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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders. Abnormal Psychology. Anorexia Nervosa Sxs. Refusal to maintain normal weight (wt) Disturbed perception of wt Fear of gaining wt _______________ = absence of menstrual cycle at least 3 Medical complications Control. Subtypes.

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Eating Disorders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eating Disorders Abnormal Psychology

  2. Anorexia Nervosa Sxs • Refusal to maintain normal weight (wt) • Disturbed perception of wt • Fear of gaining wt • _______________ = absence of menstrual cycle • at least 3 • Medical complications • Control

  3. Subtypes • _____________ Type- wt loss through dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise • Binge-Eating/Purging Type- regularly binges, purges, or both

  4. Comorbidity: • ________ • Depression • Bulimia • Course: late adolescence/early adulthood • Age/Gender, Culture

  5. Bulimia Nervosa • Repeated binge eating • Followed by inappropriate compensatory beh. • Excessive focus on ________________ • Prevalence: 1-3%

  6. Subtypes • Purging Type- regularly self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas • ______________ Type- also compensatory beh.s, but fasting or excessive exercise

  7. Comorbidity: • Anorexia • Depression • Course (same as anorexia) • Gender/age/culture (same)

  8. Eating Disorder NOS • Binge-eating disorder • Repeated chewing and ______________ • All criteria for Anorexia except low weight • Compensatory behavior after a normal amt of food (no binging)

  9. Anorexia vs. Bulimia Similarities: • struggle for control • course • culture • age • comorbidity Difference: Bulimia responds _________ to tx

  10. Causes 1. Social factors • Gender role/culture • ___________ • Child abuse, adolescence • Biological factors

  11. 3. Psychological factors • Control, perfectionism, introceptive awareness • Low self-esteem, depression, dysphoria • Negative body image • _____________________

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