivalent element in the other scheme is not 選取被索引的元素不同 • Use different controlled vocabularies 使用不同的控制詞彙 • Schemes may change their standards over time 標準的修訂

  14. How to Solve? • Need to Compromise 需要妥協與制定標準 • Here are some standards (資料來源:wikipedia) • MARC to Dublin Core (Library of Congress) http://loc.gov/marc/marc2dc.html • Dublin Core to MARC21 (Library of Congress) http://www.loc.gov/marc/dccross.html • Dublin Core to EAD (Getty) http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/standards/intrometadata/dc_ead.html

  15. Mapping Between Metadata formats (UKOLN) http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/interoperability/ • ONIX to MARC21 (Library of Congress ) http://www.loc.gov/marc/onix2marc.html • TEI header to USMARC http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/tei/tei-marc.html/ • 中央研究院後設資料工作組(數位典藏國家型科技計畫)http://metadata.teldap.tw/standard/standard-frame.html

  16. http://metadata.teldap.tw/project/work-status/NPMqi/npmqi-elements_v1-2.pdfhttp://metadata.teldap.tw/project/work-status/NPMqi/npmqi-elements_v1-2.pdf

  17. http://metadata.teldap.tw/project/work-status/neige/elements.htmlhttp://metadata.teldap.tw/project/work-status/neige/elements.html

  18. Findings & Results(1) • In order to have a useful and good Interoperability Union System (Catalog), We may use Metadata Crosswalks Standard Table to map different types of Metadata schema • Use Crosswalks to maintain “element’s consistency”, and “authority” • Crosswalk Table would not be seen on system,but it’s like a game rule if you want to join

  19. Findings & Results(2) • DC是公認最適合應用在跨知識領域描述格式的對映工作 • 簡單(Simple):只有15個欄位,廣度夠 • 有修飾詞(Qualifier):因為欄位會經修正和編碼。 • 易用與易懂的特性 • 簡單的DC紀錄是可以做為建立複雜的詮釋資料之基礎。 • Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)機構維護

  20. References • Woodley, Mary. (2000). Crosswalks the Path to Universal Access?. In: Baca, M. et al. (2000) Introduction to Metadata: Pathway to Digital Information.http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/standards/intrometadata/path.html • Lois Mai Chan and Marcia Lei Zeng. (2006). Metadata Interoperability and Standardization – A Study of Methodology http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june06/chan/06chan.html

  21. Taylor, Arlene. 2004. The organization of information. 2nd ed., Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. P.154  • 中央研究院後設資料工作組(數位典藏國家型科技計畫)http://metadata.teldap.tw/standard/standard-frame.html • 何佳欣、從異質系統的資訊組織模式探討數位圖書館整合檢索之效能—以華文知識入口網為例、中華民國圖書館學會會報75卷(民94)、頁75-93

  22. 柯皓仁、詮釋資料與數位圖書館互通性之探討。大學圖書館5卷1期(民90) 、頁49-78 • 數位典藏國家型科技計畫技術彙編、3-5 從典藏資料交換角度探討後設資料之設計與標準化問題http://www.ndap.org.tw/2_techreport/index.php?pid=41 • 張慧銖、數位環境中機讀編目格式的新面貌—MODS 的產生與發展。國家圖書館館刊95卷2期(民95)頁1-24

  23. 謝謝指教

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