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*Sung to the tune of "Yankee Doodle Dandy“ Verse 1: I can count up to 100, It's so easy if you try. I can't believe that since we started school 100 days have gone by. Now let's all count up to 100 Come on try it once with me We'll finish up with 99, And last we'll say 100
*Sung to the tune of "Yankee Doodle Dandy“ Verse 1: I can count up to 100, It's so easy if you try. I can't believe that since we started school 100 days have gone by. Now let's all count up to 100 Come on try it once with me We'll finish up with 99, And last we'll say 100 Let's start out with 1, 2, 3. (then count as a group to 100 by 1's)
Verse 2: I can count up to 100, It's so easy if you try. But this time instead of using 1's, I'll try to count it by 5's. Counting this way is much faster So it doesn't take as long. First say 5 and then say 10, And end up with 100, Come on and join in my song. (count as a group by 5's)
Verse 3: I can count up to 100, Now I'll try it once again. But this time instead of 1's or 5's, I'll try to count it by 10's. Counting this way is the fastest, It is also lots of fun. First say 10 and then say 20, End up with 100, Our song is almost done! (count to 100 by 10's)
One Hundred Days One hundred days of learning, One hundred days of fun, One hundred days to work and play, Aren't I the lucky one?
100 Days Song (to the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad") We've been working in our classroom, For 100 days. We've been working in our classroom, Here in the first grade. Rising early in the morning, Bring our books and pencils too. Every day we come to first grade, We learn something new.
Happy 100 Day (to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You") Happy 100 days to us, Happy 100 days to us, Happy 100 days at Columbia School, Happy 100 days to us.
100th Day Cheer 100th day is here, come on give a cheer, 100th day is here, come on give a cheer, 100th day is here, Hooray, Hooray! 100th day has come, come on join the fun, 100th day is here, Hooray!
100 Days of School are Done (to the tune of "100 Bottles of on the Wall") One hundred days of school are done, One hundred days of school, One is done, Time is gone, 99 days of school. 99 days of school were done, 99 days of school, One was done, Time was gone, 98 days of school....
100's even more than 30. 100 daughters, 100 sons, 100 franks on 100 buns. 100 trees, 100 plants, 100 picnics, 100 ants! 100 is a lot to count, 100 is a LARGE AMOUNT! 100 kisses, 100 hugs, 100 bats, 100 bugs. 100 bees, 100 birds, This poem has 100 words! 100 Is a Lot 100 dogs, 100 cats, 100 heads for 100 hats. 100 women, 100 men, 100's more than 5 or 10. 100 buttons, 100 coats, 100 sails for 100 boats. 100 cookies, 100 cakes 100 kids with bellyaches! 100 shoes, 100 socks, 100 keys for 100 locks. 100 puddles mighty dirty,
100 Days (to tune of "Yankee Doodle Dandy") I can count up to 100, It's so easy if you try. I can't believe that since we started school 100 days have gone by. Now let's all count up to 100 Come and try it once with me We'll finish up with 99, And last we'll say 100 Let's start out with 1, 2, 3. (count as a group to 100 by 1's) I can count up to 100, It's so easy if you try. But this time instead of using 1's, I'll try to count it by 5's. Counting this way is much faster So it doesn't take as long. First say 5 and then say 10, And end up with 100, Come on and join in my song. (count as a group by 5's) I can count up to 100, Now I'll try it once again. But this time instead of 1's or 5's, I'll try to count it by 10's. Counting this way is the fastest, It is also lots of fun. First say 10 and then say 20, End up with 100, Our song is almost done! (count as a group by 10's)
100 Days (to the tune of "10 Little Indians") 10, 20, 30 days of school, 40, 50, 60 days of school, 70, 80, 90 days of school, 100 days of school!
One Hundred Day Poem We've come to school for 100 days, The time has just flown by. Five months, two seasons and we're half way done, When another surprise does arrive. It's the 100th day of school today. Let's start the day with a grin. For tomorrow will be 101, So let the celebration begin.
100 Song (to the tune of "The Saints Go Marching In") Oh we've been here for 100 days,Oh we've been here for 100 days.The time has gone so quickly,Oh we've been here for 100 days.
100 Days of School (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell") 100 days of school!100 days of school!We've been at school 100 days100 days today!
How Many is One Hundred? (to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb") How many is one hundred,One hundred, one hundred,How many is one hundred?It's ten groups of ten. How many is one hundred,One hundred, one hundred?How many is one hundred?It's twenty groups of five. How many is one hundred,One hundred, one hundred?How many is one hundred?It's fifty groups of two. How many is one hundred,One hundred, one hundred,How many is one hundred?It's one hundred groups of one.
(to the tune of "The Brady Bunch) Here's the story of a class,That has been in school for 100 days.We've been working, very hard.We've learned in many ways.On this very, special day,The whole school joins to help us celebrate.We've been learning, for 100 days,And they've been really great!One hundred days, one hundred days,We have been in school for one hundred days!
100 days of school (to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow") 100 days of school,100 days of school,100 days of school,To read and to write and to play.To read and to write and to play,To read and to write and to play,100 days of school,100 days of school,100 days of school,To read and to write and to play.
One Hundredth Day Anthem(to the tune of "Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush") One H-U-N-D-R-E-Dis a very special number to me, Ten sets of ten all in a line,Make a 100 oh so fine. We can get there by 2's,We can get there by ten'sWe can go back to zeroAnd start once again... (Shout)5, 10 ,15, 20.25.30,35,40,45,50, 65,70,75,80, 86, 90, 95, 100! We've been together for 100 days,Learning and growing in so many ways,We've come together to sing and say,Happy, Happy, Hundredth Day!