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WHY EAT GLUTEN FREE. Celiac Disease causes the immune system to attack the intestinal lining of the small intestine. Over time this then triggers the small intestine to lose the ability to absorb nutrients into the body, such as fiber and vitamins.
WHY EAT GLUTEN FREE • Celiac Disease causes the immune system to attack the intestinal lining of the small intestine. Over time this then triggers the small intestine to lose the ability to absorb nutrients into the body, such as fiber and vitamins. • Dermatitis Herpetiformis or DH is a type of celiac disease that causes the immune system to attack the skin rather than the small intestine. When it attacks the skin it produces inflammation, irritation, redness. This creates a chronic itchy and bumpy rash to appear. Typically, this appears after the intake of gluten. • Gluten Sensitivity is the inability and trouble for a person to metabolize gluten. This results in digestive distress, which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, and bowel discomfort. These digestive symptoms occur after the intake of gluten. Gluten sensitivity is far less severe and does not appear to have any long term effects. A reduced-gluten or gluten-free diet is suggested to prevent the discomfort.
GLUTEN FREE RESEARCH • 11% of U.S. households follow a gluten free diet and only 25% have celiac disease. • Gluten free products will hit $15.6 billion dollars is sales by 2016. • A new case study published in the Journal of Child Neurology confirms the that going gluten free has huge potential to reverse the severity of autism and seizures. • Gluten free does not necessarily mean better for you. Many gluten free products are more processed than their whole-grain, gluten-containing counterparts. Corn and rice flours are lower in fiber and have a higher glycemic index. Bottom line: a gluten-free cupcake is not healthier than a cupcake with gluten.
HEALTH BENEFITS • Weight loss • Improves digestion • Reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes & cancer • Increases energy • Helps your body ward off viruses and germs
GLUTEN FREE FOODS • Beans • Seeds • Nuts • Fresh Eggs • Fresh Meats, Fish and Poultry. • Fruits • Vegetables • Spices • Most Dairy Products • Distilled Alcoholic Beverages • Grains and Starches that are not processed.
FOODS TO AVOID • Barley • Rye • Wheat • Matzo • Couscous • Processed foods • Licorice • Cake Flour • Imitation crab • Beer
Whole day menu • Breakfast – 577 Calories • 1 cup white rice • 1 large egg • 1 raw banana • 1 cup apple juice • Lunch – 779 Calories • 1 cup of cooked white rice • 1 cup of salad, garden, lettuce, tomato no dressing • 1 medium filet baked salmon • 1 cup of apple juice • Dinner– 216 Calories • 1 Bake chicken breast (medium) • 1 cup salad, garden, lettuce, carrot no dressing • 1 medium raw orange
Current restaurant • Bambuza Vietnamese Bistro • Jade Bistro – Teahouse and Patisserie
Youtube video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2mlqkEo46o
REFERENCES • www.glutenfreeliving.com/nutrition/the-basic-diet/ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5KpeRt-LmY • http://tv.greenmedinfo.com/boy-recovers-from-autism-after-going-gluten-free/ • http://www.bistromd.com/gluten-free/the-health-benefits-of-a-gluten-free-diet • http://www.ingredientsnetwork.com/News/Show52Gluten_free_3a_it_27s_about_more_than_gluten_free