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MONITORING OF TECHNICAL STATE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EVALUATION OF ITS LIFESPAN MONIT. Warsaw, April 2009. Operational Programme Innovative Economy Priority axis 1: Research and development of modern technologies Action 1.1:
Operational Programme Innovative Economy Priority axis 1: Research and development of modern technologies Action 1.1: Scientific research support for knowledge - based economy building Warsaw, April 2009
Strategic aim of the project To improve competitivness of thePolish economythrough increasement in its innovative character and enhancement of modern technologies’ transfer in respect of practical application of modern systems ofmonitoring of technical state of construction and evaluation of its lifespan. In addition, the other aim of the Project is to introduce research results into the economy and to elaborate new unique techniques of SHM (Structural Heath Monitoring). Warsaw, April 2009
Scientific and research aim of the project • To develop technologies and systems of monitoring technical state of construction • To elaborate methods of safety improvement and prolongation of constructions’ lifespan used in various economy branches (transport, power, building and chemical industries) • To build monitoring systems of constructions’ state in order to alert in case of emergency in constructions where low risk level is required. Warsaw, April 2009
Partners – Contractors • Warsaw University of Technology • - APPLICANT • ♦ Faculty of Civil Engineering • ♦ Faculty of Mechatronics • ♦ Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering • ♦ Faculty of Transport • AGH University of Science and Technology • The Szewalski Institute of Fluid – Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences Gdansk • Institute of Fundamental Technological Research • Polish Academy of Sciences • Implementation period : 2008 - 2012 Warsaw, April 2009
The team of the Warsaw University of Technology • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Transport • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics, The Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics • 2. The team of the AGH University of Science and Technology • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Robotics and Mechatronics • 3. The team of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences • Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Department of Intelligent Technologies • 4. The team of the Szewalski Institute of Fluid – Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences Gdansk • The Szewalski Institute of Fluid – Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, April 2009
Tasks submitted for realization • Warsaw University of Technology , Faculty of Transport: • monitoring system of the state of rail vehicle- railway track elements. • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Automotive and Construction • Machinery Engineering: • monitoring system of construction based on comparative methods of dynamic, extensometric, magnetic and fiber-opticreseach • Warsaw University of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering: • monitoring system of large- size building construction ( industrial, commercial or fair halls, viaducts, bridges, stadiums etc.) • Warsaw University of Technology , Faculty of Mechatronics: • measurement and monitoring system of vibration, shape, deformation, dislocation areas and distortion of elements of building structure and devices through coherent and incoherent optical methods • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Robotics and Mechatronics– AGH University of Science and Technology: • monitoring system of critical construction based onvideo methods of measurements and modal filter • Department of Intelligent Technologies, Institute of FundamentalTechnologicalResearchPolishAcademyodf Sciences: • building of a new SHM system for monitoringtechnical condition of TRANS – MONITtransport infrastructure • Team of TheSzewalskiInstitute of Fluid – FlowMachineryPolishAcademyodf Sciences • monitoring system of metal and composite constructions Warsaw, April 2009
Systems’ projects submitted for realization • Monitoring system of the state of rail vehicle- railway track elements. The system’saim is to monitor condition of rail • vehicle and railway track. • 2. Dispersed monitoring system of large-size construction. The system’saim is to monitor large-size and span constructions. • Monitoring system of buildings and engineering constructions of bridges and roads. The system’saim is to monitor • technical condition of objects within road and bridge infrastructure. The monitoring includes short, large-surface and • tall, diverse-shaped buildings, built in existing urban developments. • Monitoring and measurement system using incoherent optical methods. The system’saim is to monitor a wide • range of building objects (buildings, bridges, dams, halls etc.). The system also includes devices, its elements and materials. • Monitoring and measurement system usingselected coherent optical methods. The application of this system is • similar to the application of the incoherent system. • Monitoring system ofthe state of engineering constructionsbased on video measurements.The system’s elaboration will enable non- contact measurements of constructions’ geometry, especially observation of changes in constructions’ • distortion duringexploitation. • 7. Monitoring system of construction with the use of vibro – thermography. The system’s elaboration will enable continuous and periodical monitoring of constructions’ condition based on vibro – thermographic measurements. • Monitoring system of construction, with the use of modal filter. The system’s elaboration will serve as software system compatible with any measurement set. • 9. Monitoring system of diagnosing of wind power plants’ rotor based on an active method of condition diagnosing through provoking high frequency vibration effect. The Lamb wave system’s elaboration will enable diagnosing • damages of power industry devices and renewable power engineering (wind power plant). • Monitoring system for construction with the use of impedance measurement. The system will be used to evaluate • construction joints as well as cracking of critical elements. • 11. Dynamic Railway Scale (DKW). The system will enable weight and speed measurements for railway vehicles at full speed. • 12. Dynamic Road Scale (DWD). The system will enable axle load and speed measurements for road vehicles at full speed • 13. TRANS – MONIT system will enable monitoring of technical condition of road and rail truss steel bridges. • 14. ELGRID system will enable monitoring of cracking development in concrete structural elements. • Damage identification system based on piezoelectric transducers. The system’saim is to monitor technical condition and damages of air construction elements and devices, renewable power engineering devices (eg. Rotor blades), • building constructions (eg. halls, bridges), road transport means, elements (constructions) based on composite • structures, etc. • Risk identification system based on signal measurements from FBG sensors transmitted through optical fibre. The • application of this system is similar to the application of the system based on piezoelectric transducers. Warsaw, April 2009
Unified implementation procedure 1. Method elaboration ( theoretical basis, literature research, elaboration ofapplicability assumptions, sensitivity analysis of the method) 2. Simulation testing of the method (building of the object model, damages modelling, measurement system modelling, numerical simulation of the method) 3. Elaboration of assumption for construction of monitoring system and evaluation of construction condition ( elaboration of measurement system’sproject - sensors, systems of signals’collecting, converting and managing, elaboration of ‘evaluation state’ algorithm, elaboration of principles and procedures for calibration) 4. Making a prototype of monitoring and state evaluation system ( concerning software and equipment) 5. Testing of system prototype at laboratory scale (system testing on objects of known properties, verification and revision of the system) 6. Testing of system prototype at industrial scale on real objects (system installation on a real object and supervised exploitation) 7. Promotion of elaborated monitoring system and evaluation of construction condition ( publications, participations in fairs and presentations) Warsaw, April 2009
COORDIANTION BOARD ChairmanContractorsRepresentatives The Project Office Coordinator Financial Service for the Project Contractors, Administrative and Financial Service Organizational Structure of the Project Warsaw, April 2009
CoordinationBoard of the Project Chairman: Prof. PhDEng. Andrzej Chudzikiewicz Members:Prof. PhDEng.Tadeusz Uhl – The SubstanceCoordinator Prof. PhDEng.Wiesław Ostachowicz Prof. PhDEng.Jan Holnicki Prof. PhDEng. Małgorzata Kujawińska Prof. PhDEng. Stanisław Radkowski Prof. PhDEng. Marian Giżejowski Technical and Legal Coordinator FinancesCoordinator Warsaw, April 2009
Thank you very much for your attention Warsaw, April 2009 Contact :
Recipients of the project results PKP Group (PKP - Polish State Railways)■ passenger transport■ PKP Intercity, PKP Regional Services, PKP SKM (SKM- Rapid Urban Rail)■ freight transport ■ PKP Cargo, PKP LHS (LHS- Broad – Gauge Metallurgical Line), …………..■ rail infrastructure ■ PKP PLK (PLK – Polish Railway Lines), PKP Power Engineering, PKP Railway Telecommunication, PKP Information Technology, ■ other companiesRail vehicles manufacturersInfrastructure users and operators Warsaw, April 2009
Structure of the System • OBJECT • Vehicle • Railway track • Engineering object • SENSORS SET • Accelerometer • Extensiometer CONVERTER A/D MICROPROCESSOR Warsaw, April 2009 GPS MODULE SERVER SOFTWARE Database • RECIPIENTS • Operators • Infrastructure administrators • Manufacturers • Others