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Task-Based Simulations (TBS) in the US CPA exam

The AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) has designed Task-Based Simulations (TBS) to test the processing abilities of candidates by combining many functions, applications, and areas of study.

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Task-Based Simulations (TBS) in the US CPA exam

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  1. CPA USA CMA USA IFRS CIA EA (Enrolled Agent) Student Corner Contact us CPA USA Task-Based Simulations (TBS) in the US CPA exam Type and hit enter...  Recent Posts AUGUST 5, 2020 What Is the De?nition of a Certi?ed Management Accountant (CMA)?  Remote Testing For US CMA Exam MBA Vs CPA? What is wiser to choose? Harder? But Easier – US CPA Exam. Waiting For CPA Exam Score Releases can be Nervy! Categories CIA CMA Tips CMA USA CPA Tips CPA USA EA (Enrolled Agent) IFRS The AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) has designed Task-Based Simulations (TBS) to test the processing abilities of candidates by combining many functions, applications, and areas of study. Don’t assume that the task-based simulations are a dif?cult part of the CPA exam.  Student Corner Want to Know about Courses Let’s know more about CPA task-based simulations. What are Task-Based Simulations in the CPA exam? Name * Simulations are case-based problems that are required to make journal entries, research topics, match de?nitions, and also cite authoritative literature. The problems are given so that you apply the knowledge for real-life scenario simulations instead of simply answering MCQs. Email * Phone Number * AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) has shifted the exam focus more on simulations instead of multiple-choice questions in 2017. It was because the task-based simulation tests the thought process and higher knowledge of the candidates more than MCQs.  Course * CPA I Agree To Privacy Policy * Types of CPA Task-Based Simulations (TBS): REGISTER REGISTER There are four types of TBS:  Privacy Policy Matching • Research • Fill-in-the-Blank •

  2. Journal Entries • Matching Simulation: It’s just like a set of matching topics in a grade school. You may have 5 to 10 transactions or terms which are needed to be matched with relative numbers or de?nitions. It’s isn’t dif?cult. Besides, there are more answers given than the questions, that’s why you have to select something from the list. Research Simulation: It gives you a simulation with the required lookup, which is authoritative literature that applies to the scenario as well. Out of all the different types of SIMS, the research simulation is the easiest one.  One must search the function and read the scenario on the codi?cation in order to get the code section on that particular topic. It is very easy and it just needs practice with a search tool. Hence, you can quickly research exam day topics and can easily enter the code in the text ?eld.  Fill-in-the-Blank: It is probably the most challenging task-based simulation; you don’t have the answer to choose. For instance, you might be given a story problem where you need to compute the answer & ?ll it in the blank. You have to guess the answer if you are unable to calculate it. Journal Entries: The journal entries come in two formats: ?ll-in-the-blank and matching. The blank journal entry is used to ?ll in the amounts of every transaction and ?ll in the accounts. Over the matching journal entries, the ?ll-in-the-blank journal entries are a bit dif?cult.  Conclusion: There are many layouts and variations for every simulation, but they can be ?t into the above four simulations. Hope this article helps you to know the task-based simulations in the US CPA exam. Any Questions? Comment below. Simandhar Education Simandhar is the of?cial partner of Becker and AICPA – The largest Training provider for US CPA, US CMA, IFRS, CIA, and EA courses in India. Learn how to clear your CPA exams with extremely satisfying results by getting proper guidance and knowledge through our online courses and video tutorials taught by industry Experts. We’re here to provide you with all the help that you need in order to ace your CPA, CMA exams. We are just a call away for any assistance. Simandhar Education is the leading training provider for the CPA Exam in India. Contact us@ 91 9390584166. Hurry up !! CPA exam is now in India and Simandhar Education will help you to achieve it.     ContactUs JoinUs Counselling

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