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Connections. Longitudinal Study Task Force Graduate Success. Purpose. 1,175 Kent County Students from the Class of 2009 were identified as “College Ready” as a result of exceeding the cut score in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science on the ACT.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connections Longitudinal Study Task Force Graduate Success

  2. Purpose • 1,175 Kent County Students from the Class of 2009 were identified as “College Ready” as a result of exceeding the cut score in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science on the ACT. • After 4 years – 45.4 percent of them graduated, completed a certificate program, or otherwise successfully navigated post-high school training. • 533 of 1,175 “College Ready” students were college ready as evidenced by degree and/or certificate completion. • Meanwhile, 642 “College Ready” students did not complete a degree or a certificate within 4 years of HS graduation.

  3. Purpose • 3,730 Kent County Students from the Class of 2009 were identified as “Not College Ready” as a result of failing to meet or exceed the cut score in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science on the ACT. • After 4 years – 18.3 percent of them graduated, completed a certificate program, or otherwise successfully navigated post-high school training. • 683 of 3,730 “Not College Ready” students were college ready as evidenced by degree and/or certificate completion. • Meanwhile, 3,047 “Not College Ready” students did not complete a degree or a certificate within 4 years of HS graduation.

  4. Purpose • Kent County: • Had more “Not College Ready” (683) students complete a degree or certificate than “College Ready” (533) students. • Had 1,216 of 5,158 students in the Class of 2009 complete a degree or certificate (24%). • Had 3,689 of the 5,158 students in the Class of 2009 not complete a degree or certificate (76%).

  5. Questions • What is behind the numbers? • How did 18.3% of “Not College Ready” students become college ready as evidenced by their degree or certificate completion? • Why did 54.6% of “College Ready” students not complete a degree or certificate? • How Can We Improve the “College Ready as Evidenced by Degree/Certificate” Completion Rates?

  6. Longitudinal Study Focus Group • Byron Center, Forest Hills, and Northview Guidance Department Staff Participated in a Longitudinal Study Focus Group. • Developed a strategy and primary questions to get to the “touch points” necessary to determine key factors in why “College Ready” did not graduate and why “Not College Ready” did.

  7. Are you still in college? • If yes… • What has helped you complete your degree? (Provide opportunity to select more than 1 option) • I had sufficient financial support • I was academically prepared for the rigor of my college • I sought academic support when I struggled • I experienced social/emotional support • I liked the college climate • I had clear career goals • I had strong study habits

  8. Are you still in college? • If no… • What prevented you from completing your degree? (Provide opportunity to select more than 1 option) • I could not afford it • I did not have the Social/Emotional support • I was not academically prepared for the rigor of my college • I had poor study habits • I did not have a clear career goal • I had a medical (Family or Personal) event • I did not like the college climate

  9. Methods for collecting data from this survey • Phone • Robo-dial (using SMS, Naviance, etc.) • Hire hourly staff to personally call • Vendor • Social media---Advertise how to access survey link on a website • Email Survey

  10. Or is there a different way? • Upjohn Institute? • Talent 2025 and Upjohn Institute collaborative initiative involving schools.

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