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Overview of Federal Regulations for Federal Grants. Federal Regulations and Faculty Pay. There are absolutely NO overloads allowed under Federal Awards. This rule applies to both the Academic Year and Maymester/Summer time frames. Federal Awards.
Overview of Federal Regulations for Federal Grants Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
Federal Regulations and Faculty Pay There are absolutely NO overloads allowed under Federal Awards. This rule applies to both the Academic Year and Maymester/Summer time frames. Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
Federal Awards • Faculty cannot be paid more than 33% of their Academic Year salary during Summer/Maymester sessions if any combination of their pay is coming from a federal award. • Faculty cannot be paid more than 2/9ths of their Academic Year salary during Summer/Maymester sessions from an National Science Foundation (NSF) award. • You are not allowed to move funds from a grant to a department. However, you can move allowable expenditures from a department to a grant if the department incurred the expense on behalf of the grant in error. • Personnel activity reporting is a requirement of all federalgrants. All personnel activity will be supported by personnel activity reports (time and effort sheets). • This form can be found on the Office of Office of Grants and Contracts website - http://www.kennesaw.edu/budgets/grants/PAGF.HTM • These reports should be turned into the Office of Office of Grants and Contracts at the end of each semester, including summer semester no later than 15 days after the close of the semester. Time and effort may also be done on a monthly basis. Monthly time and effort reports are due no later than 15days after the end of the month. • Each report must be signed and dated by the employee who performed the work and by the project director (or department chair if the time and effort is for the project director). • It is the responsibility of the Project Director to return the completed personnel activity form to the Office of Office of Grants and Contracts. Any incomplete forms will be returned to the Project Director for completion. Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
OMB Circular A-21 • OMB - CIRCULAR A-21 http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a021/a021.html Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
NSF Policy • During Summer/Maymester you can be paid from your NSF award up to 2/9 of your academic year salary. Additionally, if you are being paid from ANY federal source during Maymester/Summer you can be paid up to 33% of you academic year salary (this % includes all sources of summer pay including teaching and grant work). You can not be paid at a rate that would put you in an overload capacity (over 33%). Overloads can not be paid from Federal awards this included summer and the academic year. • National Science Foundation (NSF) Policy Index: http://nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/index.jsp Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
Teacher Quality • http://www.coe.uga.edu/teacherquality/ • “Georgia's Teacher Quality Higher Education Program is a federally funded program under the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. It is funded through the United States Department of Education. This is part of the No Child Left Behind Act signed by President George W. Bush. We are the Title II, Part A, of Public Law 107-110. Funds are used to to enhance science, mathematics, reading, language arts, and social studies teaching at the elementary, middle, or high school level in public and private schools. This is the replacement program for the Georgia Eisenhower Professional Development Higher Education Program.Each fall a Request for Proposals is sent out to higher education institutions across the state for projects which are designed to enhance teaching at the elementary, middle or high school level in public and private schools. Proposals are also accepted for projects that are designed to improve undergraduate teacher education programs at colleges and universities.” (from above referenced website) Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts
Teacher Quality continued… • “Money may be shifted from one of three categories to the other – travel, additional costs and supplies – as long as it is not more than 25% of an individual category. If you need to move more than 25%, please contact the Teacher Quality Office. Personnel, support personnel, and participant costs may not be moved without permission from the Teacher Quality Office.” (per standard award letter) The shift of any funds needs to be coordinated thru the Office of Grants and Contracts (Grants Office). • All adjustments must be approved in writing (memo or email) from the funding agency unless within the above stated 25% rule. • Standard indirect policy for Teacher Quality is 8% of total direct costs, excluding supplies and materials. • Funding Agency requires 50% match of awarded amount unless stated otherwise in the proposal. • All expenses need to be submitted within 3 months of the scheduled workshops/training. If the workshops/training are given near the close of the grant, all expenses need to be posted in KSU's financial system by the end day of 6/30 (last day of grant and last day of fiscal year). • Additionally, if you are being paid from ANY federal source during Maymester/Summer you can be paid up to 33% of you academic year salary (this % includes all sources of summer pay including teaching and grant work). You can not be paid at a rate that would put you in an overload capacity (over 33%). Overloads can not be paid from Federal awards during the academic year or during summer. Prepared by the Office of Grants and Contracts