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JUST VOCAB. MAMMALS Chapters 45. amnion. Membrane that surrounds the embryo and the fluid in which it floats ______________________ A structure that is present because it is found in ancestor organisms, but it is functionless and no longer used _______________

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  1. JUST VOCAB MAMMALS Chapters 45

  2. amnion Membrane that surrounds the embryo and the fluid in which it floats ______________________ A structure that is present because it is found in ancestor organisms, but it is functionless and no longer used _______________ (Ex: human appendix is a vestigial cecum) Muscular female reproductive organ where the embryo attaches __________________ and grows vestigial uterus

  3. alveoli Tiny air sac that increases surface area in the lungs ____________________ Mammals that have hooves _______________________ Dividing wall that separates the __________________ ventricle into 2 chambers Mammals that lay eggs _______________________ ungulates septum monotremes

  4. viviparity Type of reproduction in which no shell surrounds the embryo and it grows inside the mother receiving nourishment and oxygen through the placenta ____________________ Large breastbone where the pectoralis muscle attaches ____________________ Mammals that have premature babies Which they carry in a pouch until they mature __________________ Middle section of small intestine ___________________________ sternum marsupials jejunum

  5. thyroid Endocrine gland that regulates heart rate, blood pressure, & metabolism ____________________ Tubules that carry urine from thekidney to the urinary bladder ____________________ Small tubules that carry sperm from __________________ the epididymis to the urethra Tubule that carries urine (and sperm in males) From urinary bladder to the exit ___________________ ureters Vas deferens urethra

  6. vertebrate deuterostome Organism with a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its anus ____________________ Thin membrane in the coelom that____________________ connects and holds the internal organs together Order of mammals that _____________________includes rats, mice, chipmunks, gophers, & squirrels mesentery Rodentia

  7. molars Large flat teeth that grind _______________________and crush food This energy molecule is stored in the liver ________________________ This substance is made by the pancreas and causes cells to release glucose into the bloodstream. __________________ (Be careful! It sounds like the answer above.Don’t get these 2 confused!) glycogen glucagon

  8. integument Outside body covering in an animal __________________ This kind of body organ works automaticallywithout thinking about it ______________ and is controlled by the medulla oblongata autonomic

  9. rumen The first part of a four chamber _________________stomach found in some mammals that contains bacteria to breakdown plants Small finger-like extensions lining the small intestine to increase ____________________ Surface area for more nutrient absorption Small air sacs inside the lungs that__________________ Increase surface area for more gas exchange Thin plates of fingernail like material that form a screen in the mouths of some whales ______________________ villi alveoli baleen

  10. aorta Vena cava Largest artery _____________________ largest vein ____________________ Pointed teeth that puncturetear, and grip food __________________ These small thin walled blood vessels connect arteries and veins and are the place where gases, wastes, & nutrients are exchanged __________________ canines capillaries

  11. Internal fertilization Joining of an egg & sperm insidethe female’s body ____________________ Kind of development in whichoffspring are born/hatch lookinglike their parents only smaller ____________________ Kind of circulatory system in whichblood is contained inside vessels __________________ Organism that has a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, a post anal tail, and a dorsal nerve cord ______________________________ Direct development closed Chordate

  12. osmoregulation Maintaining the correct balance of water and ____________________ ions in the body Covering made of bone that ____________________ protects the brain; also called skull Nerve cord surrounded by bone or cartilage; also called a Spinal cord _____________________ cranium Vertebral column

  13. Typanic membrane vibrissae Eardrum ____________________ Whiskers _____________________ Part of the small intestine closest to the cecum _____________________ A protein found in human hair ________________ & fingernails as well asthe scaly skin of reptiles and bird feathers ileum keratin

  14. trachea Ringed tube that carries air from Glottis to bronchi ____________________ Smaller ringed tubes that carry air from trachea into lungs____________________ Largest vein returning bloodto heart __________________ Largest artery leaving heart ________________________ Organ that absorbs water andconcentrates digestive waste ____________________ bronchi Vena cava Aorta Large intestine

  15. gullet duodenum Opening at back of throat for food to enter esophagus ____________________ Part of the small intestine ____________________ closest to the stomach Bile storage organ __________________missing in rats Process used by bats which bounces high frequency sound waves off objects to determine their location, distance, and size ______________________________ Gall bladder echolocation

  16. arteries Medulla oblongata Blood vessels that carry blood ______________________ away from the heart Part of the brain that controls autonomic internal organs _________________ Chisel-like front teeth that cut food _________________ Part of the brain that controls balance and muscle coordination __________________ incisors cerebellum

  17. nares Seminal vesicles Scientific name for “nostrils” ____________________ Male reproductive structure____________________that adds fluid to and stores sperm Circulation that carries blood from heart to lungs and back to heart__________________ Urine storage organ _________________________ Circulation that carries blood from heart to body organs and back to heart ____________________ pulmonary Urinary bladder systemic

  18. veins Urogenital opening Blood vessels that carry blood back _________________ to the heart Exit opening shared by excretoryand reproductive systems _________________ Part of the brain that integrates info from the other brain parts and where higher brain functions like memory, learning, reasoning, and problem solving occur _____________________ Modified skin glands that produce Milk for young __________________________ cerebrum Mammary glands

  19. thyroid Gland that controls heart rate, Blood pressure, and metabolism __________________ Finger-like extensions INSIDE the small intestine to increase absorption ____________________ Body temperature that is dependent on their environment __________________ “cold-blooded” Organ that makes, stores, and recycles red blood cells ______________________ villi ectothermic spleen

  20. ovary testes Organ that makes eggs ____________________ Organ that makes sperm ____________________ Place where tails are added tosperm __________________ Opening at back of mouth to the lungs ____________________ epididymis glottis

  21. Order of mammals with a larger brain, fingernails instead of claws, forward facing eyes for binocular vision, and grasping hands which includes: humans, apes, monkeys, baboons, and similar animals ____________________ Aquatic carnivorous mammals with streamlined bodies and flipper-like limbssuch as seals, sealions, & walruses ____________________ Teeth that shear, shred, cut, & grind __________________ primates pinnipeds premolars

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