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Kirtland Central High School. Proposed Attendance Policy 2011-2012 School Year. Modeled after Attendance Policy of Riverton High School in Utah. Bloomfield High School adopted the policy starting the 2010-2011 school year BHS student attendance has increased by 60%
Kirtland Central High School Proposed Attendance Policy 2011-2012 School Year
Modeled after Attendance Policy of Riverton High School in Utah • Bloomfield High School adopted the policy starting the 2010-2011 school year • BHS student attendance has increased by 60% • Communication between BHS and parents has increased • Student learning has improved • Policy is NOT punitive (No ISS or office referrals) Students have ownership
KCHS Current Data is similar to BHS Data before the policy Bloomfield High Kirtland High • Before the new policy BHS had 750 students with unexcused absences (1st semester 2009-2010) • Currently, BHS has 11 students with unexcused absences • 1st semester 2010-2011 school year – had 798 students with unexcused absences • 263 had unexcused absences in 5 or more classes • 135 students on “No Credit” list • 276 students with 4 or more tardies
Current Policy vs. Proposed Policy Current Proposed • Students can have up to 15 excused days per semester totaling 30 allowed days of missed instruction • Add 15 allowable absences for school activities and a student can miss 45 days of instruction! • Parents can verify 3 excusable absences per quarter. Four or more excused absences or any unexcused absence must be made up in Attendance School.
Current Policy vs. Proposed Policy Current Proposed • 4 -7 tardies equals lunch detention in increasing numbers • 8-9 tardies equals 1-2 days ISS • 10+ tardies equals Office Referral • 99 students currently have 8+ tardies • Allowed 2 tardies per class before time must be made up in Attendance School
Summary of Proposed Policy • To earn credit, a student must attend school on a regular basis. If a student has four (4) or more excused absences(s) or three (3) or more tardies per class per quarter that are not made-up, the student will receive no grade (NG) for the quarter grade in that class.
Summary of Proposed Policy • Absences are made up either in subject -specific sessions or during general Saturday sessions • A full day absence requires 4 full attendance sessions or 1 full Saturday session • 25 minutes of either a general or subject-specific attendance session is required for each tardy
Current Policy vs. Proposed Policy Current POLICY • Punitive • Perceived as a negative thing that is “imposed” upon students and parents • Requires large amounts of time to enforce • Loopholes create inconsistencies • Creates conflict between parents and staff • Decreases motivation of students • Creates feelings of hopelessness in students and deflates self esteem
Current Policy vs. Proposed Policy Proposed Policy • Allows the student and parents to take ownership • Allows administrators and teachers to focus on instruction • Removes “discipline” element from attendance issues • Exemplifies direct correlation between regular attendance and student academic success • Student accountable for engaged learning time which should build self esteem • Provides choices for students so feelings of hopelessness and failure don’t become an issue • Student receives direct instruction from a qualified instructor • Focuses on Positive Behavior in Schools (PBIS) initiatives to encourage student attendance • KCHS Parent Advisory Committee approved • San Juan County Truancy Task Force Team approved • KCHS leadership team approved
New KCHS Attendance Policy will: • Be positive • Give students ownership • Give students and parents choices • Increase student time with a certified instructor • Increase student academic success • Boost student self esteem