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SIP 2014-15. Planning for success. Identify a team – your EESAC should become a team of problem solvers. Working with your team. Block out enough time for collaboration Choose a comfortable location Have materials available – chart paper, markers, laptop and projector
SIP 2014-15 Planning for success
Identify a team – your EESAC should become a team of problem solvers
Working with your team • Block out enough time for collaboration • Choose a comfortable location • Have materials available – chart paper, markers, laptop and projector • Establish norms and ground rules • Be sure information and data are readily available
What do you believe about your school and/or your students? How do you envision the future?
How will you support the implementation of the Florida Standards? • Does everything you do relate to that purpose?
Multi-tiered System of Supports If Only 40% of your students are Proficient Readers… Instructional Alignment Tier1/Core + Increased Time and Focus 5% Tier 3-Intensive 15% Tier 2-Supplemental You have a System/Core Reading Issue 80% Tier 1-Core
The Four Goals: • Core Instruction • Improve core instruction of the Florida Standards in all content areas • EWS • improve attendance, behavior and achievement of students as indicated by the Early Warning System (EWS) • STEM/CTE • Utilize the resources provided by the district to increase participation and performance in STEM/CTE initiatives • Parent Involvement • Increase parent participation in student learning (Title I PIP for Title I schools)
Goal 1 – Content: • The focus of Goal 1 is to improve core instruction. • How can we make use of the resources we have, in the time we have, to increase student achievement. • What can we do to increase the effectiveness of core instruction? • How do we support teachers in the delivery of effective instruction?
Goal 2 – EWS: • The focus of Goal 2 is on attendance, behavior and students who struggle academically. • What data do we need to collect in order to at-risk students? • What resources do we have in place to decrease at-risk behavior? • What strategies can we use to help at-risk students become successful learners?
Goal 3 – STEM/CTE • The focus of Goal 3 is to help students become more involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math related fieldsand/or to increase the number of students attaining Industry Certification • What data do we need to collect to identify our needs and to show that we are meeting our goal? • What strategies will increase student participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math related activities. • For those schools with CTE programs and schools wishing to develop CTE programs, What data do we need to collect to support our programs? • What strategies will increase the number of students attaining Industry Certification
Goal 4 – Parent Involvement • The focus of Goal 4 is to increase parent support of their child’s achievement • For Title I schools, this is the Title I PIP. • For non-Title I schools, in what ways can we provide support to parents so they can help their children achieve success? • What data do we need to collect to establish our needs and to show that we are meeting our goals?
Florida CIMS: http://www.floridacims.org • Please note that Part I has changes from last year, for example: • EESAC roster must be listed and up to date and all members in place by September 12, 2014 • A description of EESAC school budget and plan development for this year • Account for the use of last years funds • Describe how collaboration happens at your school • A transition plan is needed for all grades –PK – 12.
Dates: • September 12, 2014 - First draft of SIP entered on floridacims.org website • Review of SIPs – dates from Charter School Office • Final draft due – tentative: First week of October