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Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction Among Lecturers of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction Among Lecturers of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. GROUP MEMBER. NNNB 3083 APPLIED BIOSTATISTICS. GROUP 1 Under Supervision Of: Prof. Baharudin Bin Omar. INTRODUCTION. Self-esteem is how we think and feel about ourselves. (Jillian Powell, 2005)

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Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction Among Lecturers of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

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  1. Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction Among Lecturers of UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia.


  3. NNNB 3083APPLIED BIOSTATISTICS GROUP 1 Under Supervision Of: Prof. Baharudin Bin Omar

  4. INTRODUCTION • Self-esteem is how we think and feel about ourselves. (Jillian Powell, 2005) • Satisfaction with life is an internally process providing imposed cognitive judgmental a cumulative score of one’s subjective satisfaction with one’s life (Diener, Emmons, Larson, & Griffin, 1985)

  5. The study found that there is a significantly positive relationship between life satisfaction and self-esteem. (Arslan et al. 2010) • This suggests that as the self-esteem of adolescents increase, life satisfaction also increases. (Arslan et al. 2010) • High life satisfaction is interrelated with high level of individualism, self esteem and mastery. (Yetim 2002) • Past research in the west has shown that self-esteem is a strong predictor of life satisfaction. (Campbell 1981)

  6. JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY • An exploratory study to determine the level of self-esteem and life satisfaction among UKM lecturers. • Self-esteem and life satisfaction of lecturers are important in affecting the effectiveness of teaching and learning process during their lectures.

  7. RESEARCH QUESTIONS • Is there any relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction among UKM lecturers?

  8. HYPOTHESIS • There is a positive correlation between self-esteem and life satisfaction among UKM lecturers.

  9. GENERAL OBJECTIVE • To evaluate self-esteem and life satisfaction among UKM lecturers of session 2010/2011.

  10. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To determine self-esteem and life satisfaction of UKM lecturers. • To compare self-esteem and life satisfaction by gender and working experience among UKM lecturers. • To determine the correlation between self-esteem and life satisfaction among UkM lecturers.

  11. METHODOLOGY Research Setting Kuala Lumpur Campus of National University of Malaysia. From January to March 2011 Research Design • Cross Sectional Study Sampling Method • Universal sampling

  12. Target Population • UKM lecturers , session 2010/2011. Sample Population • Lecturers of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, UKM KKL session 2010/2011. Inclusion criteria • Lecturers of FSKB session 2010/2011. Exclusion criteria • Lecturers on study leave/sabbatical leave. • Lecturer who is a member of group 1 and participate in the research.

  13. MATERIAL • Questionnaire  Self-esteem Scale - Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) Realibility – CronbachAlpha: 0.881  Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) Realibility – CronbachAlpha: 0.813

  14. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS • To determine self-esteem score and life satisfaction score Descriptive Analysis • To compare the difference of self esteem and life satisfaction by gender and working experience Independent T-test / Mann Whitney Test • To determine the correlation between self-esteem and life satisfaction Spearman Correlation

  15. Result Descriptive study :

  16. level of self esteem among UKM lecturers Key: 0-14 : Low 15-25 : Medium 26-30 : High

  17. level of life satisfaction among UKM lecturers Key: 0 – 14 : Strongly Dissatisfied 15 – 19 : Dissatisfied 20 : Neutral 21 – 25 : Satisfied 26 – 35 : Strongly Satisfied

  18. COMPARISON OF SELF ESTEEM BY GENDER CI95% for male = (19.57,23.87) CI95% for female = (22.07,25.33) NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE (p = 0.151) *INDEPENDENT T-TEST

  19. COMPARISON OF SELF ESTEEM BY WORKING EXPERIENCE CI95% for 1-10 years = (21.11,24.79) CI95% for > 10 years = (20.96,24.78) NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE (p = 0.955) *INDEPENDENT T-TEST

  20. COMPARISON OF LIFE SATISFACTION BY GENDER CI95% for male = (21.51,26.37) CI95% for female = (24.15,27.99) NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE (p = 0.119) *MANN WHITNEY TEST

  21. COMPARISON OF LIFE SATISFACTION BY WORKING EXPERIENCES CI95% for 1-10 years = (22.84,26.78) CI95% for > 10 years = (23.28,27.88) NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE (p = 0.424) *MANN WHITNEY TEST

  22. correlation between life satisfaction and self esteem Positive linear correlation *Spearman rho, r= 0.575, p<0.0005,

  23. CONCLUSION • Most lecturers have moderate to high self-esteem levels. • 51.1% lecturers are strongly satisfied with their life. • No significant difference of self-esteem in terms of gender and working experience among UKM lecturers. • No significant difference of life satisfaction in terms of gender and working experience among UKM lecturers. • There is a positive correlation between self-esteem and life satisfaction.

  24. SUGGESTION • Compare among lecturers from different faculty (e.g.: between lecturers from Art stream and lecturers from Science stream) • The title can be more specific on job satisfaction

  25. LIMITATIONS • Time limitation • Sample size • Cooperation from lecturers

  26. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • We would like to thanks Prof. Baharuddin Omar for his guidance in this study, and those lecturers who are willing to cooperate to become our respondents in this study of life satisfaction and self esteem.

  27. REFERENCE • Arslan, C. 2010. The relationship between conflict communication, self-esteem and life satisfaction in university students. Educational Research and Reviews. 5(1): 31-34. • Diener, E. & Diener, M. 1995. Cross-cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem.J. Personality Soc. Psychol. 68: 653–663. • Diener, E.D., Emmons, R.A., Larsen, R.J.Griffin, S.1985. Journal of personality Assessment, 49(1). Department of University of Illinois. • Diener, E., Emmons, R.A., Larsen, R.J., Griffin, S.1985. The satisfaction with life scale. J. Personality Assessment. 49: 71–75. • Powel, J.2005. Self-esteem (It’s Your Health). Smart Apple Media United State.


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