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Lehman Dry Run: Overview of X-Ray Transport, Optics, and Diagnostics

Detailed overview of XTOD transport system, optics, and diagnostics for FY05 work plan. Highlighting staff, instruments, risk management, and experimental goals.

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Lehman Dry Run: Overview of X-Ray Transport, Optics, and Diagnostics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. X Ray Transport, Optics, and Diagnostics, Overview Lehman Dry Run April 4-6, 2005

  2. Outline • XTOD Scope & Organization • XTOD Status and Technical Highlights • XTOD FY05 Work plan

  3. XTOD Transports Photons from e- Dump to FEH Electron Dump Near Experimental Hall Linac Far Experimental Hall Undulator Hall Electron Transport Front End Enclosure X-Ray Tunnel

  4. 1.5 Scope: Front End Enclosure/ Near Experimental Hall NEH PPS PPS Muon shield Flipper Mirror Front End Enclosure PPS Comissioning: Spectrometers, Total Energy Solid Attenuator Slit A NFOV Direct Imager Indirect Imager Slit B Photon Beam WFOV Direct Imager Gas Attenuator Muon shield Fast close valve Other: Direct Imager Fixed masks Electron Beam Electron Dump

  5. FEH 1.5 Scope: NEH, Tunnel, FEH Pulse Split and Delay X-Ray Beam Transport Tunnel System Monochrometer Far Hall Direct Imager and Tank NEH Flipper Mirror

  6. XTOD Staff-up complete for FY05 R. Bionta LLNL LCLS Project Leader D. McMahon XTOD Project Engineer J. McNamara Admin. Rodney Victorine Resource Manager Jolyn Scholes Resource Analyst M. Eberstein G. Otani Procurement R. Beale Hazards Control EE E. Ables ME P. Duffy M. Mckernan S. Shen J. Trent Comp K. Fong S. Lewis L. Ott Physics S. Friedrich S. Hau-Reige M. Pivovaroff D. Ryutov DNT R. London UC Davis H. Baldis Remainder of FY05 P3 labor "loosly" matrixed, i.e L. Li - thermal analysis, Bajt, multilayers, shops, finance…

  7. Risk registry documents risks • Attenuator Performance • Cross check with total E and Indirect Imager • Backgrounds and access • Initially locate sensitive cameras, spectrometers, .. In NEH H1 • Limiting Apertures • Locate a WFOV DI in FEE. Allow 10 cm beam in FEE. • Beam parameters and high flux physics uncertainties • Add redundancy and flexibility. Have codes ready. Measure simple things first ie spontaneous levels • Design Immaturity • Design Front-end first • Late changes • Stick to P3

  8. Lehman XTOD Recommendations (2004) • Undertake a set of experiments to test the simulation codes against experimental data. This reviewer speculates that opportunities for experiments may exist at the DESY FEL , the Z-pinch Source, and the National Short Pulse Laser Facility. Tests of the codes at wavelengths longer than 1.5 nm should still be useful since it appears likely that the physical processes that should be simulated will still be important. These experiments should be done before the procurement of the major optics like the flipper mirror. A suggested schedule is to make the plans in calendar year 2004 and conduct experiments in 2005

  9. Beam simulations available to aid design 3 cm dia. Al Collimators 5 cm dia. Ta Collimators 5 cm dia. Al Collimators High Energy Pick Off Mirror Monte-Carlo simulation

  10. Wide Field of View Direct Imager Conceptual Design Photoelectrons Optic Camera Scintillators

  11. Indirect Imager Simulation Begun 1 m Spontaneous + e FEL 2.90068 degrees 101 mm Be/SiC 300 layer pairs 60 Angstrom period Gamma = 0.2 On 0.5 mm thick Si 10 cm diameter ~5% efficient @ 8keV 0.1% FEL with E>2 keV

  12. 100 W R T Total Energy Calorimeter Concept Energy Absorbed in 500um Silicon (0.01% FEL+Spontaneous) Cooler CMR Sensor Xray Beam Sapphire heat sink Si or Be 1x1x.5 mm SINDA T vs. t Direction of heat flow CMR W vs T Electrothermal Feedback: Apply constant V Measure I Calculate P Cool Down Time is about 0.6 ms

  13. TTF Damage experiment set to test models at 40 eV in Oct. 2005 Sample cassette

  14. XTOD Major Instrumentation Status

  15. FY05 Tasking and Personnel Assignments

  16. FY05 Goals • Mechanical and Vacuum • Cost estimate and Engineering Plan through NEH • IWS's, ICD's, and ERD's • Detailed plans / parts for prototype: • Gas Attenuator, Control system tests, concepts for monitoring beam and attenuation • Total Energy, 1 pixel • Direct Imager, for 826 eV tests at SSRL • Monte-Carlo simulations of FEE instruments and alignment • Document in ERDs • Apertures, Expected light levels, Reflectivity, …

  17. FY05 Goals (cont.) • Conceptual designs and sample optics for • Indirect Imager • Spectrometer • Controls • Cost estimate and Engineering Plan • Prototype Controls • Gas Attenuator • Direct Imager • TTF Damage Experiment • Samples Fabricated and Documented

  18. XTOD Overview Summary • FY05 staffing plan implemented • FY05 work plan begun • Near term emphasis on Commissioning and FEE

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