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Cold War Heats Up

Ch 26 sec 2, p. 815-821. Cold War Heats Up. Chiang Kai-shek, supported by the United States, was the leader of the Chinese nationalist government. U.S. sent Nationalists $3 billion in aid to fend off Chinese Communists. China Becomes Communist.

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Cold War Heats Up

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ch 26 sec 2, p. 815-821 Cold War Heats Up

  2. Chiang Kai-shek, supported by the United States, was the leader of the Chinese nationalist government. • U.S. sent Nationalists $3 billion in aid to fend off Chinese Communists China Becomes Communist

  3. Hi, I’m Mao Zedong. Sorry Chiang and the U.S., the Commies will prevail! Chinese Civil War

  4. Many peasants felt undermined by Nationalist government • 10,000 percent increase in price of rice. • Grain tax was collected in the middle of famine. • During peasant protest, Chiang’s secret police opened fire on them. Why support Mao?

  5. Encouraged peasant to learn to read. • Helped them to farm and improve food production. Mao Zedong: Red Army

  6. By 1945, much of northern China was under communist control. • Nationalists’ weak military leadership and corrupt, abusive practices drove peasants to Communist side. • Chiang fled to Taiwan (a.k.a. Formosa). • May 1949, People’s Republic of China established. Nationalists Flee

  7. In the United States, people viewed the fall of China to communism as a failing of the containment policy. • Fear that communist agents were in the United States surfaced; Truman’s administration was criticized. Fear of communism

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTN5W4NJ3DM A 3-minute overview of the Korean War

  9. September 15, 1950, General Douglas MacArthur, with UN forces, launches counter-attack By late November, UN troops approached Yalu River. 300,000 Chinese troops join the war, driving UN forces southward again. By January 1951, Chinese advanced to capture S. Korean capital, Seoul. Re-cap

  10. Hey, I’ve got a plan. Let’s go nuke China!!!!

  11. Hold up, Mac! You’re talking nuclear holocaust! The Soviets may attack if we do that to China. BTW, You’re fired!!!!

  12. After clash between Truman and MacArthur died down (MacArthur was fired as General on April 11, 1951), the Soviet Union suggested a cease-fire. • July 1953, an armistice was signed ending the war…for now. Cease-Fire

  13. 54,000 Americans lives were lost in the Korean War, sometimes referred to as the Forgotten War. • $67 billion in expenditures. • Fear of communism spread throughout America Costs of War

  14. ~Korean War Memorial, Washington State

  15. ~Korean War Memorial, Washington, D.C.

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