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Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia. Cities. Content. First civilizations Worldwide cities The City of London I The City of London II Some cities in Slovakia How do we call them ? The most... city in the world
Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Cities
Content • Firstcivilizations • Worldwidecities • The City ofLondon I • The City ofLondon II • Somecities in Slovakia • How do wecallthem? • The most... city in theworld • Keyfactsabouturbanization • Town or village • Where to live • Where to stay • House or flat • Someinterestingfacts
First civilizations Matchthecivilizationswith theappropriatepicture. What do you knowaboutheirculture? Compare thearchitectureoftheircitieswith ours. • Mesopotamia 10000 BC • Atlantida 9600 BC • Japan 3500 BC • China 3000 BC • AncientGreece 3000 BC • Egypt 3000 BC • Mayas 2500 BC • Roman Empire 800 BC • Vikings 800
Worldwidecities What are the names of these cities? What countries are they capital of? What do you know about them? What cities have you visited? What cities would you like to visit if you had a chance?
The City of London I • weather • traffic • food
The City ofLondon II • sightseeing Match the names of places in London with the pictures below. London Eye Tower Bridge Oxford street Natural History Museum Buckingham palace London Tower Big Ben and the Parliament Statue of Horation Nelson
Some cities in Slovakia Match the names of the cities with their photos. What do you know about these cities? Have you ever been there? What are the names of the cultural monuments which are on the pictures? Bratislava Kežmarok Banská Bystrica Banská Štiavnica Košice Rožňava Levoča Nitra
How do we call them? mosque cathedral swimming pool amusement park park library beach shopping centre scyscaper open air market
The most... city in the world • Thebiggest city isTokyowith 36.5 milioninhabitants • Thesmallest city isHum in Croatiawithonly 15 inhabitants • Theoldest city is Jericho in Palestina-9000 BC • The most expensive city in theworldisZurich, Sweiss • Thepoorest city isMozambic • The most southerncapitalis Wellington, New Zeland • The most northerncapitalisReykjavik, Iceland • La Paz, Boliviaisthe city whichissituated 4000 m abovethesealevel • New York City, Mexico City, Ho Chi Minh City, Panama City and Guatemala City are World cities that have city in their names.
Key facts about urbanization Discussthesekeyfactsabouturbanization. • 3 billionpeople – halfoftheworldpopulation – live in cities • Almost 180000 peoplemoveintocitieseachday • Over 15 to 20 yearsmanycities in Africa and Asiawilldouble in size • City populations are growingfasterthan city infrastructurecanadapt • Manyurbanareas are growingbecausetheirruralhinterlandsaredepressed, whichforcesimpoverishedruralpeople to movetothecities in searchofwork • Over thelast 50 yearstheglobalpopulationliving in slums has risenfrom 35 million to over 900 million • In 1950, New York wastheonly city in theworldwith a populationof more than 10 millioninhabitants
Town or village Capital, city, town, villlage... City centre, suburb, slums, countryside... Comparetheadvantages and disadvantagesofliving in a town or a village. Shareyouropinion and discuss. costsofliving facilities education workingpossibilities freetimeactivities neighbourhood transport shoppingcentres nature
Where to live Matchthetypesofwhere to livewiththepictures. • semidettachedhouse • dettachedhouse • houseboat • cottage • blockofflats • scyscaper • bungalow • terracedhouse • villa • manorhouse - chateau
Where to stay Match the types of where to stay with the pictures. • hotel • hostel • guest house • bungallow • tent • cottage
House or flat Comparetheadvantages and disadvantagesofliving in a house or a flat. Shareyouropinion and discuss. ownroom garden doinghousework playingout neibourghood party costsofliving growingfruit and vegetable spendingfreetime playingmusicalinstrument private
Some interesting facts SomecountriesVatikan, Greenland do nothavethecapitals. Washington D.C. istheonlyplacewhichwascreated to becomethecapital – itisnot a city evennot a state, itisthedistrictofColombia. Monako is a city State. TheCapitol in Whashington D.C. isthehighestbuiding and no othercanbehigherthanit. TheEiffeltowerisnamedafteritsconstructerGustavEiffel and theinhabitantsofPariswerefirstlyveryangryaboutit. ThecoastlineofDubaiisonly 15 km longbutaftertheislandcomplexbuildingitwillbe 1500 km long. Thehighestbuilding in theworlisBurdžChalifainDubaiwith 828 m. Statue ofliberty has a crownwith 7 rayswhichsymbolizethefreedomthroughsevenseas to sevencontinents ColosseumwasthelargestbuildingofThe Roman Empire Taj Mahal in India isthe most fabulousmonument whichwasbuiltfor love Nearthevillage Klin in Slovakia issimilliar statue ofJesuslike in Rio de Janeiro.
Použité zdroje • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taj_Mahal • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty • http://architecture.about.com/od/skyscrapers/a/Worlds-Tallest-Buildings.htm • http://architecture.about.com/od/skyscrapers/a/Worlds-Tallest-Buildings.htm • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_World_cities_have_city_in_the_name • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colosseum • http://www.definitelydubai.com/ • http://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do • http://equinoxe.dk/rejser/London/ • http://odkrywcy.pl/query,Mezopotamia,szukaj.html?smg4sticaid=6fda9 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=mayovia&view=detail&id=9859571F60C4296A79BC24BCD419A85A03A3516B&FORM=IDFRIR • http://www.miwim.fr/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/kheops.jpg