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JOURNAL CLUB SESSION star non-photonic electrons. Irakli Martashvili University of Tennessee. partons interact with medium gluon radiation/ energy loss measuring high- p T particles in Au+Au vs. p+p to extract the properties of medium. Probing medium.
JOURNAL CLUB SESSIONstar non-photonic electrons Irakli MartashviliUniversity of Tennessee
partons interact with medium • gluon radiation/energyloss • measuring high-pT particles in Au+Au vs. p+p • to extract the properties of medium Probing medium Au+Au Collision p+p Collision • nuclear modification factor RAA : Average number of NN collisions in AA collision • No “Effect” of nuclear matter: • RAA = 1 at higher momenta where • hard processes dominate • Suppression: RAA < 1
STAR Experiment Most relevant for presented results: • TPC(tracking,p,dEdx) • || < 1.5 • p/p = 2-4% • dE/dx/dEdx = 8% • BEMC (energy, trigger) • || < 1 • dE/E ~ 16%/E • Shower maximum detector
Corrections and uncertainties • PID: dE/dx through TPC and p/E cut; • Background from photonic sources (conversions, Dalitz decays); • Non-photonic electron yield by comparing the min bias and triggered data; • Systematic uncertainties by varying cut parameters;
Background electron spectra (a) dE/dx projections for 5 < pT (GeV/c) < 7 in central Au+Au events after EMC and SMD cuts. The lines are Gaussian fits for p + K, , and electron yields. (b) Invariant e+e− mass spectrum. (c) Ratio of inclusive and background electron yield vs. pT for p+p and Au+Au collisions. Vertical bars are statistical errors, boxes are systematic uncertainties.
Non-photonic electron spectra Non-photonic electron spectra. Vertical bars are statistical errors, boxes are systematic uncertainties. The curves are scaled pQCD predictions for p+p. Cross section on right axis applies to p+p spectrum only.
Inclusive electron spectra Upper: ratio between measured non-photonic electron yield and FONLL pQCDcalculations for p+p collisions. Lower: relative contributions to FONLL distribution of c and b decays.
Nuclear modification factor The nuclear modification factor, RAA, for d+Auand Au+Au collisions 200 GeV.