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Transition. Nobu Katayama B2GM July, 7, 2009. Belle II software. Start from scratch? Need a lot of thinking, extensive work at the beginning (NOW!) Reuse Belle software? May not be sustainable for the next 10+ years We want to both Belle and Belle II for the next several years

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transition Nobu Katayama B2GM July, 7, 2009

  2. Belle II software • Start from scratch? • Need a lot of thinking, extensive work at the beginning (NOW!) • Reuse Belle software? • May not be sustainable for the next 10+ years • We want to both Belle and Belle II for the next several years • Also important for benchmarking/debugging • I think a smooth transition is possible if we do it carefully • we must be determined to do so

  3. Can be reused Detector Simulation code Detector Reconstruction code User Analysis code User Shell scripts Should be organized ToyMC fsim User Statistical Analysis code Detector calibration code Geant4 DAQ Geant3 Analysis Utilities Roobasf Python Should be replaced Basf Production system Basfsh Particle dBasf Evtgen BelleCLHEP Process URL ROOT Index io Zfserv Random HBOOK CERNLIB Postgres PntDB Panther

  4. Examples • Replace • BelleRootHistogram replaced BelleHistogram (HBOOK) without chaining interface (No change in user code) • Reuse • Basf_io (interface to legacy panther IO, zfserv, index etc) is reused in roobasf • Coexistence  change • Old CLHEP is now in Belle:: namespace (in belleCLHEP directory) and can co-exist with the standard CLHEP • New functionality added • Particle classes can now be persistent

  5. How to proceed? • Small and full scale prototyping for all components is important • It is exactly the same as detector R&D! • Framework is the glue (not guru) • Build our own so that we can use the (standard) components as we wish • Use the language standard (+de facto standard) components if possible • Don’t switch from Belle specific to Belle II specific • Make the most use of C++ and Python • Namespace, templates, STL, allocator • Make use of free/good libraries/modules

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