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Chemicals in Medicine: Balancing Risks and Benefits in Healthcare

Explore the controversial use of chemicals in medicine, weighing the advantages and drawbacks. Back your stance with evidence, acknowledging opposing views and citing real-life examples for clarity.

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Chemicals in Medicine: Balancing Risks and Benefits in Healthcare

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  2. Toxicology Writing AssignmentAfter analyzing various texts regarding the USE of CHEMICALS in MEDICINE, FOOD PRESERVATION, CROPS & SANITATION, please write an ESSAY that argues YOUR position on RISKS VS BENEFITS of using chemicals in one of theses areas.Please SUPPORT YOUR POSITION with evidence from the text. Be sure to acknowledge COMPETING VIEWS and GIVE EXAMPLES from past and current events to clarify your position.

  3. Community House Middle School – Argumentative Essay Rubric (p 14 )

  4. BRAINSTORM….In groups of 4All Write: The Effects of Chemicals in notebook (p 15)Individually: LIST the first 3 things that come to mind when you wrote thisGroup Share: Each person in the grp shares what he/she said. If the response is different than your own, please add it to your list in your notebookIndividually: Please place a YELLOWaround the POSITIVE effects; place a REDaround the NEGATIVE EFFECTS

  5. Individual Assignments within GroupAccording to your assignment, you will read & research information regarding the use of chemicals in your areaCard A: MedicineCard B: Food PreservationCard C: CropsCard D: Sanitation

  6. Topic of Your Assignment(Write out a chart that looks like this on p. 16 of your notebook) RISKS • …….. • …….. • …….. • etc BENEFITS • …….. • …….. • ………. • etc

  7. Using the EOG Booklet…1st text referenceChapter 16: Chemicals and Human Health….please do the following1) Everyone: please READ p 131 silently 2) Using pgs 132 – 135, please find YOURassignment area3) Please read YOUR SECTION and in your notebook, please write down the risks & benefits within your topic on your RISKS vs BENEFITS chart4) Using your 2nd text reference, HARMFUL CHEMICALS handout, please read YOUR section and add information to your chart

  8. As a group….1) On chart paper create 4 CATEGORIES: Medicine, Food Preservation, Crops, Sanitation2) Make a RISKS vs BENEFITSchart under each category3) Write information for each category in the appropriate areas on your group chart4) One person from group, please place completed chart on wall area

  9. Gallery Walk….1) Individually, walk around the class with your stickynotes and write down any ?s/comments you have for the different categories or add information from your research to the categories on the other charts 2) Return to group, anddiscuss your discoveries from your walk3) As a group, using the information you have gathered, please decide on a CONCLUSIVE STATEMENT and write it in your notebooks under your RISKS vs BENEFITS CHART…..CONCLUSION: What is the common thread of the effects of chemicals?

  10. HOMEWORK (MUST have with you by NEXT class period so that you can work on your essay. 45% grade!!)Please do the following…..1) Research YOUR CATEGORY (Medicine, Food Preservation, Crops, Sanitation)2) Find at least 3 more sources of information3) Add information to your RISKS vs BENEFITS chart from class.4) Bring all info to class & be prepared to write rough draft of argumentative essay!

  11. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY ( 1 -2 pgs)Please refer to your rubricto ensure all components of essay are included!1) Thesis Statement (CLEARLY stated!!)2) Within argumentative piece….a) State YOUR position (directly supporting your thesis)b) Support your opinion with FACTS from the articles c) Provide counter argument– refutation must clearly acknowledge the opposing viewpoint d) Conclusion ~ MUST revisit the thesisDO A FABO JOB Lil Darlings!! 

  12. WARM – UPOR…..EXIT TICKETPLEASE go to Chapter 16 Review p. 136 in EOG Booklet & answer Qs 1-6 on page 17 in your notebook. 

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