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Using Technology to Identify and Monitor the Implementation of Research-Based Interventions

Using Technology to Identify and Monitor the Implementation of Research-Based Interventions. Dan Hyson Data Management Coordinator Hiawatha Valley Education District. Goals. Clarify definition of “research-based” intervention Highlight websites that provide:

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Using Technology to Identify and Monitor the Implementation of Research-Based Interventions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using Technology to Identify and Monitor the Implementation of Research-Based Interventions Dan Hyson Data Management Coordinator Hiawatha Valley Education District

  2. Goals • Clarify definition of “research-based” intervention • Highlight websites that provide: • criteria for reviewing research-based reading, math and/or behavioral interventions • links to research-based reading, math and/or behavioral intervention scripts and/or videos • links to evidence-based independent practice activities • Review how technology tools can be used for monitoring student response to intervention

  3. GOAL 1 • Clarify definition of “research-based” intervention

  4. What is a “research-based” intervention? Research-based Evidence-based Scientifically based research Peer-reviewed research

  5. Scientifically-based research (SBR) v. peer-reviewed research (PRR) v. research-based (RB) v. evidence-based (EB) • SBR = experimental or quasi-experimental research, preferably with random assignment • PRR = overlaps with SBR, but not a subset • Many PRR studies not experimental or quasi-experimental • Blind review typical of PRR, but not necessarily SBR • RB = intervention designed to be consistent with relevant research findings, but has not necessarily been evaluated in SBR or PRR • EB = intervention linked to student performance data and/or has been evaluated locally to assess its effectiveness, but is not yet clearly linked to research findings and has not yet been evaluated in SBR or PRR More rigorous standard Less rigorous standard

  6. GOAL 2 • Highlight websites that provide: • reviews of research-based reading, math and/or behavioral interventions • links to research-based reading, math and/or behavioral intervention scripts and/or videos • links to evidence-based independent practice activities

  7. Websites with criteria for reviewing research-based interventions – Find What Works http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/findwhatworks.aspx

  8. Websites with criteria for reviewing research-based interventions – Best Evidence Encyclopedia http://www.bestevidence.org/math/elem/top.htm

  9. Websites with criteria for reviewing research-based interventions – Evidence-Based Intervention Network http://ebi.missouri.edu/

  10. Websites with links to research-based intervention scripts and/or videos – Evidence-Based Intervention Network http://ebi.missouri.edu/

  11. Websites with links to research-based intervention scripts and/or videos – Intervention Central http://www.interventioncentral.org/

  12. Websites with links to research-based intervention scripts and/or videos – Intervention Central

  13. Websites with links to evidence-based independent practice activities – South Washington County Schools MAP Math and MAP Reading http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/Pages/studentlinks/map/ http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/Pages/studentlinks/map/reading.htm

  14. Websites with links to evidence-based independent practice activities – South Washington County Schools MAP Math and MAP Reading

  15. Websites with links to evidence-based independent practice activities – AIR Learning Point Navigator www.mnstateassessments.org* * NOTE: Logon information is needed to access this resource.

  16. What other websites have you found useful for reviews of or links to research-based interventions or independent practice activities?

  17. GOAL 3 • Review how technology tools can be used for monitoring student response to intervention

  18. Progress monitoring technology tools – AIMSweb www.aimsweb.com * Using AIMSweb for screening and progress monitoring webinar – http://connectpro38331668.adobeconnect.com/p19rlv24ek4/ * NOTE: Logon information is needed to access this resource.

  19. Progress monitoring technology tools – Chart Dog http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/chartdog_2_0/chartdog.php Using Chart Dog webinar - http://connectpro38331668.adobeconnect.com/p8ks1wo2i5l/

  20. Progress monitoring technology tools – Chart Dog

  21. Progress monitoring technology tools – Microsoft Excel RtI Wire (Jim Wright) – http://www.oswego.edu/~mcdougal/web_site_4_11_2005/index.html

  22. What other progress monitoring technology tools have you found useful?

  23. Questions?

  24. Contact information Dan Hyson 507-474-7196 dhyson@hved.org 24

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